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 When we think of abuse or domestic violence, we often hear men or think
women being the victim, Its usually the 2ife 2ho is the reported suffered,
Yet as years goes by given the privilege to women as being equal to men
the issue coming out into the light that many husbands are victims of
spousal abuse as well. Women as well as men are victims of domestic
abuse as one of the hottest issue in our society, Probably underlying much
of the controversy is the fact that the phenomenon of the battered wife has
been intricately linked to feminist theory regarded patriarchy, the public
awareness of battered husbands went through such alter. In spite most
social services and law enforcement agencies were aware of instances of
battered husbands they incline to interpret the cases that they knew of
as unique.
 PHYSICAL ABUSE - inflicting or attempting to inflict
physical injury
 SEXUAL ABUSE - attempting to do any sexual contact
without consent of the partner is a crime,
 PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE - process of instilling or
attempting to instill fear to a person in different ways
 EMOTIONAL ABUSE - uses harmful language and
doing actions that could hurt men’s pride and ego.
 In our country they are already some accident of battered husband which their wife
abused them but they cant protect themselves because of they respect them, men and
women should have a fair treatment in terms for their right for  safety, men might be
stronger than
women but it doesn't mean they are already far from the harm caused by women or their 
wives, The woman came out of a mans ribs not from his head to be superior but from his
side to be equal, A real man never hurts a woman but under the arm to be protected and
next to the heart to be loved.
 There are reports of buttered husband or a man that are been abused by their wife but the
authority can do nothing about it because there are no such law or validated law for a
batter husband yet it is still in congress if the law should be legalized or not, For a long
period of time the government just focuses on law protecting women, children and other
sector but not thinking for the some people who do need protection specially the men.

 Although there are some cases of battered husband that are not
entertained because of lack of proofs there are still a place here in
Philippines that prioritizes issue concerning men. Like in Cebu City,
Counselor Gerardo Carrillo authorized a domestic violence ordinance on
the city which also gives fair protection to husbands who are being
battered by their wives, the complainant can proceed to the barangay hall
and ask for barangay protection order.

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