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By James Dashner
James Dashner is an
American writer of
speculative fiction, series
for children or young
adults, such as The Maze
Runner series and the
young adult fantasy series
the 13th Reality. His 2008
His work is typically within the novel The Journal of
adventure, survival, and science-fiction Curious Letters, first in
genres. The Maze Runner, his most
widely distributed book, reached 100
the series, was one of the
weeks' standing on the New York Times annual Borders Original
Best Seller list for Children's Series on Voices picks.
September 21, 2014, two days after the
release of the motion picture adaptation
of the book.
What is this book about?
Some words and phrases:
 immune to the ceaseless rattling of
the chains – невосприимчив к
непрерывному грохоту цепей
 the uneasy feeling blossomed into
outright dread – чувство
беспокойства переросло в явный
 his heart skipped a beat – его сердце ёкнуло
 sense of vertigo – чувство головокружения

 an onrushing sense of claustrophobia

stifled him – нарастающее чувство
клаустрофобии душило его
 a high-pitched snicker –
пронзительный смешок
 palpable excitement hovering in the
air – ощутимое волнение витает в
 the slightest hint of a smile -
малейший намек на улыбку

 his words laced with annoyance - его

слова пронизаны досадой

 sucked in a huge breath - глубоко вздохнул

 pretense of stealth – притворство скрытности

 tug-of-war match – перетягивание каната

 something swooshed through the air -

что-то промелькнуло в воздухе
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