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By Sonia Gawali
Student in Ayurved Mahavidyala Sion
How can awareness about men’s rights be
created in the society?
■ We live in an era of booming information technology and internet reaching every corner
of this planet.
■ So youtube, instagram, facebook, twitter etc there are many platforms to propagate our
agendas and ideas for free.
■ On YouTube, Vaastav can create it’s channel and then start various series related to
men’s rights. People engage better in concept of series as they are curious about the next
episode coming. By series I don’t mean cinematic ones, simple awareness series
touching different topics in each video. Keeping each video short around 10 to 20 mins.
■ On instagram, Facebook, Twitter you can post the pictures of various campaigns or
contributions you made. You can also post about laws and quotes. There’s simply so
much to do.
■ One can also conduct live webinars through zoom meeting or youtube.
■ One can take live sessions on google meet, zoom meet to interact one on one.
Sustainble Fund raising strategy
■ Websites like ketto org provide a platform for fund raising and
it’s getting very popular these days.
■ With appropriate knowledge of stocks and mutual funds. The
organisation can invest a certain percentage in them depending
upon the risk it wants to take. With 15% growtg rate in
investment, one can grow the funds quite smoothly.
■ Volunteers working in the organization can call people to tell
the work that they are doing, the impact one is creating to
convince people for donation. If they can’t donate, volunteers
can ask for 5 other contacts of the person to whom they can
reach so that atleast our reach widens.
■ The organisation can make their own website so that the whole
process becomes more authentic.
Attracting and retaining volunteers
■ Promote the organisation on social media.
■ Have a systematic way of recruitment. Be specific about time of the year when you
conduct recruitment.
■ Have various teams like tech team for managing online stuff, HR team to hire new
people, PR team for handling the social media, teams to promote campaign etc
■ The interview questions should be related to the type of volunteer you need for specific
■ Conduct various competitions or activities for volunteers to showcase their skills.
■ Have monthly meetings to discuss on new agendas, future goals.
■ Keep rewards for the active volunteers.
■ After completing certain number of years in the organisation, give them certificates. But
don’t let the certificates be the soul reason to engage in the organisation. It should always
be to create an impact.
■ Incentive can be provided according to the hours they are working or the organisation
can also run on voluntary engagement of people.
Target groups and campaigns

■ Online webinars can be conducted on YouTube and zoom meeting app.

■ The target groups should be children and youngster because knowing about all of this in
early stages can help them in preventing from being the victim.
■ One can make a series of short videos with the people of who actually suffered from all
the trauma. So that people can relate to it better.
■ Online world has an edge on this because at a time we can reach larger audiences.
■ Create brochure of the organisation containing it’s impact upto now, future goals, the
kind of community it has to attract people to it.
■ One can create a tagline or a slogan or a hastag to make it more attractive.
■ The organisation’s reach ro famous personalities can enhance the trust of people too.
■ Keep elocution competition and post it on app or website like “dare to compete” so that
we can understand the opinions of people and also give them e certificate for best
performance. People are always fond of rewards.
Ideal location for office
■ It completely depends on the amount of money the organisation has.
■ As we know with the kind of area the prices change. So whatever is feasible, works.
■ The price of plot can range from lakhs to crores. It depends how many coordinators the
organisation has and the area it needs. Bandra is an ideal place because it also has good
public places to vist and it’s easily accesible, too.
■ Until then the meetings can be conducted on zoom or a fixed area of Mumbai like
marine lines or some nearby beach.
■ It can take loan from bank to buy a place or the next option is rent. But buying is better
option anyday.
Factor to create healthy environment for
aggrieved men
■ Helpine number can be started wherein the coordinators talk to the aggrieved (which I
know already exists) but additonally I think Revealing identity should not be a

■ Yoga should be encouraged atleast breathing experiences. We can also do this in a


■ Weekly once or twice counselling calls can be done depending on the support the person

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