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Section 1.

a Philippine Republic Act signed by President Aquino on
12 September 2012

 15 petitions against the law was filed to the Supreme

Court of the Philippines questioning the constitutionality
of the Act

 first law in the Philippines which specifically criminalizes

computer crime

 the Act, divided into 31 sections split across eight chapters

Section 3: Definition of

Access Communication

Computer Computer

Computer Without Enforcement
System Right Authorities


(1)Any public or private entity that
provides to users of its service the
ability to communicate by means of
a computer system; and

(2)Any other entity that processes

or stores computer data on behalf of
such communication service or
users of such service
a term used to broadly describe criminal activity in
which computers or computer networks are a tool, a
target, or a place of criminal activity and include
everything from electronic cracking to denial of
service attacks. It is also used to include traditional
crimes in which computers or networks are used to
enable the illicit activity.
an act, which subjects the doer to
legal punishment or any offense against
morality, social order or any
unjust or shameful act.
Rule 2

Section 4. Cybercrime Offenses

Hacking or the access to the
Illegal Access whole or any part
of a computer system
without right
The interception made by technical
means and without right, of any non-
public transmission of computer data
to, from, or within a computer system,
including electromagnetic emissions
from a computer system carrying such
computer data.
Unlawful for an officer, employee, agent of
a service provider, whose facilities are
used in the transmission of
communications, to intercept, disclose or
use that communication in the normal
course of employment.
Data Interference
The intentional or reckless alteration
damaging, deletion or deterioration of
computer data or program, electronic
document, or electronic data message,
without right or authority, including
the introduction or transmission of
Intentional alteration, or reckless hindering or interference
with the functioning of a computer or computer network by
inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting or deteriorating,
altering or suppressing computer data or program,
electronic document or electronic data message, without
right or authority, including the introduction or
transmission of viruses.
a. Imprisonment- Prison
b. Fine- at least
P200,000.00 up to a
maximum amount
commensurate to the
damage incurred
c. Both Imprisonment
and Fine
Misuse of

The use, production, sale,

procurement, importation,
distribution, or otherwise
making available, without right
a. Imprisonment- Prison
b. Fine- at least
P500,000.00 up to a
maximum amount
commensurate to the
damage incurred
c. Both Imprisonment
and Fine
e r- r e l ate d
Co mput
Offe n s e s
The input, alteration or deletion of any computer data
without right resulting in inauthentic data, with the
intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal
purposes as if it were authentic, regardless whether
or not the data directly readable and intelligible
Computer-Related Fraud

The crime of using dishonest

methods to take something
valuable from another person
through internet or computer
The intentional
Identity Theft
acquisition, use, misuse,
transfer, possession,
alteration or deletion of
identifying information
belonging to another
a. Imprisonment- Prison
b. Fine- at least
P200,000.00 up to a
maximum amount
commensurate to the
damage incurred
c. Both Imprisonment
and Fine
nt- r e l ate d
Off e n s e s

- is the act of squattin

registering a famous g
Domain Name and
then selling it for a
a. Imprisonment- Prison
b. Fine- at least
P200,000.00 up to a
maximum amount
commensurate to the
damage incurred
c. Both Imprisonment
and Fine
The willful engagement, maintenance, control,
or operation, directly or indirectly, of any
lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual
activity, with the aid of computer system

Next Slide
a. Imprisonment-
Prison Mayor
b. Fine- at least
P200,000.00, but
not exceeding
P1,000,000 c.
Both Imprisonment
and Fine
The act of publishing a
Libel false statement that
causes people to have
a bad opinion of
a. Prision correctional
in its maximum
period to Prison
b. Fine- at least
P6,000.00 up to a
maximum amount
determined by the
Applies only to the original
author of the post or online libel,
and not to others who simply
receive the post and react to it.
Illegal transmission of commercial electronic
communication with the use of computer
system which seek to advertise, sell, or offer
for sale products and services

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e c tio n 1 0 .
S t
n fo rc e m e n
Law E
r i tie s
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
and Philippine National Police (PNP)
-responsible for the efficient and
effective law enforcement of the Act.
- organize a cybercrime division unit to
be manned by Special Investigators
handle cases involving violations of the
n 1 2 .
Sectio o n
e C o l le c ti
Real- T i m
r affic D a t a
Law enforcement authorities, with due
cause, shall be authorized to collect or
record by technical or electronic means
traffic data in real-time associated with
specified communications
transmitted by means of a
computer system.
Traffic data refer only to the
communication’s origin, destination, route,
time, date, size, duration, or type of
underlying service, but not content, nor
All other data to be collected
or seized or disclosed will
require a court warrant.
The court warrant required under this section shall only be issued or
granted upon written application and the examination under oath or
affirmation of the applicant and the witnesses he may produce and
the showing:
(1) that there are reasonable grounds to believe that any of the
crimes enumerated hereinabove has been committed, or is being
committed, or is about to be committed:
(2) that there are reasonable grounds to believe that evidence that
will be obtained is essential to the conviction of any person for, or to
the solution of, or to the prevention of, any such crimes; and
(3) that there are no other means readily available for obtaining such
Com pu te r
g e n c y
o n s e Te a m
Res p
(CE R T )
- serve as coordinator for cyber
security related activities
- facilitate international
cooperation with other security
- focal point for all instances of
cyber security
Tips to Avoid
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Always change your
p assword in any
m social edia
networking site

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Check carefully emails sent to
you that ask for validation

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Do not share important files

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Do not simply click
links that are suspicious
to you

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Always clear
CACHE after you
make any online
“The greatest crimes do not arise from
a want of feeling for others but from an
over sensibility for ourselves and an
over indulgence in our own desires”

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