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BE Mechanical
Project Phase – 1


Mr. Jankar Sandeep Balaso
Mr. Jankar Ranjeet Kakaso
Mr. Suryawanshi Atul Ramesh
Mr. Suryavanshi Avinash Bharat
Mr. Metakari Santosh Suresh

Under the Guidance of

Asst. Prof. N. M. Patil


YRAR 2019-20
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Problem Statement
• Objectives
• Methodology
• Project Plan (Process Chart)
• References

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 2

A solar energy-powered water pump is a water pump
running on the electricity that is generated by solar
photovoltaic modules. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can be
an attractive complementary energy source deployed
alongside diesel pumps in areas with plenty of sunshine and
where the cost to run power lines is high. Photovoltaic
systems have the benefit of being scalable, with capacity
ranging from a few watts for applications such as automated
farm gates or timers, to hundreds of kilowatts for the
homestead and farm sheds. Rather than having one large
centralized system, a number of distributed PV systems can be
deployed at pump sites.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 3


Solar pumping systems are best suited for transfer operations (to
pump water out of bore, for instance, or transfer it from dam to
storage tank) in which pumps run continuously for most of the
day. Applications that require water to be pumped at night are
not as well suited to solar-powered pumps, as storage solutions
such as batteries and storage tanks can add significantly to the
cost of the system. Although these energy storage solutions can
be expensive, they allow for greater utilization of the PV system.
Depending on the application, stocked water can be fed by
gravity when there is insufficient sunlight to power the solar
pumps, thus reducing diesel consumption further. Due to the
high capital costs that are still associated with solar systems,
simple paybacks of seven to eight years are generally achievable
only where pumping currently occurs for more than half the year.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 4

Literature Review
Sr. Title of the Author(s) Outcome(s)
No Paper

1. Solar Powered Dave Umang Y., In this paper author has discussed about the
Reciprocating Nena Vivek, position and purpose of photovoltaic panels
Pump Thakor Nirmal and its use. The size of the PV system depends
And Parmar on a size of the pump and amount of water lift
Krunal as well as the solar irradiance available. The
paper also highlights the components and
material required for construction of solar
reciprocating pump. For example, solar panel-
Silicon material, crank shaft-Mild steel, valve-
stainless steel and tank-mild Steel.
The reciprocating pump is running on
electricity generated by solar cell available
from collected sunlight.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 5

Sr. Title of the Paper Author(s) Outcome(s)
2. Solar Water Mr. Bhong Sagar, In this paper author discussed about the
Pumping System Mr. Kale Mdhav, Mr. conversion of sun energy into electrical
Shinde Kishor And energy in the form of DC voltage which
Mr. Bobade was fed to the battery and inverter at
Rameshwar same time. Battery stores this energy and
inverter converts this DC voltage into AC
voltage, which is inputted to the AC
pump. Inverter is required between the
PV panel and the motor to convert direct
current generated by the solar panel to
the alternate current required for electric
pump motor.
From this paper it has been cleared that
non-conventional energy source
degraded day by day, so it’s necessary to
move to convectional energy sources and
that too solar energy because solar
energy is less costly.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 6

Sr. Title of the Paper Author(s) Outcome(s)
3. A Review Solar Sapna Wagh,
Tracking System Prasad Wagh, In this paper author is discussed about,
With smart solar tracker which consists of an
Reciprocating automated tracking mechanism and the
Pump studies over the objectives and types of
solar tracking system. The study reveals
about the use of accurate tracking of the
In this paper a brief review is done over
photovoltaic characteristics, design of
tracking system and the methodology
used for simulation model.
From this paper we are taken the
proposed diagram of Solar Reciprocating
Pump (SRP).Also in this paper indicates
the design of project on solar powered
reciprocating pumps. The solar power
produced in the maximum efficiency.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 7

Sr. Title of Author(s) Outcome(s)
no the Paper

4. Developm Suhagiya Falcon In this paper we find out solar powered

ent of Dave Siddharth reciprocating pumps specification &used parts-
Solar 24-WATT Solar panel, two 12v battery, 12v DC
Powered motor with speed reduction reciprocating
Water gearbox, circular disc, connecting rod, piston
Pumping cylinder, supply pipe, sump and overhead tank.
System From this paper author discussed about the
how to build solar water pumping system ,solar
powered Pumping System is cost effective
comparatively to an electricity operated pump .
Since here non –conventional energy is used to
achieve the required head.
In this paper author told about why we are
used reciprocating pump, because reciprocating
pump are self –priming and are suitable for very
high head at low flows.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 8 Title of Author(s) Outcome(s)
the Paper

5. Solar A.Ashokkumar1 S. In this paper author discussed about the

Water Thirumavalavan idea of converting solar energy into
Pumping electrical energy using photovoltaic panels
System holds its place in the front row compared to
With Auto other renewable sources. But the
Tracking continuous change in the relative angle of
For the sun with reference to the earth reduces
Agricultura the watts delivered by solar panel.
l Purpose In this context solar tracking system is the
best alternative to increase the efficiency of
the photovoltaic panel. Solar trackers move
the payload towards the sun throughout
the day.
In this paper different types of tracking
systems and LDR sensor are reviewed and
discussed in detail. T, Maximum power
-10Wp, circuit current-250V, Circuit Current-
0.529A, Voltage at Maximum Power -19v,
Current at maximum power-0.455A

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 9 Title of the Paper Author(s) Outcome(s)

6. SOLAR POWERED B. Eker In this paper author discussed about

WATER PUMPING the increase in price per increase in
SYSTEMS unit power output of a photovoltaic
system is greater than that for a diesel,
gasoline, or electric system.
Photovoltaic power is more cost
competitive when the irrigation system
with which it operates has low total
dynamic head. For this reason,
Photovoltaic power is more cost-
competitive when used to power a
micro irrigation system as compared to
an overhead sprinkler system.
Also in this paper the author has
explained the working of solar
powered water pumping system and
designing and installing system.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 10

Sr. Title of the Paper Author(s) Outcome(s)
7. Scope and Review of Vishwa Nath
Photovoltaic Solar Maurya1, G. From this paper author discussed
Water Pumping Ogubazghi2, about system component in which
System as a Badriprasad solar panels ,support structure,
Sustainable Solution Misra3, foundations ( Array and pump)
Enhancing Water Avadhseh Kumar ,electrical Interconnections and
Use Efficiency in Maurya4, plumbing .
Irrigation Diwinder Kaur Also discussed the advantages of PV
Arora5 pumping system in which low
maintenance, low operating cost,
Harmonious with nature and
Flexibility. Author told about various
limitations of PV Pumping system .in
that Low yield, Variable yield, Theft.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 11

Sr. Title of Author Outcome(s)
No. the Paper (s)
8. Powered New York
Water State This is nothing but the survey report held in New York
Pumping Energy State. The purpose of this provide New York State
System farmers and landowners with information on planning
and installing solar-powered water pumping systems.
Because every location has different needs and
resources, this guide provides the general principles
required to make an informed decision on whether or
not a solar pump is right for your operation. Currently,
solar water pumps are used in the western United
States as well as in many other countries or regions with
abundant sunlight.
Solar pumps have proven to be a cost-effective and
dependable method for providing water in situations
where water resources are spread over long distances,
power lines are few or non-existent, and fuel and
maintenance costs are considerable.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 12


Fig. Reciprocating Pump Proposed Diagram of SRP

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 13

Problem Statement
Existing reciprocating and other pumps are operated using
electricity which keeps running cost of these pumps on higher
side. The cost incurred in operating the reciprocating pumps is
reduced by eliminating by utilization of solar energy stored in
the battery.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 14

1. To design and develop solar operated reciprocating pump.
2. To utilize solar energy in operation of reciprocating pump.
3. To save the power by replacing solar energy.

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 15

Sr. No. Methodology
Phase I Selection of Topic
Phase II Literature Review
Phase III Material Selection

Phase IV Design
Phase V Fabrication
Phase VI Testing

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 16

Project Plan (Process Chart)
Sr.No. Title Month
1 Selection of topic July 2019
2 Literature Review August and September
3 Material Selection October 2019
4 Design October 2019
5 Fabrication Dec. & Jan. 2020
6 Testing Feb 2020

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 17

Material Selection:

1 Solar panel Silicon

2 Battery -

3 Crank Shaft Mild Steel

4 Motor -

5 Valve Stainless Steel

6 Tank Mild Steel

7 Reciprocating Pump Plastic

8 Pipe Stainless Steel

9 Stand Mild Steel

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 18

Components of Solar Powered
Reciprocating Pump:
1 Solar Panel
2. Battery
3 Motor
4. Reciprocating Pump
5. Storage Tank

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 19

Design Parameter:
1 Design of Crank:
1. Thus diameter of the disc is 150mm.[4]
D= 150mm
2. R= radius of the disc.
L/2= 75mm.
3. Thickness[4]
t =3mm

2. Design of Connecting Rod:

L= Length of Stroke [4]
L=150mm to 230mm

3. Design of Reciprocating Pump:

{Losses Ignored}
Bore Diameter= 50mm [4]
Length of stroke= 150mm [4]
Head or height h=2.4 m [4]

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 20

Suction lift= 0.5m Q = (π×d2 ×L×N)/4×60
= [π×(0.05)2 ×0.15×15]/ 4×60 = 7.35×10-5 m3 /s
Power (P) = ρ×g×h
= 1000×9.81×2.4
= 23.52Watt

4. Design of Motor:
1. Speed of rotation[4]
N=15 rpm
2. Power output form reciprocating pump
P=23.52 Watt
3. Calculation of Torque
P= 2 πNT/ 60
T=23.52x60/ 2πx15
T=14.97 N-m =149.78 Kg-Cm =1.4978 Kg-m
T=10.82 lb-ft
4. Calculation of HP
HP = Torque x RPM /5252
=10.82 x 15 / 5252
=0.031 hp
To select the 0.033(1/33) HP standard motor.
Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 21
1. Dave Umang Y., Nena Vivek, Thakor Nirmal, Parmar Krunal, “Solar
Powered Reciprocating Pump” International Journal of Scientific and
Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 6, (274-278)
2. Mr. Bhong Sagar, Mr. Kale Madhav , Mr. Shinde Kishor, Mr. Bobade Rameshwar
and Prof. Pandhi Tushar, “Solar Water Pumping System”, International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET);Volume: 05 Issue: 02. (1323-1326)
3. Suhagiya Falcon, Seju Nirav, Dave Siddharth and Patel Vashishtha ,”
Development of Solar Powered Water Pumping System “International Journal for
Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 12 (493-502)
4. Sapna Wagh, Prasad Wagh, Amit Mawale, Akshay Agarkar, Sateesha Patil, “A
Review Solar Tracking System With Reciprocating Pump” International Journal of
Advance Engineering and Research Development Volume 4, Issue 2,(486-489)
5. A.Ashokkumar, S. Thirumavalavan; “Solar Water Pumping System With Auto
Tracking for Agricultural Purpose”; International Journal of Pure and Applied
MathematicsVolume 116 No. 18 2017, (265-268 )

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 22

6. Vishwa Nath Maurya, G. Ogubazghi, Badri Prasad Misra,

Avadhseh Kumar Maury and Diwinder Kaur Arora; “Scope

and Review of Photovltaic Solar Water Pumping System” as a
Sustainable Solution Enhancing Water Use in Irrigation;
American Journal of Biological and Environmental Statistics,
7. B. Eker; “Solar Powered Water Pumping Systems”;Trakia
Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 7,
8. Powered Pumping System ,”NEW YORK STATE PUBLISHED”

Thursday, September 30, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department 23

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