Annual Progress Review Fire and Safety Dept. Year 2020

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Annual Progress

Review Fire and Safety

Year 2020
Goals of F&S Dept.
 Provide and maintain passive and active fire prevention, protection measures
in SMBBIT premises.
 Manage the Fire incidents as Low as Possible with In SMBBIT.
Provide Trainings to SMBBIT Staff & Contractor Staff on Fire and Safety
and Relevant HSE topics.
Develop a culture of continuous improvement for SMBBIT Staff, patients and
Building Safety.
Proper management of Hazardous Waste in accordance with SEPA Hospital
Waste Management Rules 2014
Human Resource
• Existing Human Resource ( F&S Dept)
F&S dept. Currently Having One Manager and Four Fire & Safety Officers.
And two ward Boys assgined at Bio Infectious Waste Treatment Plant.

• Requried Human Resource :

• 1. Fire fighters at least 10 for 24/7 presence at SMBBIT
• 2. 04 No: of Fire Pump Operators
• 3. 04 No: of Fire Alram Pannel Technicans
Statistics of Dept.
• Trainings Conducted :
400 + staff of SMBBIT has attended trainings on Fire Safety and HSE topics . Topics
1. Basics of Fire Safety
2. Fire and Its Classes
3. Compressed Medical Gas Cylinders handling and Storage
4. Causes Of Fire Incidents at Workplace
• Fire Incidents Controlled :
Around 7 Small and Medium Fire Incidents Happens in 2020 which were successfully
Controlled by Fire and Safety Team.
Trainings of SMBBIT STAFF
To Enhance the awareness of Staff on HSE/Fire and Safety Topics We have conducted
trainings of SMBBIT staff and Certificates also have been Provided.
Challenges faced
• Less Avaibilty of Resources.
• Non Functional Fire detection and Suppression System
• Lack of communication from Facility Management Departments for
Building maintainence works
• Shortage of staff.
• Smoking at Parking , patient Waiting areas & Male Staff changing
Rooms ,
( which may lead fire incidents )
• No As Built Drawing of Building.
Future Goals 2020-21
• Best possibles arrangements for Active & Passive Fire Safety Systems.
• As much as staff will be trained on HSE topics .
• Proper mangement of Hazrdous hospital Waste as SEPA – HWM Rules 2014
• Arrangment for Safe work place in trems of Fire and Safety Concerns.
• Construction of external emergency Exit ( with approval of Management)
• Installation of FM200( intelligent Fire Suppression System ) ( Demand placed in

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