Third Quarter: Compilations of MERC

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Compilations of MERC
(Mastering English for Reading
How to Prepare Tomato
How to Prepare Tomato Catsup

Select some ripe tomatoes. Wash them thoroughly. Cut

them crosswise into halves. Then separate the pulp from the
seeds. Cook the pulp in an enameled kettle, stirring it
occasionally until the thin peelings separate and roll up.
Remove the pulp from the fire. Pass the pulp through a wire
strainer and get the juice. Mix the juice with the pulp. Add
some vinegar. Put onion juice, powdered cinnamon, pepper,
cloves of garlic and spices in a small cloth bag and dip it into
the mixture. Cook the mixture until it is thick. Take out the
bag of spices. Bottle the cooked pulp and seal.

1. How is the pulp separated from the seeds?

a. By squeezing the tomato
b. By cutting crosswise into halves
c. By cutting the tomato into small pieces

2. When is the pulp removed from the fire?

d. When the pulp has hardened
e. When the pulp is mixed with the peelings
f. When the peelings have been separated and have
rolled up
3. What is the first step in preparing catsup?
a. Boil the mixture
b. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly
c. Remove the mixture from the site.

4. What kind of tomatoes are used?

d. ripe b. green c. cooked

5. What is used in cooking the pulp?

e. a pot b. a pan c. an enameled kettle

6. What kind of strainer is used? a. Wire strainer b.

rattan strainer c. plastic strainer
7. What is wrapped in a cloth bag?
a. juice b. spices c. pulp

8. When is the mixture removed from the fire?

b. When it is thick
c. When it is watery
d. When it is smooth

9. What is added to the juice and pulp?

e. Flour and others
f. Water and others
g. Vinegar, onion juice and others
10. What is the last step in preparing the catsup?
a. Boil until thick
b. Bottle and seal
c. Add the vinegar to the mixture
A Contest
There is a contest for the cleanest and most
beautiful barrio. How can our barrios be made
beautiful and clean? All the people in each barrio
can help in this project. The first thing is to start
with the yard. Clean the yard and dispose the
garbage properly. Fence the yard with bamboo or
hedges. The backyard can be planted with
vegetables. Flowering plants can be planted in pots
and placed on the window sills. Keep the pigs and
chickens out of the yard by putting them in pens.
There should be clean canals and good drainage to
keep the surroundings clean.
1. Write the phrase that tells what the contest is about.

2. Where is the contest being held?

3. Write two hedges that will make good fences?

4. Write two things which should be kept out of the


5. Copy the word that tell what may be planted in the

Fruit trees Vegetables Flowering plants
An earthquake is a rolling, violent movement of the
earth’s crust. It is caused by a disturbance beneath the
surface, causing the ground to break apart. When this occurs
along vast areas, buildings and even entire cities crumble into
pieces, burying the population beneath the rubble.
Earthquakes are among the most fearsome and
destructive forces of nature. Man, with all his scientific
knowledge, has not been able to predict the occurrences of
earthquakes nor control their devastating effects.
Destruction of property worth millions and deaths of
thousands are yearly toll from earthquakes. Man knows the
causes of earthquakes but is helpless in preventing them.
1. What is the selection about?
a. The destructive caused by earthquakes
b. How to control earthquakes
c. What to do during earthquakes
d. The significance of earthquakes
2. What is the general mood of the selection?
a. joyful b. hopeful
c. fearful d. sorrowful
3. Which of the following statements supports the main idea of the selection?
a. Earthquake is a natural force that man can’t prevent.
b. Earthquake can be prevented if its causes will be known.
c. Scientists will never be able to foretell the occurrence of earthquakes.
d. Destruction of property and deaths of thousands are yearly toll from
4. Which of the following statements is an opinion based on the
a. Earthquake is fearsome, maybe because its occurrence is
b. Thousands of deaths are recorded because of earthquakes
c. An earthquake is a violent movement of the earth’s crust
d. Millions of properties had been destroyed by earthquakes.
5. What word best describes the Earthquake?
a. destructive
b. blessing
c. awesome
d. impressive
The Crow and the Partridge
A crow flying across a road saw a partridge strutting along the ground.
“What a beautiful gait that partridge has!” said the crow. “I must try to
see if I can walk like him.” She alighted behind the partridge and tried for
a long time to learn to strut. At last, the partridge turned around and
asked the crow what she was about.
“Do not be angry with me,” replied the crow. “I have never seen a bird
that walks as beautifully as you can. I am trying to learn to walk like
“Foolish bird!” responded the partridge. “You are a crow and should
walk like a crow. You would look silly if you were to strut like a partridge.
But the crow went on trying to learn to strut, until she had finally
forgotten her own gait. She never did learn that of the partridge.
1. Why did the crow wanted to walk like a partridge?
a. It was delighted by the way the partridge walk
b. It was envious of the partridge.
c. It wanted to befriend the partridge.
d. It couldn’t fly high
2. How did the crow feel in the last paragraph?
a. fear
b. contentment
c. joy
d. disappointed
3. What is likely to happen next in the story?
a. The two became best of friends
b. The partridge taught the crow a lesson
c. The crow admitted that it can never equal the gait of
the partridge and stopped imitating it
d. The crow tried harder and succeeded in the end
4. What message does the story evoke?
a. be the best of what you are
b. be contented with what you have
c. be generous in sharing what you have
d. be kind to animals
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. The crow went on trying to strut like the
b. A crow saw a partridge strutting along the
c. The crow was amused by the way the partridge
d. The crow surrendered to imitate the gait of the

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