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Artificial intelligence and neural


Materia: Ingles/Subject: Ingles
Universidad/COLLEGE: IUTA
Artificial intelligence
 Artificial intelligence is to design processes that,
when executed on a physical architecture, produce
results that maximize some measure of
performance. These processes are based on
sequences of entries which are received and stored
by the aforementioned architecture.
Artificial intelligence
The devices with artificial intelligence can run
different processes analogous to human behavior,
such as returning a response for each input (similar to
the reflex actions of living beings), the search for a
state among all possible as an action or problem
solving by formal logic.
 Artificial intelligence
 Currently, the most popular form of artificial
intelligence exists in video games, since consumption
is massive. In this context, it applies to enemies and
computer controlled so that their performance
throughout the interactive experience spontaneous
seem credible characters. Needless to say, the type
of artificial intelligence used in each case is different
and responds to a variety of needs.
¿What are neural networks?

 Neural networks are designed as abstractions of the

neurobiological structures (brain) found in nature and
have the characteristic of being disordered systems
capable of storing information systems.
Neural Networks
 The way they work is essentially different from that
used by conventional computers. Microscopic
brain processors (neurons) working in parallel and
qualitatively exhibit more noise than the elements
that make computers.
Neural Networks

 No running a fixed program based on a pre-specified

set of data, but that communicate via relays signals
we call synopsis, arriving in conjunction centers called
the bodies of neurons and electrical signals from
which emerge through channels known with the
name of axons

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