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• Proper delivery and service of safe foods to
eat after it has been prepared are major
aspects of the total service system. Delivery
sometimes called distribution, refers to the
transportation of prepared foods from the
place of production to the place of serving.
Service includes activities of assembling the
foods delivered in bulk to individual trays or
The 2 delivery service system:
• Centralized Delivery-Service System -
Prepared foods are portioned and assemble
for individual meals at a designed space in
the main kitchen or central area near the
kitchen. They are transported and directly
served to the consumers. Ex. Hospitals fast
food chains and counter service.
• In this service the complete meal is served
faster and requires less labor and equipment.
• Decentralized Delivery-Service System - This can
serve a larger number of consumer, because bulk
quantities of food are divided into batches foe
ward or satellite kitchen close to the point
service. Transporting with use of carts, trucks and
vehicle will be required. The food may require
reheating and portioning before assembling on
individual trays or dinner plate. .
• In general, consumer satisfaction depends in
large part on the pleasing presentation of
carefully prepared, assembled, and
transported food in every type of food
• The style of service used ---- whether self-
service, tray or waited service must be
appropriate for the type of operation and
attaining goals. Training the workers to use
correct serving procedure and present the food
to the consumer in pleasing and courteous
manner is an essential element in achieving a
successful food service operation.
• There are many diff styles of food serving
depending on the clientele or consumer
needs and expectations.


• Foods are attractively arranged on platters
that are placed on large serving tables so that
guests served themselves. Sometimes,
separate table used for each course.
•Guest advance through serving lines, selecting their food items as
they go. The most expensive food items or those that are hard to
self- serve are usually portioned by a staff behind the counter.
•Traditionally, cafeteria have required guest to enter the serving
area, move along a straight line serving counter and pay for their
meals at the and of the counter or as the exit the dining room. Ex
college schools
•Today, there are alternative such as “hollow square” :free flow” “
scramble” lay outs, where guest enter a cafeteria line and can
bypass one another, going to separate serving stations that feature
various types of food. There is less of a waiting in line and less
pressure on guests who do not hurry in making decisions.
Everything should be Servers should be
ready for service before instructed in
guests or customers • Menu items
enter the line: • Prices of menu
• All heated units hot items
• All serving equipment • General ingredients
laid out of food
• All food suitably • Proper serving
supplied dishes
• Damp cloth for wiping • Proper portioning
the spills for each equipment and
server. portion sizes
Servers should:
• Maintain good posture and be at attention
• Be courteous to guest and avoid visiting with
friends and employees.
• Be alert and constantly try to anticipate wants of
guest in line
• Develop skill and rapid technique in serving
• Not leave serving station without reporting to
• Wear clean gloves and aprons as needed
• Wash hands before serving, after picking up
something from floor, using the rest room,
handling soiled dishes, etc.
• Guest is at a counter table that makes for ease
and speed of service and permits one or two
attendants to handle more customers than a
table service. Place settings are laid and
cleared by waitress/ waiter from back of the
• The proximity of location of food preparation
to the serving unit facilitates easy handling of
food. The U shaped counter design utilizes
space to the maximum. Personnel can serve
the customer with few steps to travel.
• Traditional table service provides service for guests
who are seated at tables. Servers bring food and
beverages to the guests. The servers and other
personnel are also responsible for clearing and
resetting the table.
4 common styles
• American Service – frequently used in United States, it
has many variations , but they usually have these
steps in common:
1. Servers take guest orders after the guests are seated
2. orders are given to the kitchen where food is
prepared and portioned onto plates
3. plates are brought to the table by the servers and
presented to the guest.
for banquets or group events at which everyone
eats a pre –planned meal at the same time. There
are many ways of handling services, depending on
the occasion, type of menu and service desired.
• English or FAMILY SERVICE is much like a home
service. Quantities of foods are placed in a bowl or
on platters to be passed around the table. Food is
brought to the table by servers, the guest pass the
food around the table, helping themselves to the
amount they desired.
• French service is used in some dinning room
featuring gourmet foods and elegant atmosphere.
A characteristic of French service is that many
food items are partly or comple prepared at table-
side. Food for preparation brought to table-side
on a cart with some type heating unit. Flaming
desserts and drinks ant Caesar salads are some
popular items that prepared in this manner.
French service requirti experienced employees.
The Russian Service
• food production employees portion and arrange
foods attractively on platters. Servers then carry
the platters directly to the table and, after
presenting the food guests, serve portions onto
the guests' plates.

• Russian service can be as elegant as French
service, but it is faster and more practical than
French service.

Tray Service
• Food is served on individual trays in hospitals,
nursing homes schools, airlines and other places.
Meals are plates, put on trays, kept hot or cold in
special transport carts, and moved from
preparation/plating areas to service areas as
needed. A variation or tray service is used in the
airline industry. All items except th hot entrée are
placed on individual trays and kept chilled. After the
entrée is heated, iti I added to the tray and served.
Different systems for delivery trays:
• Pellet System. Each plate is placed on a • Divided Trays in Temp. -Controlled Carts.
very hot pellet in a metal base and Special trays are divided and placed the served
covered to help keep hot food hot. hot foods are in the heated section and served
cold foods are in the integerated section of
Pellets are heated in a special pellet oven
cart, with insulating gaskets between areas. If
services and placed in base with metal equipment functions perly and insulating
tool. Plates should also be pre-heated. gaskets are good, temperature is maintained

• Temperature Retention Trays. • Thermocontainers.

Compartmentalized trays are all
Disposable dishes with
stacked and served in one way,
so cold foods are in the same compartments and covers
part of every tray and above or are used for hot foods.
below other cold foods forming They are rectangular and
cold columns.Hot foods form make efficient use of space
hot columns in same way. in insulated containers.
• Insulated Containers. Sometimes bulk foods
• Heated Carts. Foods that have been are delivered in insulated containers to cold,
prepared and kept at the right and heated at the point of service. Skill and
temperature are proportioned onto supervision are needed at tray site to make
plates where needed, as in hospital sure food is hot enough and served correctly.
wards or individuals schools.

The insulated containers system are:

• Very flexible in that most foods can be served.
••Economical, if permanent ware is used and not disposables.

••Convenient, because foods may be mixed cold in advance and cooked or heated in the unit
kitchen just before serving.

••Peak load of work in the kitchen is reduced.

••Serving is easier and portions better controlled.

••When large quantities of cooked food are not cooled properly and the central core

•stays warm for hours, it may be not be bacteriologically safe.

••When food is cooked, chilled and reheated; the last two steps are unnecessary in some
types of services making it less costly than the using electric hot-cold carts or pellet ovens.
See Figure 6.1 for modern models Of insulated food container.

Figure 6.1. Rethermalized Tray and Food
• Catering Service. This deserves more attention since it is big business k
service, whether it is a home-based entrepreneurship or another service of
commercial restaurants. There are many catering opportunities of
"chefing" in private home executive dining rooms, buffets, receptions,
country clubs, special events, such asi church or large picnics in the park,
and even for airlines and yachts.
Guidelines for the caterer common to this
service are as follows:
• Observe food sanitation and safety. Serve hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
••Plan the menu considering budget or cost per head, occasion, place, available space and
staff, decors, table set-up, etc.

••Serve attractively and neatly. Be meticulous in details to satisfy customers/consumers who
may be your best word-of-mouth advertisement.

••Be sure to have business papers for operating legitimately or as approved by ordinances,
health department.

• • Have a reliable means of transportation and the necessary insurance plans.

••Be equipped for communications, like a pager, mobile phone and fax machine,

••Organize your schedules from purchasing, through preparation, cooking serving.

••Be prompt and courteous. Train servers and review with them their duties for the occasion.

••Record-keeping should include not only accounting data, but also pictures of your table set-
up, standardized recipes, a file of menu cards.

• (PLS PUT THE SAMPLE Prepare a clasp envelope
FORM FOR A CATERING (9”x12”) with a title:
(picture naa sa jamboard JOB ENVELOPE DETAILS FOR
• Client Name
• Client address and phone number
• Date, time and location of function
• Number of guests
• Quoted cost per contract
• Deposited, received, kind of
payment, date received
• Number of servers needed
• Extras ( wine, liquor, soft drinks,
• Other decors (chine, music, etc.
• Customer requests ____
• TIP # 2: Maintain the highest standards possible
in your food preparation, presentation, and in
service to ensure aa solid position in the
• TIP # 3: Never sacrifice quality as a mean of
saving time. Plan ahead.
• TIP 4: for buffets, sketch the table setting, with
the name of dishes, shapes of platter each
serving containers and table ware, etc. In case
of sit-down arrangement, give an allowance of
table and more chairs.
• TIP # 5: Dry run location if the place of the
function is not familiar to you and driver. Arrive
TIP # 6:Prepare a packing list of everything( food
and non-food to be taken to the site.
TIP # 7: Clearly define job tickets what each
personnel has to do and what time.
Styles of Service
Table service, buffet, cafeteria and tray service are just
few of the commonly method used of serving foods in
bulk or large group consumers.
A HEATED PASS –through box in the wall between
kitchen and steam table is desirable to simplifying og
the line. each person is responsible for moving the line
along and helping patrons to make a choice by giving
- A pass-through refrigerator with glass doors is a
convenience in supplying the line. Be familiar
with salad ingredients and dressings. Arrange
salad in uniform rows and move them toward the
patron as a plate is taken. Watch reserve supplies
and notify supervisor when supply runs low.
- A small pass-through window between the bakery
and dessert counter is a convenient and fast service
that are presented attractively.
Check counter to be sure that everything is in
place serving period begins. Serve hot beverages
in hot cups. Watch approaching customers and ask
whether he deserves coffee, tea or cold soda or
juice. Alert customer if the hot beverage is too
hot. Notify supervisor if supplies are running low.
Vending became popular in the Philippines early
1960’s. Today, sandwiches, fruits, desserts or
snack and beverages are available through
vending machine. Some has heating elements to
reheat foods. Its main convenience is its
availability in 24 hrs. a day, before dispensing
them, others are maintain low temperature for
holding frozen 24/7

• The choice of styles of service has to be

carefully studied. The 3 main considerations
• Economic factors(like capitalization, budget
allowance; kind of group of clientele; space
requirements and availability; equipment
needs; cost of energy, cost of labor; availability
of trained personnel or cost of training them;
time factor for production, and transit time if
food is delivered.

• This is related with retail prices, health and

needs, profitability factor, aesthetic
presentation and factors that ultimately would
gain acceptance of the consumer. Portions
should be in the same amount or quantity.



• Insert picture naa sa jamboard ni ampi

The Art of Garnishing
• To garnish means to adorn or decorate. We
garnish food to drive sales and satisfy
customers. It should be part of menu-planning
and not left as last-minute decision lf making
and not to use "whatever is available at the
time needed". Therefore, garnish are written
along with the master menu. In production
planning and plate specific instructions are
given about garnishes.
Tips or guidelines in the art of garnishing
1. Use edible garnishes. Freshness and crispness of herbs and green raw leaves are
important. Wash properly and drain well.

2. Do not overdo or overdecorate! Some dishes or recipes are already attractive by

themselves. For example, a chop suey dish with a variety of colored vegetables will not
need any decor on the side. A green-pea soup will need just croutons or dash of red

3. Garnishes are used to accent the food it accompanies, especially if the main dish
needs a contrasting color for attraction or eye appeal when displayed. However, the
flavor of the garnish should not overpower the taste of the main dish or recipe.

4. Choose garnishes that complement or blend well with the other foods in the menu
or meal. There are favorite garnishes for certain dishes. Consider the prepared dish and
plan the appropriate colors/flavors to use for garnishing.
Examples for soups:
• something green = cut-up green onions, kintsay leaves, shredded green cabbage, cut
celery stalks or young leaves, green pepper (rings. diced or strips), tender or young sili leaves,
spinach, malunggay, etc;
• some brown garnishes = croutons, oyster crackers, toasted nuts;
• something yellow = gteted cheese. slices of hard-cooked eggs; and
• for red garnishes = diced or sliced tomatoes, red bell peppers, paprika, red cabbage.
List of Garnishes According to Colors
• GREEN: kintsay, onion leaves. • RED AND PURPLE: tomatoes,
mint leaves. shredded pechay, ratiles, Maraschino cherries,
parsley, lettuce leaves, olive- duhat, grapes, mansanitas
green olives. green peppers. skinned apples, strawberries,
green mango strips, celery, raspberries, beets, purple
pickles, green apples. green eggplant with skin. macopa. sib
asparagus tips, green broccoli,
tagalog or ilocano (small purple
dayap, kalamansi. petite green
onion bulbs), red radishes, red
peas, snow pea or pea pods.
leeks. kamius, halimhing stars peppers, red rose buds,
(sliced crosswise). pandan gel, gulaman. watermelon, purple
gulumun balls, spinach or kulilis, kamote, ube, reddish brown
ulughuli. okra, green beans, meats (Vienna sausage, deli
honeydew melon. chat strips. ham).
• YELLOW-ORANGE: mango, papaya, cantaloupe, lemon, oranges, pomelo, saba, lacq
langka, avocado, peach. pineapple. yellow gulaman, cheeses, hard-cooked egg ,
thinly slice plain omelet, yellow peppers, yellow ginger, dilaw or turmeric, baby
yellow corn. bamh shoots, yellow kamote, squash, yellow rose buds, African yellow
or orange daisies, squash flowers.
• BROWNS: toasted nuts (peanuts. sesame, almond. cashew) or naturally brown-
skinned chocolate. Chico, dates. bacon bits, raisin. grown sugar. toasted coconut
flakes, honey syrups for glazing, croutons. cracklings, chips, brown mushrooms.

• BLACK: black olives. black mushrooms, black berries, black grapes,

black duhat, prures slivers of cooked gizzard and liver, black caviar.
• WHITE TO CREAM: white onions, white potatoes, cauliflower, radish strips.
singkamz tohva, toge, water chestnut, sampaguita, jasmine, white rose
buds or petals, freshly grated coconut, marshmallow bits, whipped cream.

• PINKISH: pink suha, pink grapefruit segments, pink macopa, pink daisies,
pink rose cured meat slivers, pink daisies, pink marshmallows.
Other Helpful Hints in Serving:
• Courtesy, promptness, neatness and • Many foodservice
proper grooming are foremost qualities
for servers. A worker or staff member operations like to use the
with a smiling face and charming voice term hospitality service
(especially in answering the telephone is
a contaminating asset. Managers need because it highlights their
no develop positive attitudes of their main aim of satisfying
employees Ito be service-oriented. A
server should be able to 'answer a customers. Training
customer's question about the food on proper waiting on the
the menu. Never say "l don't know", but
be familiar with the ingredients of the table is an art and needs
recipe and how prepared. Some menu practice. Booklets or
cards have brief descriptions about a
prepared dish to assist the in their manuals are available for
selections, especially with a la service this aspect of foodservice.

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