Stellar Structure and Evolution

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Structure and
Jehu H. Pablo
Star Formation

Nuclear Fusion: Energy

Source of the Sun
Stellar Structure and its
Four Law

Stellar Evolution
What is
is aa star?

“ A star is an astronomical object consisting of a

luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own
gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many
other stars are visible to the naked eye at night, but
due to their immense distance from Earth they appear
as fixed points of light in the sky.
“ Star Formation
Part 1
Star Formation

“ It the formation of a star all start in a very large
interstellar cloud known as nebula. it might
contain thousands of times the sun’s mass.
where it’s mass is dominately in the form of
cold atomic aand molecular gas with some dots
How star
star is
is Formed

“ Overtime the attractive force of gravity pulls
the dust together. the collapsing clouds that
will break up into tens,hundred , or thousand
of fragments

How star
star is
is Formed

“ After Several tens or thousand of years, the
collapsing cloud fragment has now shrunk to a
region the size of a our solar systems. where a
protostar at the center of the fragment

How star
star is
is Formed

“ once the protostar have a pressure and
temperature high enough to perform nuclear
fusion on its core, then it is now its officially a

Part 2
what define a star is when it have a nuclear
fusion occuring in its core.

• stars is so hot inside that atoms all ionized - free

electrons protons and other nuclei

• Nuclei can overcome electrical repulsion because they

are moving very fast due to high temperature in the

• when nuclei come in contact they lock together (fuse)

due to strong nuclear force which act only over short

• Heavier nuclei are built , but they have less mass than
their initial building blocks
Where does it’ energy coming from?
• For example in stars like the sun, four protons( hydrogen
nuclei) slams together to produce helium nucleus ( 2
protons, 2 neutrons ) plus the gamma rays of energy

41H > 4He + Energy

• It turns out that mass of the produced He is slightly

less ( 0.07% ) mass than the original four protons

• what happens is the missing mass is converted directy

into ENERGY!

• Einstein equation for equivalence of mass and energy.

(E= mc2 )
What Does it mean?

• mass & energy are two forms of the

same things

• matter can be thought as a locked up


• a little mass can yield a LOT of energy

Two common type of Nuclear Fusion
Their are couple different types of nuclear fusion that occur inside the stars where the dominant
type of nuclear fusion in a star depends on its core temeperature which in turns depends star mass

for a main sequence star less than 1.1 M☉ the dominant or main type of nuclear fusion occur is
known as Proton-proton chain.
Two common type of Nuclear Fusion
meanwhile, for a main sequence star that has greater then 1.1 M☉ the dominant or main type of
nuclear fusion occur is known as Carbon - nitrogen - oxygen cycle .
Nuclear Fusion
• Both the aforementioned types of nuclear
fusion occurs to the core of a main sequence
star .

• elements heavier than hydrogen need higher

temperature of fusion because the repulsion is
stronger . however this does not happen during
star’s main sequence stage

100 M Kelvin 600 M Kelvin

• In very Massive dying stars, temperature and

pressure may get high for even heavier
elements to fuse
Part 3
Why does Star Exist?
• Star is a sort of in a kind of a pause
between two collapses

• This energy from fusion pours out from

the core, setting up an outward pressure
in the gas around hold itself upagainst
the collapse caused by gravity

• Consider a star as a balloon

• Star is very stable for long time as has

their own way in regulating their own
reaction which is often refer as pressure
temperature thermostat.
Describing Star’s Interior structure
To Descibe a star’s interior structure
it is usefull to devide the star into
concentric shells or layer

the star innermost layer is known as

H > He
the core where nuclear fusion take
place, meanwhile all layer above the
core is simple known as stellar
Pressure Temperature Thermostat
A star naturally regulates its ow nuclear reaction

that pressure and temperature goes hand in hand when pressure goes up the

If reaction goes too fast, the T increase which increase

P. This result in the star expanding and cooling which
cause the reaction to slow down.

If reaction goes too slow, the T decrease which H > He

decrease P. This result in the star contracting and
heating which cause the reaction to speed up.
Four Law
Law of
of Stellar
Stellar Structure
The Internal Structure of star is quite simple and can be described by four
Physical Laws

01 02 03 04
Continuity Continuity Hydrostatic Energy
of mass of Energy Equilibrium Transport
Four Laws of Stellar structure
Continuity of Mass - Mass of a
star is equal to the sum of the
mass of its layer or shells

Continuity of energy - The energy H > He

flowing out of a layer equals the

energy flowing into it from below
plus any energy produced within
the layer
Four Laws of Stellar structure
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
the pressure at any point inside the
star is equal to the weight of the
material on top of it

Pressure increase inward in the star

Since T ∝ P, Temperature also

increase inward to the core
Four Laws of Stellar structure
Overall, ,doubling the mass of a main sequence star produces an
increase in luminosity by a factor 2 3.5 = 11 times Or L= M ☉ 3.5

Example #1
what is the luminosity of a sun like star that is one third mass of
the sun? L = M ☉ 3.5
This star luminosity only
L =(1/3 M ☉)3.5 have 0.0121 compare to
suns luminosity
L = 0.0121
Four Laws of Stellar structure
Example #2
what is the luminosity of a sun like star that has two times the sun
L = M ☉ 3.5
This star have
luminosity that is 11. 23
L =(2 M ☉)3.5
time the sun luminosity
L = 11.31
Four Laws of Stellar structure
Energy transport - energy flow from hot
to cooler regions in a star (i.e Core to

this is why star shine! energy produced in the

core travel to cooler surface where it escape into
cold interstellar space

in a normal star , a mix of Radiation & Convection

transports energy from the core to the surface.

Conduction is inefficient as the density is too low.

“ Stellar Evolution
part 4
Stellar Evolution
Stellar evolution is simple how the single star goes to
its life span.

• A star spend most of its life as a main sequence

star, burning hydrogen into helium in its core
• But eventually the hydrogen they use in nuclear
fusion is going to run out
• to estimate how long that’s going to be stars main
sequence lifetime depends on two thing the
amount of fuel or simply the mas of the core of the
star which is propotional to the total mass and the
rate of consumption or the luminosity of the star.
Calculating a star’s main Sequence lifetime

As we know that luminosity is equal to the mass of the star to the power of 3.5
(L = M3.5) we can simplify this equation by

in order to find the estimate years of main sequence life span of a star
Calculating a star’s main Sequence lifetime
Example #1
what is the estimated main sequence life (in years) of a unknown
star that is one fourth the sun mass?

Calculating a star’s main Sequence lifetime
Example #2
what is the estimated main sequence life (in years) of a unknown
star that is five times the sun mass?
by observing the
equation as well as the
  sample problems we
can conclude that the
more mass a star have,
  the shorter its main
Years sequence life
The Giant or Supergiant Stage
• Most stars with M > 0.4 solar mass , go through a
giant or supergiant stage when they exhaust fuel in
the core

• helium waste build up in the core and hydrogen

fusion slow to a halt H
H He
> He
• Star’s core contract due to gravity

• Hydrogen fusion occurs in the shell or layer

surrounding the core, heating up the star’s

• A star’s envelope expands & become a giant or

Star death
Very Low Mass star ( 0.1 -0.4 M)
• Low mass stars are convective
throughout material in core circulated
throughout star
H > He
• Helium build up is not limited to the
core, the whole star run out of fuel

• the whole star contacts as energy

output become inaedquate to support
the star
Star death
Very Low Mass star ( 0.1 -0.4 M)
• Matters in the star is compressed to
enormous densities

• When the matter inside that star is

compressed to an extremely high
density the overcrowded electrons
create a pressure to counteract gravity.
This is called degenerate electron
pressure and the starr is then turned
into white dwarf
White dwarf
• White dwarf are the end states of both low
mass and medium mass stars ( all stars with
mass in the range of 0.1 - 8 M will end up as a
White dwarf).

• it has a very high density of 3x106 g/cm3 . in

comparison if you put a one teaspoon of a
white dwarf will weigh 15 addition,

• white dwarf does not produce nuclear

energy but they shine due stored up heat
from is former star-hood and gravitational
Star death
Medium Mass Star ( 0.4 -- 8 M)
• The giant star burn and fused Helium in
its core while hydrogen is fused into
helium in the surrounding shell H > He

• As carbon buildup in core. The core

contracts, heat up surrounding shell of He > C
helium . and helium fusion may occur
in the shells. Meanwhile the size of the H > He
star will also bloat turning into red
Star death
Medium Mass Star ( 0.4 -- 8 M)
• As the core get never hot enough for carbon
to fused. The core collapse to a white dwarf.

• meanwhile, the red giants star’s cool outer

enveloped is slowly blown away by radiation
pressure ina massive stellar wind . eventually
the envelope thins out exposing the hot
carbon core. The surrounding gas is ionized by
radiation from the core. This glowing shell is
called a planetary nebula
` death
Massive Mass (> 8 M)
• High mass stars start their decline through all the same
giants stages as a medium mass star. But , the
contracting carbon core does get hot enough for
carbon fusion to occur.

• The star then has has a carbon fusion core surrounded

by concentric shells of helium fusion and hydrogen
fusion. Later on, if it is high mass enough can fuse
heavier elements in their core

• Iron has the most tightly bound nucleus. When

elements heavier than iron fuse they absorb energy
Star death
Massive Mass (> 8 M)
• Collapsing iron core tries to fuse iron anyway.
The Iron fusion sucks up energy and speeds
up the collapse…it becomes a catastrophic

• Rebound of material causes a shock wave

which blows up the envelop of the star

• Causing Supernova
Star death
Massive Mass (> 8 M)
the fate of the core that remains after the
supernova will depends upon its mass

• - if the core mass is less than 1.4 M ( called

the “Chandrasekhar Limit” ), the star will not
initialy go to supernova … and the core will
end up as a white dwarf

• - however if the core is heavier than 1.4 M to

possible outcomes can occur : a neutron star
or a black hole.
Star death
Neutron stars ( Core mass 1.4 -3 M)
• If the remaining core is greater than 1.4 M
degenerate electrons presssure cant support
the core.

• Which indeed it crashes through the white

dwarf. As electrons is forced into the protons it
is form neutron.

• .the entire core turns into neutrons.

Star death
Neutron stars ( Core mass 1.4 -3 M)
• Because of the conservation of angular momentum, a
neutron stars should spin very rapidly.

• The reason why this is important is because in 1967

radio astronomers found and object that they
eventually called pulsar

• this object seem to have radial pulses that blinked on

and off with very very rapid periods some. and it is
known to be a neutron stars that is rotating very fast
due to it being so compact without tearing themselves
Star death
Black Hole ( Core mass > 3 M)
• If the remaining core is greater than 3 M,no known
force in nature can stop the gravity.

• This ultimate collapse is a called a black hole. This occur

as the core crashes through both degenerate electron
barrier and then degenerate neutron barrier.

• When a black hole forms the decreasing radius causes

the escape velocity to increase until it approaches the
speed of light. And the mass of the core collapse to a
single point known as singularity while the region
around the singularity is called a black hole

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