Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre

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Maximilien François

Marie Isidore de
Maximilien Robespierre

Who was Maximilien His Occupation

Robespierre He was also a deputy of the 3rd Estate
Maximmilian robiesperre born in The year
1758 and was a lawyer and important
member of the French revolution he was a
supposedly incorruptible man Was known
Well for his role in the reign of terror
The reign of terror .
A terrifying period through April 1793 and June 1794
Thoussand of people were killed or executed.
Throughout this horrific period France were under the
control of the committee of public relations Which were
led by George danton and Maximilien robbiespere
1 The guillotine
What is the guillotine the guillotine which was invented by Dr Joseph
guillotine was designed to be quick and painless it was used to eliminate
enemies or those who they saw as threats
This was the machine the committee used to rule France
“he secret of freedom lies in educating
people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in
keeping them ignorant.
The king must die so that the country can
“ live.
To punish the oppressors of humanity is
clemency; to forgive them is cruelty.”
The deaths

Around 17000 people were executed. 50,000 died in

prison or riots in the winter of 1793. 8,000 people
were guillotined and people watched in place de last
robiesperre death
As mention before in slide 3 he was known as
incorruptible because he wasn’t in politics for
the money. But as he was at the head of the
reign of terror which claimed many lives he
was known as a butcher. He was executed in
What role did Robiesperre have in reign of terror

Radical Jacobin leader and The principal organ of the

one of the principal figures Revolutionary government
in the French Revolution. In during the Reign of Terror,
the latter months of 1793 he but in 1794 he was
came to dominate the overthrown and executed in
Committee of Public Safety. the Thermidorian Reaction.
French Revolution
‘Reign of Terror’

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