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12 weeks program Guide exercises

Based on Bill Philips method

The training for life
Done by Asma Maatig
ADW Campus
• One of the keys to success is the planning. Before we begin each training session we must
know what exercises we`re going to do, how many set, the numbers of reps, and how much
weight we are going to use, plan precisely how long, from the begging to end we never just
go work out without having planned it before, this mistake so many people do.
• This guide will help you step by step, and day by day, this way, you can plan, record, and
analyze your training and measure your progress. You will find your daily progress for 2
weeks after you have to put your own plan depend on your targets and try to use your
progress reports not only to keep track of where you`ve been but use them to plan where you
are going.
• Through your records, you can clearly see the path you’re on. If you’re not transforming as
rapidly as you like you can go back and detect troubleshoot, are you doing too much or not
enough? Are you hitting the appropriate intensity levels? You can answer all your questions
when you keep a detailed journal
• You don’t need fancy equipment’s to do your exercises the exercises are very basic you can
do them with a simple set of barbells and dumbbells, it’s not what exercises you do but how
to do them that matters most.

• There are two keys to the program:
• 1) Daily, brief, progressive workouts: Alternating 20-minutes aerobic
workouts using intervals, and 46-minute weight training workouts using
the "high-point" technique.
• 2) Frequent, limited, high-quality meals: Six meals a day, consisting of
a portion of protein, and a portion of carbohydrates, and since you'll be
building muscle and burning fat, about a gallon of water daily to support
these metabolic processes.
• Add a vegetable occasionally. Water containing vegetables such as
spinach, carrots, broccoli, lettuce, celery, green beans and cucumbers,
among others, are excellent and have very low caloric content.

The Workouts
• You must perform the exercises intensely to produce rapid results. This what we call high point technique.
• We use a tool called the intensity index
• Intensity index
• We use Gunnar Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion (known as the Borg scale) for assessing the intensity of exercise based on
how hard you feel you are working. It uses the variant developed by the American College of Sports Medicine , which uses a
scale of 0 to 10:
• 0 is no exertion at all.
• 2 corresponds to very light exercise. For a healthy person, this is like walking slowly at their own pace for several minutes.
• 5 on the scale is somewhat hard exercise, but it still feels OK to continue.
• 8 is very strenuous. A healthy person can still go on, but they really have to push themselves. It feels very heavy, and the person
is very tired.
• 9 on the scale is an extremely strenuous exercise level. For most people, this is the most strenuous exercise they have ever
• 10 is maximal exertion: an all-out, 100% effort.
• These levels accommodate differences in fitness. An unfit individual may require a level 10 effort to walk briskly uphill,
whereas for a competitive athlete this may only be a level 3 effort. Over the course of the 12-week program an individual
would get noticeably fitter, so their intensity scale needs to be adjusted over time. This is considered normal. 
• The program uses a "wave" pattern, periodically building up from level 5 to level 9 or 10 during an exercise session. This
allows the muscles to warm up and gives the body a chance to build up to a "high point" of maximal exertion. Brief but intense
exercise provides maximum stimulus for the body to build strength and endurance, but without the risk of overtraining.
• 20-Minute Aerobics Solution™ — The Official Body-for-
LIFE Cardio Plan
• Most forms of aerobic exercise are suitable. Common choices include walking or running (perhaps on a 
treadmill), cycling, swimming, or the use of a rowing machine or cross-trainer. However, exercise classes
are generally not suitable.
• Aerobic exercise sessions are limited to 20 minutes duration. They compensate for this by following the
same "wave" pattern of steadily increasing intensity just like the weight training sessions. During the first
2 minutes, intensity should be at 5. Minutes 3, 4, 5, and 6 should be at intensity levels 6, 7, 8, and 9
respectively. Minute 7 goes back down to 6 intensity level and continues the wave pattern until the 19th
minute where you push intensity level to 10. The last minute is a cool down to 5 intensity. You should be
completely exhausted at this point so stretch afterward.
• Aerobic exercise is more effective for fat loss when done first thing in the morning, because it raises the
metabolism for the remainder of the day, and because the body draws more heavily on its fat stores
after fasting overnight.

• 20-Minute Aerobics Solution™ — The Official Body-for-LIFE Cardio Plan

• Warm up the first 2 minutes at Intensity Level 5
• Minutes 2-3 move from Intensity Level 5 to 6
• Minutes 4-5, 6-10 and 11-14 work your way from Intensity Level 6 to Level
9, maintain for one minute.
• Minutes 15-19 work your way from Intensity Level 6 to Level 10 (High Point
at Level 10), maintain for one minute.
• Minute 20 cool down to Intensity Level 5 for one minute.
• Alternate weight-training and cardio workouts for six consecutive days and
rest on the seventh day.

20 minutes aerobics solution
Date Planned start Time : 6:40 Actual start : 6: 35
Day 1 of 84 Planned end Time : 7:00 Actual end Time : 6:55
Aerobic workout Time to complete : 20 minutes Total Time : 20 minutes

Exercise Plan Exercise Actual

Minutes by Intensity Minutes by Intensity

minutes level minutes level
Stationary bike 1 5 Stationary 1 5
2 5 bike 2 5
3 6 3 6
Or 4 7 4 7
5 8 5 8
treadmill 6 9 6 9
7 6 7 6
or 8 7 8 7
9 8 9 8
Elliptical 10 9 10 9
11 6 11 6
12 7 12 7
13 8 13 8
14 9 14 9
15 6 15 6
16 7 16 7
17 8 17 8
High 18 9 High 18 9
Point 19 10 point 19 9
20 5 20 5

• Your weight training workouts are also geared to achieve the same kind of high point.
You alternate weight training with the 20-minute aerobic solution. So at the end of every
two-day period, you've trained every energy system in your body intensely, but with
workouts that are brief enough that you can do it again and again. 46-minute weight-
training workouts really are enough, as long as you focus on hitting intense high points.
• The first set of 12 reps is an essential stretch and warm-up. You then move to a higher
weight for 10 repetitions, higher again for 8 reps, maximal weight for 6 reps, then
dropping to lower weight for a "compound set" - 12 reps followed immediately by
another 12 reps using a different exercise for the same part. The last couple of reps in
your final 12 should require everything you've got. Concentrate on good form. Pushing a
lot of weight in bad form just gets you injured .

Exercises for upper-body muscle groups include:
"Pecs" (bench press, pec-deck, incline fly.

 "Lats" (upper back), pull-down, bent-over row, dumbbell pullover.

 Deltoids (shoulders), upright row, shoulder press, lateral raise.

 Triceps (rear arms), push-down, triceps kickback, bench dip.

 Biceps (front arms), biceps curl, concentration curl, hammer curl.

Exercises for lower-body muscle groups include:

 Quadriceps (front legs), squat, leg press, leg extension.

 Hamstrings (rear legs), leg curl, lunge, glute-ham raise.

 Calves , standing calf raise, seated calf raise.

 "Abs" (torso), crunch, reverse crunch, leg raise.

• Most of this exercise can be performed using either dumbbell, a barbell,
a Smith machine, a cable machine with adjustable pulleys or a
specially-designed apparatus. Two exercises should be chosen for each
muscle group. Five sets of the first exercise are performed, and then one
set of the second. Weights for each set should be chosen so that the
specified number of repetitions can be achieved at the specified level of
intensity. For example, Weight training sessions proceed at a brisk pace,
with one minute of rest between the first four sets for a muscle group,
and no rest between the final two sets. The cadence for each repetition
should be one second to lift the weight (while exhaling deeply), one
second holding it at the top, two seconds to lower the weight (while
inhaling deeply) and then one-second pausing before the next repetition.
Each session should be completed within about 45 minutes.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Day 5
Day 1 Day 3
Day 2 Day 4 Upper Body Day 6 Day 7
week 1 Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Weight Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
Training and Abs Training

Day 8 Day 10 Day 12

Day 9 Day 11 Day 13 Day 14
Week 2 Lower Body Weight Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
and Abs Training Training and Abs Training

Day 15 Day 17 Day 19

Day 16 Day 18 Day 20 Day 21
Week 3 Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight Upper Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
Training and Abs Training Training

Day 22 Day 24 Day 26

Day 23 Day 25 Day 27 Day 28
Week 4 Lower Body Weight Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
and Abs Training Training and Abs Training

Day 29 Day 31 Day 33

Day 30 Day 32 Day 34 Day 23
Week 5 Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight Upper Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
Training and Abs Training Training

Day 36 Day 38 Day 40

Day 37 Day 39 Day 41 Day 42
Week 6 Lower Body Weight Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
and Abs Training Training and Abs Training

Day 45
Day 43 Day 47
Day 44 Lower Body Weight Day 46 Day 48 Day 49
Week 7 Upper Body Weight Upper Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics and Abs Training 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
Training Training
Day 50
Day 52 Day 54
Lower Body Weight Day 51 Day 53 Day 55 Day 56
Week 8 Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight
and Abs Training 20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
Training and Abs Training

Day 57 Day 59 Day 61

Day 58 Day 60 Day 62 Day 63
Week 9 Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight Upper Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
Training and Abs Training Training

Day 64
Lower Body Weight Day 68
Day 65 Day 66 Day 67 Day 69 Day 70
Week 10 and Abs Training Lower Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics Upper Body Weight 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
and Abs Training

Day 71 Day 73 Day 75

Day 72 Day 74 Day 76 Day 77
Week 11 Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight Upper Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
Training and AbsTraining Training

Day 78 Day 80 Day 82

Day 79 Day 81 Day 83 Day 84
Week12 Lower Body Weight Upper Body Weight Lower Body Weight
20-Minute Aerobics 20-Minute Aerobics Free Day 20-Minute Aerobics
Training Training and Abs Training

  Planned start Time : 6:05   Actual start : 6: 10
Day 1 of 84   Planned end Time : 6:51   Actual end Time : 6: 55
Upper body work out   Time to complete : 46 minutes   Total Time : 45 minutes
    Plan   Actual
Upper body muscle groups Exercises   REPS Weight Minutes Intens   REPS Weight Minutes Intensity
  (lbs. ) between sets ity   (lbs. ) between Level
Level sets
Chest Dumbbell bench press   12 40 1 5   12 40 1 5
Dumbbell bench press   10 50 1 6   10 50 1 6
Dumbbell bench press   8 60 1 7   8 60 1 7
Dumbbell bench press   6 70 1 8   6 70 1 8
High point Dumbbell bench press   12 60 0 9   12 60 0 9
Dumbbell Flyes   12 40 2 10   12 40 2 10
Shoulders Seated dumbbell Press   12 30 1 5   12 30 1 5
Seated dumbbell Press   10 40 1 6   10 40 1 6
Seated dumbbell Press   8 45 1 7   8 45 1 7
Seated dumbbell Press   6 50 1 8   6 50 1 8
High point Seated dumbbell Press   12 45 0 9   12 45 0 9
Side Press   12 10 2 10   12 10 2 10
Back Dumbbell Rows   12 50 1 5   12 50 1 5
Dumbbell Rows   10 60 1 6   10 60 1 6
Dumbbell Rows   8 70 1 7   8 70 1 7
Dumbbell Rows   6 80 1 8   6 80 1 8
High point Dumbbell Rows   12 70 0 9   12 70 0 9
Dumbbell Pullovers   12 70 2 10   12 70 2 10
Triceps Seated dumbbell extension   12 50 1 5   12 50 1 5
Seated dumbbell extension   10 60 1 6   10 60 1 6
Seated dumbbell extension   8 70 1 7   8 70 1 7
Seated dumbbell extension   6 80 1 8   6 80 1 8
High point Seated dumbbell extension   12 70 0 9   12 70 0 9
Lying triceps extension   12 20 2 10   12 20 2 10
This point, you should be 37 minutes into your upper body weight- training workout and have 9 minutes to go
Biceps Seated dumbbell curls   12 25 1 5   12 25 1 5
Seated dumbbell curls   10 30 1 6   10 30 1 6
Seated dumbbell curls   8 35 1 7   8 35 1 7
Seated dumbbell curls   6 40 1 8   6 40 1 8
High point Seated dumbbell curls   12 35 0 9   12 35 0 9
19 Standing dumbbell curls   12 30 2 10   12 30 2 10
Date Planned start Time : 6:30 Actual start : 6: 40
Day 1 of 84 Planned end Time : 7:12 Actual end Time : 7: 25
Lower body workout Time to complete : 42 minutes Total Time : 45 minutes

Plan Actual
Upper body Exercises REPS Weight Minutes Inten REPS Weight Minutes Intensit
muscle (lbs. ) between sets sity (lbs. ) between y
groups Level sets Level
Quds Leg press 12 250 1 5 12 250 1 5
Leg press 10 300 1 6 10 300 1 6
Leg press 8 350 1 7 8 350 1 7
Leg press 6 400 1 8 6 400 1 8
High point Leg press 12 350 0 9 12 350 0 9
Leg Extensions 12 110 2 10 12 110 2 10
Hamstring dumbbell lunges 12 30 1 5 12 30 1 5
dumbbell lunges 10 40 1 6 10 40 1 6
dumbbell lunges 8 45 1 7 8 45 1 7
dumbbell lunges 6 50 1 8 6 50 1 8
High point dumbbell lunges 12 45 0 9 12 45 0 9
Lying leg curls 12 70 2 10 12 70 2 10
Calves Standing Calf’s Raises 12 200 1 5 12 200 1 5
Standing Calf’s Raises 10 250 1 6 10 250 1 6
Standing Calf’s Raises 8 300 1 7 8 300 1 7
Standing Calf’s Raises 6 350 1 8 6 350 1 8
High point Standing Calf’s Raises 12 300 0 9 12 300 0 9
Seated Calf Raises 12 200 2 10 12 200 2 10
This point, you should be 31 minutes into your lower body weight- training workout and have 11 minutes to go
Abs Floor crunches 12 - 1 5 12 - 1 5
Floor crunches 10 - 1 6 10 - 1 6
Floor crunches 8 - 1 7 8 - 1 7
Floor crunches 6 - 1 8 6 - 1 8
High point Floor crunches 12 - 0 9 12 - 0 9
Decline sit- up 12 - - 10 12 - - 10
Choose one exercise from each group for each training for the high point Fill-in exercise chosen for the first 12 reps and
choose another exercise from the same group for the sec 12 rep

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps

1. Barbell Bench Press 1. Pull-Ups 1. Seated Dumbbell 1. Alternate Dumbbell 1. Seated Triceps
2. Barbell Incline Press 2. Wide-Grip Lat Press Curls Presses
3. Dumbbell Bench Pulldown 2. Front Raises 2. Barbell Curls 2. Lying Triceps Presses
Press 3. One-Arm Dumbbell 3. Lateral Raises 3. Preacher Curls 3. Triceps Kickbacks
4. Dumbbell Incline Rows 4. Reverse Flyes 4. Concentration Curls 4. Triceps Pushdowns
Press 4. Seated Cable Rows 5. Upright Cable Rows 5. Cable Curls 5. Cable Extensions
5. Dumbbell Flyes 5. Back Extensions 6. Upright Barbell 6. Hammer Curls 6. Bench Dips
6. Cable Crossovers 6. Straight-Arm Rows


Choose one exercise from each group for each training for the high point Fill-in exercise chosen for the first 12 reps and
choose another exercise from the same group for the sec 12 rep
Quadriceps Hamstrings Calves Abs
1. Barbell Squats 1. Dumbbell Lunges 1. Seated Calf Raises 1. Floor Crunches 2. Oblique Floor Crunches
2. Leg Presses 2. Straight-Leg deadlifts 2. Standing Heel Raises 3. Decline Crunches 4. Decline Oblique
3. Leg Extensions 3. Lying Leg Curls 5. Hanging Knee Raises 6. Reverse Crunches
7. Cable Crunches 8. Cable Oblique Crunches
Over view of the training

 Weight train, intensely, for no more than 46 minutes, three times per week. Perform 20 minutes of aerobic exercise,
first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, three times per week. One free day
 Alternate training the major muscles of the upper and lower body.
 Perform 2 exercises for each major muscle group of upper body, wish includes: chest, shoulders, back, triceps and
biceps; and for the lower body: quadriceps, hamstring and claves. Train the abdominal muscles after the lower body.
 Select one exercise for each muscle group and conduct five sets, starting with a set of 12 reps, then increasing the
weight and doing 10 reps, adding more weight and doing 8 reps, add more weights and doing 6. Then reduce the
weight, do 12 more reps and immediately go to another set of 12 reps for another exercise for that muscles group.
 For each muscle group rest for one minutes between the first four sets. Then complete the final two sets with no rest in
between. Wait 2 minutes before moving on to your next muscle group. Complete this pattern five times for the upper
body training experience and four times for lower body experience.
 Follow the Intensity Index pattern and push yourself to reach higher every week.
 Always plan your training beforehand. Plan what time you’re going to exercise, which particular exercises you’ll be
doing, how much weight you’ll be lifting, and how long it will take you to complete the session. Also keep accurate
records using the daily progress reports.


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