5th European Patients' Rights Day - Giovanna Giacomuzzi, Pharmaceutical Group of The European Union

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The Role of Pharmacists in

Cross-border Healthcare

Giovanna Giacomuzzi, PGEU

Content PGEU

The Directive

Recognition of Prescriptions

eHealth and Continuity of Care

Keeping the patient at the Centre

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

The European Patient PGEU
Is the health
professional  I am dealing
What  happens with appropriately
if things go qualified?

  Will I have to break

What will I off the treatment
when I go home?
have to pay?

Who will I
have to pay?
 What if they
don’t have the
medicine back
12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare home?
The Directive PGEU
The emphasis on cooperation in
the Directive (e.g. European
A step in the right
Reference Networks, eHealth,
direction but still a
HTA) is a major step forward on
long way to go...
the road to a more European
approach to health issues and to
patients rights.

But there is a long way to

go, European health
systems remain fragmented,
and health inequality is a
major and growing concern.

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

The European Prescription PGEU


Medicine Names,
Medicines Prices,
Rates of Reimbursement,
Prescription Forms,
Prescribing Practices,
Dispensing Practices,
Availability of Some Medicines.

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

The European Prescription PGEU

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

Recognition of Prescriptions PGEU

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

The Directive PGEU

Why Cooperation Matters for Patients Rights and for Health?

 Health systems are entering a new phase of

growing demand and more limited resources
 the development of best practice and the
encouragement of innovation has never been more

 Cooperation is crucial between Member states , but

also at the level of health professionals- as recognised
by the provisions of the Directive relating to E Health.

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

eHealth and Continuity of Care PGEU
Not just a cross
border issue!

Accessing Information contained in eHealth Record:

Reduction of costs,
Improve quality of care and patient safety,
Ensure continuity of care,
Improve communication and collaboration within the
healthcare team,
Promote-evidence based medicine, 
Record keeping and mobility,
Supporting development of pharmacy services.
12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border
The potential of eHealth RecordPGEU
Study involving 160 French Community Pharmacies that used
Dossier Pharmaceutique for 2 months:

577 adverse drug reactions were identified and reported including

482 drug interactions,
In 77% of the interaction cases the pharmacist provided
appropriate advice,
16% of the cases the prescriber was contacted, which lead to a
modification in the prescription in at least 1 of 10 interventions,
60 were interventions concerning an oral anticoagulant treatment.

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

Keeping the Patient at the Centre PGEU

 We must not loose sight of the patient –

processes such as HTA cooperation must make a
robust commitment to consulting with patients
and patient organisations,

 eHealth development must not be dominated by industrial

concerns – we need systems which ‘fit for purpose’ from the
patients’ point of view, and recognise patient autonomy and
the key role of consent,

 We are a long way from a European

health system, but the Directive is a big
step toward a Europeanised health system...

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

Technological development PGEU
that is both efficient and put
patient interests first! Online access to
registers of health

Patient participation in
Reimbursement decisions!


Rising quality Rapid

adoption of
… standards across
the board!

12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare


12/04/2011 Pharmacists & Cross-border Healthcare

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