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The Mole and Avogadro’s Number

• The Mole

• Avogadro’s Number

• Molar Mass

• Finding n

• Finding the # of atoms

• Working with formulas -

We sometimes give a name to a specific

Can you think of any more?????

The Mole…
• We need a relationship between the mass of a sample of
an element/compound and the number of
atoms/molecules in that sample

• For this, we use the MOLE

1 mole (mol) = 6.02 x 1023 particles = Avogadro’s Number

Interesting Facts….
• If one mole of pennies were distributed equally among 6
billion people, each person would get 1x1014 pennies or
1x1012 dollars (1,000,000,000,000 = 1 trillion dollars)!
• If Avogadro’s number of sheets of paper were divided
into a million equal piles, each pile would be so tall that
it would stretch from Earth to the Sun and beyond.
• In order to obtain Avogadro’s number of grains of sand,
you would have to dig the entire surface of the Sahara
desert to a depth of 2 m. The Sahara desert has an area
of 8x106 km2.
Molar Mass
• The molar mass of anything is the mass of 1 mole of that
thing in grams
– Coins, chickens, computers, students, etc.
• 1 mole 12C atoms = 6.022 x 1023 atoms = 12.01 g
• 1 mole 15Mg atoms = 6.022 x 1023 atoms = 24.305 g

For any element

The atomic mass (amu) =
molar mass (grams/mol)
What is the mass of one mole of:


Cu Fe
One of THE formulas in Chemistry

n = m
n = number of moles
m = mass of the sample
M = molar mass
Check Your Understanding
• Determine the amount of substance in a mass
of 10.0 g of iron?
• Given: mFe = 10.0 g
• Required: amount of substance, n = ? mol
MFe = 55.85 g/mol
n = m/M
Practice Questions
1.    How many moles of Na are in 42 g of Na?
2.    How many moles of O are in 8.25 g of O?
3.    How much does 2.18 mol of Cu weigh?
4.    What is the mass of 0.28 mol of iron?
1.    1.8 mol Na
2.    0.516 mol O
3.    139 g Cu
4.    16 g Fe
The Number of Atoms
• How do you find the number of atoms?
• What does n represent?
– The number of moles of a substance
• What is a mole?
– 1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 particles (Avogadro's
• Remember the mole represents a number, a really big number,
but it’s just a number. The same as a dozen = 12 or a pair = 2.
Therefore, for now, let’s let n = a dozen
1) How many dozen eggs do you have if you have 4 eggs?
• n = 4/12 = 0.33 dozen
• We can say that n = number of eggs/total needed for a dozen
2) How many dozen eggs do you have if you have 18 eggs?
• n = 18/12 = 1.5 dozen
3) How many dozen eggs do you have if you have 12 eggs?
• n = 12/12 = 1 dozen
n = # of things
total needed

• When looking at moles, we do the same thing, only

– The # of things = the # of particles
– The total needed = Avogadro’s constant =
– How many particles do you need to get 1 dozen?
• 12
– How many particles do you need to get 1 mole?
• 6.02x1023
Check Your Understanding:
Find the # of particles/atoms

1.    How many atoms are in 7.2 mol of chlorine?

2.    How many atoms are in 36 g of bromine?
3.    How many moles are in 1.0 x 109 atoms?

n = # of particles
1. 4.3 x 1024 Cl atoms
2. 2.7 x 1023 Br atoms
3. 1.7 x 10-15 mol
Two Step Calculations
• Given the number of particles, the mass of the
substance can be determined.

Particles  moles  Mass

• Given the mass, the number of particles can be


Mass  moles  Particles

How many atoms are in 0.551 g of potassium (K)?

• Write down what you’re given and what you need and include the units

mk = 0.551g, Mk = 39.10g/mol
Avogadro’s constant (AC) = 6.02x1023 atoms/mol

Needed: Number of atoms

Equations: n = m / M n = # atoms/AC
Solve for n in (1) and substitute it into (2)

Substitute: (1) n = 0.551g (2) n = # atoms

39.10g/mol 6.02x1023

Solve: n = 0.01409
# atoms = 0.01409 x 6.02x1023
# atoms = 8.4822x1021 atoms = 8.48x1021 atoms
Molar Mass
• The molar mass of a compound is found by adding together the
molar masses of all of its elements, taking into account the
number of moles of each element present.

• Recall: atomic mass = molar mass if there is 1 mole of substance

• Molecular mass is the addition of each atomic mass within a


• e.g. H2 = 1.008 + 1.008 (we don’t round!) = 2(1.008) = 2.016 amu

• If there is 1 mole of H2 (6.02x1023 H2) then the molar mass of the

compound = 2.016 g/mol
Check Your Understanding:
What is the molar mass?

1) H2O

2) CO2
3) CO 1) 18.015 g/mol
2) 44.009 g/mol
3) 28.0101 g/mol
4) C6H12O6 4) 180.152 g/mol
Molecular mass (or molecular weight) is the sum
of the atomic masses (in amu) in a molecule.

1S 32.07 amu
2O + 2 x 16.00 amu
SO2 SO2 64.07 amu

For any molecule

molecular mass (amu) = molar mass (grams/mol)

1 molecule SO2 = 64.07 amu

1 mole SO2 = 64.07 g SO2
How many H atoms are in 72.5 g of C3H8O ?

Step 1 – Find the molar mass of C3H8O

1 mol C3H8O = (3 x 12) + (8 x 1) + 16 = 60g C3H8O

1 mol C3H8O molecules = 8 mol H atoms since

there are 8 H in each molecule

1 mol H = 6.022 x 1023 atoms of H

How many H atoms are in 72.5 g of C3H8O ?

Step 2 – Find the number of moles (n) of H

n = m/M n = #atoms/6.02x1023 atoms/mol

nC3H8O = m/M
= 72.5g / 60 g/mol
= 1.208 mol

nH = (1.208 mol C3H8O)(8 mol H)

= 9.66 mol H
How many H atoms are in 72.5 g of C3H8O ?

nH = 9.66 mol H

Step 3 – Find the number of atoms of H using nH

n = # atoms / 6.02x1023 atoms/mol

# atoms = n x 6.02x1023 atoms/mol
# atoms = (9.66 mol)(6.022x1023 atoms/mol)
# atoms = 5.81 x 1024 H atoms
The Mole

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