Back-End in Website'S: Submitted By:-Manohar Suman GCS - 1830054

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GCS – 1830054

 Introduction
 Working of Web Back-End
 Components of Back-End
 Servers
 Databases
 Middleware
 Programming Language & Framework
 Need of Back-End

Backend is the server-side of the website. It stores and arranges data, and also makes sure everything on the client-side of the
website works fine. It is the part of the website that you cannot see and interact with. It is the portion of software that does
not come in direct contact with the users. 

It can be an account login or making a purchase from an online store. Code written by back-end developers helps browsers
to communicate with database information. 

One of the example of Backend is when you are reading an article on the blog. The fonts, colors, designs, etc. constitute the
frontend of this page. While the content of the article is rendered from a server and fetched from a database. This is the
backend part of the application.
Working of web back-end

 To understand the back end, or the “server side,” we also have to know the front end and how the two
 The part of a website that the user interacts with directly is termed the front end.
  It is also referred to as the ‘client side’ of the application. It includes everything that users experience
directly: text colors and styles, images, graphs and tables, buttons, colors, and navigation menu.
  HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the languages used for Front End development.

Working of web back-end

Front End

 We can see how the server-side (in the green box) manages all those requests that come from users’
clicks. Front-end scripts volley those requests over to the server side to be processed, returning the
appropriate data to the front end. This often happens in a constant loop of requests and responses to
the server.
Working of web back-end


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 The “traditional” back end is a mix of the server, databases, APIs, and operating systems that power an
app’s front end. The back end of applications can look very different from application to application,
whether it’s the use of cloud-based servers and data warehouses, containerization with a service like
Docker, Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) providers, or APIs to replace more complex processing.
Components of Back-End



 Whether it’s on-site or in the cloud, the server acts as the lifeblood of the network.

 A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or programs to other computers,
known as clients, over a network.

 These high-powered computers provide shared resources that networks need to run, including file
storage, security and encryption, databases, email, and web services.


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 When we type URL(Uniform resource locator) into browser, it's broken down into parts that make it a very specific
address. This address is translated into an IP address, telling the server exactly where to look a file.
 For static content, the HTTP server sends an HTML file back to the browser, which is read and displayed. For
dynamic content, a sever first executes then returns the file.

 Databases, in the context of a website, are the brains that make websites dynamic. Any time we request something
from a website—whether we are searching for a product in on online store or searching for hotel locations within a
specific state—the database is responsible for accepting that query, fetching the data, and returning it to the website.
 Databases can also accept new and edited data when users of a website or application interact with them. The client
can change information in a database from the browser, whether a user is posting articles to a website, uploading
photos to a social media profile, or updating their customer information

 Middleware is software that acts like "glue" between an application and its network. It controls the
flow of information between an application and the server, database, and the operating system.
Programming languages & frameworks

Programming languages used: Frameworks used in back-end:

Java Express JS
C# and C++ Django
.NET Rails
Perl Laravel
Scala Spring
NodeJs and Javascript Flask
Application Programming Interface(API)

 An API helps two programs or applications to communicate with each other by providing them with
necessary tools and functions. It takes the request from the user and sends it to the service provider and
then again sends the result generated from the service provider to the desired user.
Need of back-end

 Hosting : -
 The most obvious reason for a backend is hosting.
 If we build a HTML based web app, we need some way to host it, so your users can access it in the end.
 Central Data Access :-
 In today's world, many people use many devices. They have a desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone,
smartwatch, smart TV, game console, etc.
 We need a way to facilitate that shareability, and a backend simplifies that process.
 Privacy & Security :- 
 If information is shared over a network, it can help to have a backend in the middle that protects the user from
each other.
Need of back-end

 Resource Constraints :- 

 Most people around the world use smartphones to access the internet, A smartphone can't store the entirety of
Wikipedia or Netflix. It is also to slow to train highly sophisticated neuronal networks, and many can't run a
machine learning model locally.
 If we want to deliver high tech services with enormous amounts of data or very high computing or I/O
requirements, a backend that provides the resources to do so, is the only option.
 Cost Distribution :- 
 A backend lets users distribute the costs of specific tasks between them. Everybody could do everything
locally on their device and pay the costs of those tasks. Still, they could also do it once at a central backend
and get the results from there.

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