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Ecological Theory
Urie Bronfenbrenner (April 29,
1917 – September 25, 2005) was a
Russian-born American
psychologist who is most known
for his ecological systems theory.
Bioecological System Theory presents child
development within the context of relationship
systems that comprise the child’s environment. It
describes multipart layers of environment that has
an effect on the development of the child.
The Microsystems
It is the layer nearest the child. It comprises structure which the
child directly interacts with. It includes structures such as one’s family,
school and neighborhood. It covers the most basic relationships and
interactions that a child has in his/her immediate environment.

In this layer, relationship effects happen in two directions:

• away from the child
• toward the child
The Mesosystem
This layer serve as the connection between the
structures of the child’s microsystem. The mesosystem will
include the link or interaction between the parents and
teachers, or the parents and health services or the
community and the church.
The Exosystem
This layer refers to the bigger social system in which the child
does not fuction directly. This includes city government, the work
place, and the mass media. The structure in this layer may influence
the child’s development by somehow affecting some structure in the
child’s microsystem.
The Macrosystem
Is a large cultural and social structural elements of the
environment that shape human development. This layer is found in
the outermost part in the child’s environment. The macrosystem
includes the cultural values, customs, and laws.
The Chronosystem
It covers the element of time as it relates to a child’s
environments. This involves “pattern of stability and change” in the
child’s life. This invloves whether the child’s day is characterized by
an orderly predictable pattern, or whether the child is subjected to
sudden changes in routine.
The role of School and teachers
Bronfenbrenner co-founded the Head Start, the publicly-funded
early childhood program in the US.

“The instability and unpredictability of family life is the most

destructive force to a child’s development”

Researches tell us that absence or lack of children’s constant

mutual interaction with important adults has negative effects on their

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