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Concept of Symmetry in Crystals


S. K. Bhowmik
Indian Institute of Technology
2-D Symmetry
Combinations of symmetry elements are also possible

To create a complete analysis of symmetry about a point in space, we

must try all possible combinations of these symmetry elements

In the interest of clarity and ease of illustration, we begin with 2-D


Type 1 Combination: Axis of rotation + Parallel mirror planes

Type 1 Combination
2 fold axis (vertical)+Parallel m

2+m=m; m+m=2
Type 1 Combination
3 fold axis (vertical)+Parallel m

3+m=m + m; m+m+m=3 3mmm = 3m

Type 1 Combination
4 fold axis (vertical)+Parallel m

4+m(2)=m(2); m(2)+m(2)=4 4mm

Type 1 Combination
6 fold axis (vertical)+Parallel m

6+m(3)=m(3); m(3)+m(3)=6 6mm

Type 2 Combination: Roto-inversion
Bar 2

h unit above the plane of drawing

h unit below the plane of drawing
Type 2 Combination: Roto-inversion
Bar 3

3 = 3+i
Type 2 Combination: Roto-inversion
Bar 4

4 = A2
Type 2 Combination: Roto-inversion
Bar 6

6 = 3/m
Type 3 Combination: Rotation axes
Restriction: [1<(1/X + 1/Y +1/Z) <3]

Compatibility Trios of Symmetry Axes and Their

Interaxial Angles
2 2 2 90o 90o 90o
3 2 2 90o 90o 60o
4 2 2 90o 90o 45o
6 2 2 90o 90o 30o
4 3 2 54o44’ 45o 35o16’
2 3 3 54o44’ 54o44’ 70o32’
Type 3 Combination: Rotation axes
2-fold axis+2-fold axis

Type 3 Combination: Rotation axes
3-fold axis(vertical)+2-fold axis(horizontal)

3222 = 32
Type 3 Combination: Rotation axes
4-fold axis(vertical)+2-fold axis(horizontal)

42222 = 422
Type 3 Combination: Rotation axes
6-fold axis(vertical)+2-fold axis(horizontal)

6222222 = 622
Type 3 Combination: Rotation axes
4-fold axis(3)+3-fold axis (4)+2-fold axis (6)
4-fold axes (Square Symbol):
Normal to crystal face: 3 Nos
(1 vertical; 2 horizontal)
4^4: 90o

3-fold axes (Red Triangle):

Body Diagonal: 4 Nos (All
4^3: 54o44’, 4^2: 45o
Source: Fig. 10.12 from Mineralogy by Dexter
Perkins, University of North Dakota axes (Green Symbol):
— 2020
Edge Diagonal: 6 Nos (4
morphology-and-symmetry/ inclined; 2 horizontal)
2^3: 35o16’
Type 3 Combination: Rotation axes
4-fold axis(3)+3-fold axis (4)+2-fold axis (6)

Type 3 Combination: Rotation axes
2-fold axis(3)+3-fold axis (4)

2-fold axes (Red symbols): Normal to crystal face: 3 Nos (1

vertical; 2 horizontal); 2^2: 90o
3-fold axes (Green Triangle): Body Diagonal: 4 Nos (All inclined)
2^3: 54o44’, 3^3:70o32’

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