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MTech Thesis Presentation

Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Viscoelastic Fluids

in a Horizontal Annulus

Pyari Mohan Sahu

Under the supervision of

Dr. Chandi Sasmal

Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Ropar



Problem statement

Governing equations and boundary conditions

Numerical solution procedure

Results and discussion

Conclusions and future perspectives

What is natural convection heat transfer?

• There is no external agency like pump or blower present.

• The driving force in this mode of heat transfer is the buoyancy-induced convection current present in the system,
originated due to the density difference of the fluid.


Image courtesy- google image

Why it is important to study?

Food processing industries Design of Heat exchangers Design of solar dish concentrator

Thermal sterilization of canned foods

• Most of the studies on natural convection heat transfer have been carried out for simple Newtonian fluids like
water or air
However, there are many fluids present which do not obey the simple Newton’s laws of viscosity, for example

Ketchup Paint Shaving cream Sunscreen

Pharmaceutical suspensions

Polymer solutions 6
Generalized non-Newtonian fluids (GNF) or inelastic fluids

Significant amount of studies have been carried out for these GNF fluids on natural convection heat transfer

Complex fluids are mixtures that have a coexistence between two phases: solid–liquid (suspensions or solutions of macromolecules such as
polymers), solid–gas (granular), liquid–gas (foams) or liquid–liquid (emulsions). source: Wikipedia

Isaac Newton
(1643-1727) Robert Hooke

Newton’s law of (perfectly) viscous fluid Hooke’s law of (perfectly) elastic solid

There is almost no study available on natural convection heat transfer in these viscoelastic fluids
8 !!
Problem statement and grid independence study



Grid Elements Parameters Nu

Ns Nr Nt Ra Wi L2 Pr

G1 256 78 19968 106 100 800 7 11.72

G2 400 100 40000 106 100 800 7 11.87

G3 500 120 60000 106 100 800 7 11.88

Governing equations and dimensionless numbers
Continuity equation:
x j
Momentum equation:

ui ui p    ui  1  Cij

uj        i 2
t x j xi Ra Pr x j  x j  Wi Ra Pr x j
Energy equation:
  1    
uj   
t x j RaPr x j  x j 
Thermal expansion coefficient
Boussinesq approximation:
1 
   ref 1  T  T  Tref  
T  
 T P
Governing equations and dimensionless numbers

x *
u *
t uc *
p T  TC
xi  , ui  , t 
i i
, p ,  , Cij  2
Ri uc Ri ref uc
TH  TC L0

Where the characteristic velocity uc  Ri g T T

FENE-P (Finitely extensible non-linear elastic –Peterlin’s approximation) viscoelastic constitutive equation

Cij Cij ui f ( R)Cij   ij

u j
 uk  Cik  Ckj 
t xk xk xk Wi
In the above equation,  ij is the Kroneker delta and f (R) is the Peterlin’s approximation of the finite extensibility of the
L 3
FENE-P model defined as f ( R)  L  R where R  tr (Cij ) and L are the extension length and maximum possible extension

length of a polymer molecule, respectively. The relation between the conformation tensor and viscoelastic stress tensor is
given by  ijp  f ( R )Cij   ij 11
Governing equations and dimensionless numbers

• Rayleigh number

T g TRi3   

k  are the kinematic viscosity and
Ra  Where   0 
  ref  and   Cp 
 
   ref

thermal diffusivity, respectively.

• Prandtl number

Pr  • Viscosity ratio
 s
• Weissenberg number
 uc • Polymer extensibility parameter
Wi 
Ri 2
L 12
Results and discussion


Results and discussion
Streamlines and velocity magnitude plots

Figure 4: Streamlines and velocity magnitude plots at

Figure 4: Streamlines and velocity magnitude plots at

(e) Ra  106 ,   0.9, Wi  100, L2  500 (f) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  100, L2  500
(a) Ra  103 ,   0.9, Wi  1, L2  10 (b) Ra  106 ,   0.9, Wi  1, L2  10

(g) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  100, L2  10 (h) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  100, L2  500 14

(c) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  1, L2  500 (d) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  100, L2  500
Results and discussion
Isotherm contours

Figure 5: Surface distribution of isotherm contours Figure 5: Surface distribution of isotherm contours
(a) Ra  103 ,   0.9, Wi  1, L2  10 (b) Ra  106 ,   0.9, Wi  1, L2  10
(e) Ra  106 ,   0.9, Wi  100, L2  500 (f) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  100, L2  500
(c) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  1, L2  500 (d) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  100, L2  500
(g) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  100, L2  10 (h) Ra  106 ,   0.5, Wi  100, L2  500 15
Results and discussion
Variation of local Nusselt number

Ra = 10^6
Ra = 10^3

Fig6: Distribution of local Nusselt number along the surface of

the inner cylinder.

Results and discussion
Variation of average Nusselt number

Effect of Rayleigh number

Fig7: Variation of the average Nusselt number with the Rayleigh number both for
Newtonian and FENE-P viscoelastic fluids with

Results and discussion
Effect of Weissenberg number and polymer extensibility parameter Effect of polymer viscosity ratio

Fig8:Variation of the average Nusselt number with the Weissenberg number and Fig9: Variation of the average Nusselt number with the polymer viscosity ratio at
polymer extensibility parameter at Ra = 103 (a) and 106 (b) 18
two values of the Rayleigh number, namely, 103 and 106

• In this study, we have performed an extensive numerical investigation on natural convection of

viscoelastic fluids in a horizontal annulus
• Heat transfer rate increases with the Rayleigh number irrespective of the fluid type, i.e., Newtonian or
• Heat transfer rate increases with the Weissenberg number up to certain value, and then it remains almost
• Heat transfer rate increases with the decreasing value of the polymer viscosity ratio and/or increasing the
polymer concentration
• Overall, the heat transfer rate was always higher in viscoelastic fluids than that seen for Newtonian fluids
under otherwise identical conditions
• Therefore, one can regulate the heat transfer rate by adding polymers into a Newtonian solvent



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