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Warm Up song
Warm Up Activity
Find the Colors
-Printed photos of colored objects with same colors as learned in demo.
(Alternatively: toy fruits or toy animals with colors learned in demo)
How to Play:
 Have the objects placed around the room.
 On the chalk board have each color separated into a column with the
written name of the color and the physical color below it. (ex: if using
red, write “red” and below it in the column have a red paint splotch).
 Command the student to find something red/blue/yellow/(color learned
in demo).
 Once they find the color have them stick it in the correct column (ex:
blue shoes would go in the “blue” column)
Music Chair game

-color ball or color paper

How to Play:
 Get the chairs in a circle for Music chair game.
 Put small color balls or color paper in cups, put it under the chairs.
 Play the music, go around the chairs, when the music stops.
 Let them take the cup and say what color they have.
Shape color

-Worksheet color
-Crayon red, blue, and yellow

 Color the circle RED

 Color the square BLUE

 Color the triangle YELLOW



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