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Society as an Objective Reality

PREPARED BY : Ms. Ann Catherine B. Goc-

I can explain how society and its
1 institutions shape individuals;

I can demonstrate curiosity about the basic

social institutions and be able to explain your
2 respective roles in socialization;

I can compare different social forms of social

organization according to their manifest and
3 talent functions ;
I can explain the logic of reproduction
1 4 of social institutions;

I can discuss the relative independence of

society and its institutions from the
5 individual’s consciousness.

A.1. Preliminaries
A.1.1. Prayer;
A.1.2. Vision, Mission, and Core Values
A.1.3. Five (5) “Is” of HCA
A.1.4. Module

Many people believe that what they do, what they choose-from
choosing the model of mobile phone to buy, to the kind of hair style
they want-are based on their personal decisions.
Many young people believe that the program they will take
after senior high school is based on their own decision and on the
influence of their environment. Most of you probably believe that
everyone has the right to choose his/her own religion, spouse, school,
and friends.
In this unit , you are going to explore how these choices-from
the most trivial to the most serious ones- are the largely shaped and
determined by the culture that molded you, the kind of social
institutions you were brought up with, and degree of power you have
to pursue your goals. You will have the opportunity to appreciate how
society, culture and politics are not just imaginary ideas but , have the 5
“real” power to influence how you choose, and even coercing you to
avoid and refrain from choosing certain actions that are considered
morally unacceptable.
Many people trivialize the influences of social institutions and
culture on their choices, but by learning their coercive powers,
people can begin to control and extend their freedom and exercise
better decisions. If, for instance, through this unit you are able to
analyze and explore the impact of mass media violence on the
behavior of young people, then you can do something about the
aggression of young people. If through this unit you are able to
appreciate the diversity of human families, then, you can be more
open minded about the choices of other people.

If through this unit you are able evaluate the process of
globalization as they impact on our social institutions and culture,
then you can better appreciate and comprehend the forces that
operate in your localities.
The power of social sciences, such as sociology, anthropology,
and political science, is to enable you to connect your biography
with the wider social world and, because of globalization, to the
growing interconnectedness of societies.
This unit, therefore, will be very helpful for you to better grasp
and appreciate your location in your locality, the Philippines
society, and the globalized world. By exposing you to these
issues, this unit will help you make better and intelligent choices
in a culturally diverse world.
Good Morning, before we will start our lesson, let’s
answer this situational question below:
Thought Experiment:
Suppose you have a bad stomach and you are
desperate to use a comfort room. Unfortunately,
the only available comfort room is for the
opposite sex. But there are no people around to
see you. What will you do?

Now, we are going to learn the
Concept of Society as an
Objective Reality.

Answer the Pre-lesson
Assessment Activity on page 37
of your textbook.

Read pages 37- 40 of your textbook highlighting
the “Concept of Society as an Objective

Read pages 40-43 of your textbook highlighting

the “Social Reproduction or How Societies

 As you read the lesson, answer the “Something

to Think About” question on page 40 of your
1. ) Compare the different social
forms of social organization
according to their manifest and
latent functions.

Instruction: In your worksheet , write your most embarrassing

The Most Embarrassing Thing That I Did…

Guide questions:
1.What makes it embarrassing?
2. What were the roles and rules that were violated
because of these roles?
3. What did you learn from it?
Write an analysis of your family using Parson’s
AGIL scheme. How does your family mobilize
resources, set goals, integrate, and maintain
intimacy among members? Who do you think acts
as the government in your family? How about the


1. The introduction is inviting, states the

main topic, and provides an overview of
the paper.
2. The analysis is using Parson’s AGIL
scheme. Main ideas are clear and are 5
well supported by detailed and accurate
3. All sentences are well constructed and
have varied structure and length. The 5
author makes no errors in grammar,
mechanics, and/or spelling.

5– Excellent 3– Fair
4 – Good 2– Poor

Next week ,we will discuss the
“ The Family Today: Declining or

Thank you for your attention.

 1.)Online –Type written (Use the format and write your
answer in the space provided.
2.) Modular – Hand written ( Write only your answer)
3.) Use another paper if needed and attached to your
4.) Submission of output:
Online: my email
 Offline thru delivery to school.


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