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I .

1.Be brief, clear and to the point.
2.Use separate paragraphs for separate topics.
3.The first para should indicate the theme of the letter.
4.Make a factual statement of facts.
5.Use simple and direct language. Avoid the use of long and high
sounding words and ambiguous construction.
6.Even while lodging a complaint or making criticism, you should be
polite and civil. Contd…
7. Avoid common-place and clumsy expressions.
8. Use a proper layout/format for these formal letters. The block format
is more in vogue in formal letters whereas the indented format may be
used in informal letters.
9. Use of punctuation marks is dispensed with in the block format.
10.Always use:
(a) Suitable format.
(b) Well-organized content.
(c) Appropriate language Contd…
11. Remember the following points about block format: 
1. There is no indentation.
2. Each block begins with the margin on left hand side.
3. Extra space should be left between different sections and
4. Omit punctuation marks in address and date. A comma (,) may
be put after the salutation.
Ref No…
Sender’s Address ….
Date ….
Receiver’s Name ….
WORD LIMIT = 125-150
Receiver’s Address ….
Format = 1
Subject ….
Content = 2
Introductory para ….
Expression = 2
Main body of the letter ….
Concluding para ….
Yours faithfully
Signature ….
Full Name ….
Designation ….
It includes your creativity in presenting ideas which are relevant to the
topic of the letter. The content of the letter must be well-organised to
ensure clarity and effective communication. The content is divided into
three main parts:
1.Introductory part
2.Main part
3. Concluding remarks
1.The introductory paragraph introduces the theme.
2.The main part deals with the problem/issue. It is the real content of the letter.
3.The closing part of the body gives conclusions or offers suggestions.

Some Tips:
—Be brief and to the point
—Mention specific issues only
—Tone: polite but formal Contd…
(a) Fluency is your ability to present your ideas in a coherent and organised way.
Before answering in the ‘fair’, you must prepare a rough draft and jot down your
ideas. You may follow the process detailed below:
•Think about the letter/topic.
•Collect all the ideas and put them down roughly.
•Organise the ideas by putting common ideas together.
•Arrange them sequentially.
•End on a positive note.
(b) Accuracy involves grammatical correctness as well as structuring of sentences.
Your effort should not be to use complex, long and unwieldy sentences, but to present
your content in simple, straightforward language.
Enquiry/Seeking information
1.Courses Offered
2.Bookings – Banquets, Reservations, Hotel,
Packages/ Tours, etc
3.Business – Before Placing orders
You are Vivek/Varsha Malhotra, Head Boy /Girl of Zenith Public
School, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi. You have to organise short tours to
Agra, Jaipur and Chandigarh. Write a letter to Globe Tours and Travels,
235, Nehru Place, New Delhi, enquiring about their terms for
conducted tours by deluxe buses. Also ask about the fare, boarding and
lodging charges and arrangements, total time of the trip and mode of
Zenith Public School
Ashok Vihar
New Delhi
16 July, 20XX
M/s Globe Tours and Travels
235 Nehru Place
New Delhi
Sub: Enquiry about conducted tours
We organise short educational tours to places of social and historical interest during the autumn/winter break. The likely places of visit this year are
Agra, Jaipur and Chandigarh.
Please let me know your terms for conducted tours by deluxe buses to places mentioned above. The rates should include lodging/boarding charges,
fare per km per bus.
I would like to know the kind of boarding and lodging facilities provided by you, the duration of journey and halting charges, if any.
Please let me know if group discount and student discount are admissible if we charter a bus.
Expecting an early response.
Yours faithfully
Vivek Malhotra
Head Boy
You are Sahil Tuteja, the Sports Secretary of your school. Write a letter
to Globe Enterprises, New Delhi, a leading firm dealing in sports
goods, requesting them to supply their trade catalogue. You may
mention the items you intend to buy and ask for a discount on the
catalogue prices.
ABN School
10 March, 20XX
Messrs Globe Enterprises
F-4, Greater Kailash-II
New Delhi
Dear Sirs
Sub: Trade Catalogue for Sports Goods
We have to buy sports material in bulk for various games and sports for our school for the new academic session beginning w.e.f. 1st April.
We are interested in cricket bats and balls, hockey sticks, balls, goalkeeper’s full kit, footballs, volleyballs, basket balls, table tennis balls and bats
etc. We also need items for uniform namely, sports T-shirts, shorts and vests of different sizes.
Your firm has been mentioned to us as one of the best dealers in sports goods.
I shall be glad if you send me your catalogue together with quotations for large quantities. Please do mention the time required to effect delivery
and the terms of payment.
I hope you will facilitate business by quoting the lowest possible rates. I am confident that you will patronise us by giving some discount also.
Please mention the rate of discount on the catalogue prices.
Yours faithfully
Sahil Tuteja
Sports Secretary
You are Sahil Tuteja, studying in grade XII. Write a letter to Admission
Counsellor, Christ College, Bangalore seeking course details for
admission to B.Sc.
Date- (on the day the letter is written)
Subject: Enquiry on courses offered
Respected Sir,
I am interested in joining The Christ University in Bangalore for the admission of Bachelor’s Degree in science
(particularly in Chemistry) after I finish school. Before applying I wanted to know certain details about the course as well
as the college.
I would really appreciate it if you could send me details regarding the Chemistry department such as Admission
requirements, Faculty credentials, Scholarships offered and on what basis, Contact information of the Head of Department.
Aside from that I would also like to know about the fee structure and hostel facilities in college.
I am attaching my address and phone number which you can use to contact me if there arises a need for any questions.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
Your name.
You are Varsha/Varun, the Secretary of the Students’ Forum of
Navodaya School, Bikaner. You have planned an excursion to
Bhubaneshwar and nearby places during summer vacation. Write a
letter to the General Manager, Northern Railways asking for
reservation of a bogie for 60 children from Bikaner to Bhubaneshwar
and back, supplying all the necessary information.
Navodya School, Bikaner
No 523/NSB/05
12 March 20XX
The General Manager
Northern Railway
Bikaner Division
Sub: Reservation of a bogie for 60 students
A group of 60 students of senior classes of this school have planned to visit Bhubaneshwar and nearby worth-seeing spots during the ensuing
summer vacation. They will be accompanied by three teachers and two attendants. The touring party intends to leave Bikaner on 15 May, 20XX
by Bikaner Mail in a specially reserved bogie to be linked to Konark Express at Delhi. They are likely to commence their return journey on 10
June by the same train. Please confirm whether a bogie can be reserved for them dining the above dates. An early confirmation at your end will
help the school authorities finalise the other necessary arrangements.
You are also requested to supply the details of estimated expenditure with students’ concession so that the money may be deposited well in time.
List of tour party on prescribed proforma is enclosed.
Hoping for an early reply.
Yours faithfully
Students’ Forum
Q1.As the Sales Manager of M/s Universal Book Suppliers, 26 Ansari
Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi, write a letter to the librarian of Scindia
School, Gwalior offering information regarding the sale of dictionaries
and illustrated children’s encyclopedias.
Universal Book Suppliers
26, Ansari Road
New Delhi
Tel. No. 23286677
Our Ref. No. UBS/AMS/02/DE/0507
Your Ref. No. SCG/CE/54-03
Dated 19 May, 20XX
The Librarian
Scindia School
Sub: Sale of Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
We thank you for your letter dated 5 May, 20XX and are happy to furnish you the following information:
We stock dictionaries and encyclopedias published by Indian as well as foreign publishers. We have books suitable for all age-groups of school
going children. As desired by you, we are enclosing our latest catalogue. It contains the information you need.
We shall offer you 15% discount given to educational institutions on this category of books. We need two weeks’ time to make delivery of the order.
We accept payment by demand draft only. It should be payable at New Delhi.
I hope our terms will meet your approval and we’ll receive your order soon.
Yours faithfully
S. Ravindran
Sales Manager
Question 2. As the Regional Manager of a leading
XYZ Textile Company, Mumbai, write a letter to the
American Textile Company, Madurai offering two
of your products for bulk sale.
24 Pyarelal Road, Mumbai
Ref. STC/20/78
12 August, 20XX
The Senior Purchase Manager
The American Textile Company
Sub: Offer of Products for Bulk Sale
We are one of the leading manufacturers of textile products in Western India and our products are equally popular at home
and abroad. We have received an enquiry from your branch office at Kanpur regarding terms for bulk purchase.
We wish to inform you that we grant 30% trade discount to commercial/bulk purchases on an order for not less than ₹ one
lakh at a time. We allow further discount of 5% to buyers whose orders exceed ₹ Five lakh per year.
Our latest price list and illustrated catalogue along with specimen of textiles are enclosed for your kind perusal and approval.
An early reply will be appreciated.
Yours sincerely
A. G. George
Sales Manager
1.Against a faulty product
2.Against a service
3.General complaints
A Complaint Letter is a type of letter written to address any type of wrong-doing, offence, grievance,
resentment arising out of a product, service, etc. It is used to raise your concern about unfair things
and seek a productive outcome.  It is a fundamental right and duty of a citizen to seek justice arising
out of any injustice, and the first step toward it is, filing a Complaint. It inspires other troubled
consumers, influences the concerned authorities to take proper action and makes the defaulters more
liable, responsible and responsive.

It can be of the following types-

1.Personal Complaint letter- The type of complaint letter you write on your own individual level
pertaining to your individual grievances is referred to as personal complaint letter.
2.Professional Complaint letter- It is that type of complaint letter that is written on the behalf of the
organisation pertaining to issues that are affecting the organisation as a whole.

1.Write a letter to the Managing Director, New Woodlands Hotel, Chennai to find out the rates for conducting the XII Standard Farewell Party
on their lawns, enquiring about catering costs per head, service charges and advance to be paid.

2.Rajat Chaurasia of 62, Jai Prakash Narayan Nagar, Patna bought a ‘VIP’ colour T.V. set from M/s Better Deals, Ganga Road, Patna. After a
month he finds that the sound is not clear and the colours fade away every now and then. Write a letter as Rajat/Raveena Chaurasia to the dealer
complaining about the same and requesting him to change the set at the earliest.

3. You are Ramneek, a student of XI class of Patel Sr. Secondary School, Gandhi Nagar. You read an advertisement of Elite Orientations, a
leading postal education institution of Gujarat, published in The Indian Express. Write a letter to the Director of the institute seeking
information regarding facilities, duration, fee, etc. for the CBSE medical entrance tests.

4.You are Ashi/Ashish. The other day you bought a pair of shoes from the Liberty Shoe House, Hazrat Ganj, Lucknow. On unpacking them you
found to your surprise that both the shoes are meant for your left foot. Now write a letter of complaint to the Manager of the Shoe House asking
for replacement at their cost.

5. You are the General Manager of Surya Steel Tubes and Pipes, Bahadurgarh (Haryana). You had received a bulk order from Planwell & Co.,
builders and contractors for supply of iron pipes of various sizes. Unfortunately, there is a problem of short supply of electricity/labour unrest.
Write a polite letter to the customers explaining why the orders can’t be executed by the due date.

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