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Methods of Word Formation

 Creation from Nothing

 Kodak
 Nerd
 Quiz
Methods of Word Formation

 Borrowings from Other Languages

 Gumbo
 Telephone
 Beef
 Sky
 They
 Typhoon
Methods of Word Formation
 Formation by Affixes:
 Dislike
 Luncheonette
 Unlikely
Methods of Word Formation
 Formation by Infixes:
 Howbeit
 Nevertheless
 Insofar
 Inasmuch
Methods of Word Formation

 Functional Shift;
 Let me babysit for you
 Please zipcode your mail.
 Would you google it?
 Ugly isn’t everything we are.
 Diamond me no diamonds.
Methods of Word Formation

 Figures of speech:
 Daisy (Day’s eye)
 Indian paint brush
 Spine of the book
Methods of Word Formation
 Initial Words (Acronomy)
 Corva (California Offroad Vehicle Association)
 Dot (Department of Transportation)
 SAM (Single Adult Ministry)
 MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
 DAM (Mothers Against Dyslexia)
 SNAFU ( Situation Normal All F----d Up)
 COP ( Constable on Patrol)
Methods of Word Formation
 Initial Words (Acronomy)
 Corva (California Offroad Vehicle Association)
 Dot (Department of Transportation)
 SAM (Single Adult Ministry)
 MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
 DAM (Mothers Against Dyslexia)
 SNAFU ( Situation Normal All F----d Up)
 COP ( Constable on Patrol)
Methods of Word Formation

 Onomatopeia: (Echoic Words)

 Zipper
 Crash
 Crack
 Boom
Methods of Word Formation
 Name Words:
 Maudlin Ohm
 Pander Watt
 Dunce (Dunsccotis Medieval philosopher)
 Tawdry (St. Audry’s Lace)
 Bedlam (Bethlehem Insane Asylum)
 Sandwich (Earl of Sandwich)
 Kiloherz
Methods of Word Change

 Portamanteau Words or Blends

 Brunch
 Electrocute
 Chortle
 Motel
Methods of Word Change

 Degeneration:
 Hussy
 Gay
 Affair
Methods of Word Change

 Elevation:
 Governor
 Sheriff
 Marshal
Methods of Word Change

 Generalization:
 Coke
 Kodak
 Blackboard
 Xerox
 Kleenex
 Bandaid
Methods of Word Change

 Specialization:
 Starve
 Hound
Methods of Word Change

 Exaggeration:
 Wait a second
 It won’t happen until the Great White
Throne Judgment
Methods of Word Change

 Understatement:
 One million dollars a year is not bad for a
Methods of Word Change

 Abbreviation:
 Wig (periwig)
 Mob (Mobulus Vulgum)
 Ad (Advertisement)
 Typo (Typographical Error)
Methods of Word Change
 Extension (Reduplication)
 Goody-goody
 Bon-bon
 Meow-meow
 Bye-bye
 Yum-yum
 Pee pee
 Doo doo
Methods of Word Change

 Metathasis:
 Brid- bird
 Aks-ask
 Iron-iorn
 Prespire- perspire
Methods of Word Change

 Folk Etymology
 Hamburger- cheeseburer, fishburger,
 Marathon- telethon
 Watergate -Irangate
Methods of Word Change

 Shifts in Association– Lumber has shifted

from referring to junk shops in England to
wood in the United States.
 Ambition has shifted from a “going about”
to “electioneering” to “evil desire for place
of power” to “initiative.”
Method of Word Change

 Radiation of Meaning:
 Of and Off were both of in Old English.
 Grammar and glamour came from the same
root word.
 Land – takes up eleven columns of space in
the Oxford Dictionary because of the
meanings the word has radiated.
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Egypt:
 Gypsy
 Paper
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Sanskrit:
 Indigo
 Chintz
 Ginger
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Turkey:
 Angora
 Fez
 Ottoman
 Horde
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries

 Persia:
 Pajama
 Chess
 Jackal
 Bazaar
 Divan
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Africa:
 Banjo Canary
 Oasis Okra
 Banana
 Tangerine
 Gorilla
 Chimpanzee
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Polynesia:
 Tattoo
 Taboo
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Australia:
 Kangaroo
 Boomerang
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Hebrew:
 Amen
 Seraph
 Jubilee
 Balsam
 Sabbath
 Cherub
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Arabia:
 Alcohol
 Algebra
 Coffee
 Nadir
 zenith
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 British India:
 Polo
 Coolie
 Rupee
 Khaki
 Curry
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 American Indian:
 Tomahawk Opossum
 Wigwam Caribou
 Skunk Raccoon
 Succotash
 Tobacco
 Terrapin
 Coyote
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Japan:
 Kimono
 Geisha
 Jinriksha
 Jiu-jitsu
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 China:
 Tea
 Chop suey
 Joss
 Sampan
 Soy
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Malaysia:
 Catsup
 Gong
 Gingham
 Caddy
 Junk
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Russia:
 Vodka
 Czar
 Sable
 Polka
 Steppe
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Germany:
 Kindergarten
 Strafe
 Blitzkrieg
 Waltz
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Italy:
 Incognito
 Salvo
 Gusto
 Confetti
 Spaghetti
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Spain:
 Renegade Chaps
 Corral Buckaroo
 Peccadillo Lariat
 Flotilla Rodeo
 Negro
 Mosquito
 Tornado
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Mexico:
 Lassa
 Ranch
 Mesa
 Canyon
 Tomato
 Chile
 Coyote
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Hungary:
 Goulash
 Vampire
 Tokay
 Hussar
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
 Netherlands:
 Skipper
 Schooner
 Yacht
 Sloop
 Dock
 Hull
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries
Some English Borrowings From
Foreign Countries

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