The Importance of Safe Food Handling Practices and Proper Safety Etiquette Among The Grade 12 Cookery Students in Darssths

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“The Importance of Safe Food

Handling Practices and Proper

Safety Etiquette among the
Grade 12 Cookery Students in
Leader: Tan, Brynne
Calma, Cristian
Gallinera, Jhon Paul
Josue, Ruffi
Oria, Noemi
Pascual, Lloyd
Reyes, Jeremy
Uy, Sendoh
Chapter I The Problem and It’s Background
• The Safe Food Handling and Proper Safety
Etiquette is a must known in Cooking
• Its purpose is to provide additional knowledge
to the readers and help promote safe food
handling and proper safety etiquette
• To prevent the chance of food contamination
• Safe food proper training and proper safety
etiquette are important because food borne
illnesses are preventable and can help us to
prevent the chance of food contamination
• Inside the kitchen, usually, proper hygiene can
be included in this topic; many sub-topics can
be discussed in this topic
Conceptual Framework:
Demographic of the Students

Grade and Section
All harmful bacteria are destroyed by thorough and complete cooking
It is safe to store fresh produce below raw meat and poultry
Wash your hands regularly
Use a sterilizing unit
Use the same knife for meat, vegetables and other fruits
Always does the Proper Hygiene for kitchen everyday
One of the most common causes of food borne illness is failure to properly cool food
Hand sanitizers are the best way to wash your hands
Always wear kitchen attire when cooking
Prefer using stocked vegetable than buying new ones
Cover the food to avoid contamination
Do not change gloves when you touch dirty things
Food Hygiene means to remove the illness-causing factors in food
Frozen foods can be frozen again after thawed
Microorganisms most likely to cause food poisoning
Foods can be touched without full sanitization

Make the survey questionnaire

Interpretation and analysis of data

The Importance of Food Safe Handling Practices

and Proper Safety Etiquette among the Grade 12
Cookery Students in DARSSTHS
Statement of the Problem
This study sought to find the answer to if there a
significant relationship between the importance
of Safe Food Handling Practices & Proper Safety
Etiquette among the Grade 12 Cookery Students
in Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science Technology
High School
The general problem was specific below:
• Is there is a significant relationship between
the importance of safe food handling practices
and the importance of proper safety etiquette
among the Grade 12 Cookery Students in Don
Alejandro Roces Sr. Science Technology High
• What implication may be drawn from the
result of the study to enhance the importance
of safe food handling practices?
Significance of the study

The outcome of the study will benefit the

Future Researchers
Research Design
Research Instrument
Survey Questionare
Respondents of the Study

24 Survey Questionare for Grade 12 Students

• The researchers preparing the approval letter, to convince
the adviser of students before answering the questionnaires.
• The all researcher prepared the questionnaires of our
research about "The importance of safe food handling
practices & proper safety etiquette among the Grade 12
Cookery Students in Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science
Technology High School
• The researcher surveyed students in Don Alejandro Roces Sr.
Science-Technology High school the all grade 12 students as
respondents. The researchers oriented all respondents’
students on how to answer these questionnaires before the
survey. The researchers will collect the questionnaires.
Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis and
Interpretation of Data Surveyed

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