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General Physics 1

Module 1.4 Effects of Instruments in Measurements

▪ Accuracy vs. Precision
▪ Uncertainties in Measurements
▪ Errors in Measurements
Try This!
Describe the following target in terms of Accuracy and Precision.

▪ Which of the target has low accuracy?

▪ Which has low precision?
▪ Which has high accuracy?
▪ And, which of the targets has high precision?
The quality of our laboratory
experiments depends on the quality of
the data measured.
“How successful is our laboratory

could be similar to asking

“How accurate and how precise our

data set is?”
The level of accuracy and precision of
an experiment will determine how
useful is the result of an experiment.
A very inaccurate and imprecise
measurement will not really yield to a
useful result.
At the end of this module, you should be able to:

▪ Differentiate accuracy vs. precision

▪ Measure objects with precision
▪ Identify the types and ways of measuring and recording
▪ Calculate uncertainties in measurements; and
▪ Differentiate random from systematic errors
▪ Estimate errors from multiple measurements of physical quantity
Accuracy and Precision
Accuracy & Precision

Precision and Accuracy are two ways

that scientists think about error.

▪ The measure of how close

a measurement is to the
true value (actual/real
▪ The degree of closeness
to the actual value
(true/real value) Source:
Accuracy is the measure of how small is
the systematic error of an experiment. The
more accurate your measurements are,
the smaller are the systematic errors.
Accuracy is producing a measurement or
calculation that achieves the correct answer
within a known standard. In other words, in
order to determine whether a measurement or
calculation is accurate there must be a
standard for comparison.

▪ The distance between

Naga City and Legazpi
City is 95 km
▪ However, if you are to
measure the distance
between Naga City to
Lamba, Legazpi City, the
distance would go up
slightly to 100 km Source: Google Map
▪ The distance would
slightly go down if we
measure it from Naga to
Pinarik View deck (93 km).
▪ In fact, your measurement
would vary by a few
hundred meters or
kilometers depending at
where you are. Source: Google Map

▪ But your measurement

could still be considered
accurate relative to the
true value which is 95 km.

Source: Google Map


▪ By contrast, the location of

the components on a
computer chip must be
accurate to a few
micrometers or

Source: Google Map

Comparing the two standards, 95 km and a
few micro to nanometers, we can say that
accuracy is relative to how large or how small
are the true values we are comparing it to.
Moreover, the level of accuracy depends on
the type of experiment you are doing.
If the gap between the true value and your
measurement becomes too big, then there
must be an error in your experimental design
or your measuring equipment must be
incorrectly calibrated.

▪ It is the degree of
closeness of the
measurements to each
▪ It is the exactness or
repeatability of
measurements Source:
Precision is the measure of how small is
the random error of an experiment. The
more precise your measurements are, the
lesser the variation in data, thus, the
smaller are the random errors.
Precision can also be
defined as the smallest
measurable unit. How
small is the measure
that you can actually
make is the measure Rulers with Different Precision

of precision.
The precision of a measurement depends
on the device or the person using the
device. But most of the time, it depends on

▪ Tape measure can provide

a precise measurement of
the dimensions (such as
width) of a classroom. But,
it will not provide precise
measurement of the
dimensions (such as
length) of human hair. Precision depends on how precise are the measuring device
and the ability of the person using it

▪ In addition, the values and

deviation of the
measurements from each
other, may depend on the
skill of the person using
the device.
Precision depends on how precise are the measuring device
and the ability of the person using it
We can say that some measuring device
lacks the ability to provide precise
measurements. Also,
The person making
the measurement can
reduce the precision
of the device by using
it poorly.

Precision leads to repeatability or reproducibility. This
means that precise measurements will normally lead to
the same result over and over again.

Precision plays an important role in
determining your uncertainty in a particular
You may not record numbers in a
measurement if the device does not have
the precision to measure it.

▪ You cannot record your

height to be 1.654283
meters using a meter stick
since a meter stick only
has a markings down to a
1/1000th of a meter.

Students Estimating their heights using a meter stick


▪ This means that you could

only record down to 1.654
meters because meter
stick cannot measure
0.000283 portion of the

Students Estimating their heights using a meter stick

This is the reason why we write
measurements according to the rules of
significant figures. Because, there is no
exact measurement but only estimations
to make it more exact and reliable.
To put it simply …
Accuracy vs. Precision

If the bulls eye is the true value, accuracy is how

close your results are to the bullseye, while
precision is how close are your results to each
Errors & Uncertainties in Measurements
Measuring with Precision

All measuring device have

limitations. When you measure
objects using an specific tool,
that tool has limitation on how
precise it could measure the
object. This limitation is what
we call a reading error.
Measuring with Precision

Once you get down to the

level of a reading error, you
have to estimate the next value
of your measurement – and
this estimation is never certain.

How do we measure with
precision and how do we allot
a value for the estimates of
the uncertain digit?
The process of measurement is not exact.
When we measure, we are no longer using
integers to determine quantity. Instead, we are
using the markings provided by the measuring
device. This markings determine the limit of
If you have an unused Crayola, try measuring it using
different markings in your rulers then estimate the last
value to the best of your ability with the tools you have.

1 dm
0 10

0 1 2 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 cm

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
10 mm
Ruler #1

9 cm

In this ruler, the graduation is 1 decimeter apart (10 cm).

Since we only have 0 and 10 markings as a reference for
measuring the crayon, the best estimate we could make is
that the crayon is about a length of 9 cm.
5 cm

What we did is
1. We aligned the object to the 0 marking of the ruler
2. We looked for the halfway point between the two markings, 0 cm
and 10 cm
3. Since it is obvious that the crayon is beyond the halfway point,
we estimate the measure to be between 5 cm and 10 cm
4. The tip of the crayon is closer to 10 cm, this leads us to our
estimate of 9 cm.
Ruler #2
9.1 cm
or 9.2


In this ruler, the graduation between the markings is 1

centimeter apart. Relative to the markings in the ruler, our
best estimate is that the crayon is about 9.1 cm or 9.2 cm
9.5 cm

Same as what we did in the first ruler

1. We aligned the object to the 0 marking of the ruler
2. Since the ruler have more graduation than ruler #1, we need to locate
to which interval did the tip of the crayon ends.
3. The tip of the crayon ends somewhere between 9 cm and 10 cm. In
this case, we identified whether it is closer to 9 or 10 by determining
the halfway of the interval, which is 9.5 cm
4. The crayon is obviously shorter than 9.5 cm and is closer to 9. Thus,
our estimate could be that the crayon is 9.1 cm or 9.2 cm long
Let us increase the markings on the ruler
so that, the smallest unit we can
measure is 1 mm.
Ruler #3
9.18 cm or
9.19 cm


In this ruler, the graduation between the markings is 1

millimeters apart. Relative to the markings in the ruler, our
best estimate is that the crayon is about 9.18 cm or 9.19 cm
The process is the same
as what we did in ruler
#2, it’s just that, we have
more references to use
when reading the
measurement. Thus
making it more precise.
Level of
Rulers Measurements

9 cm Lowest

9.1 cm –
9.2 cm

9.18 cm –
9.19 cm
Precision of No. of Significant Level of
Rulers Measurements
the Tool Figures Precision

Ruler #1 9.0 cm 2 Lowest

9.10 cm –  
Ruler #2 9.20 cm

9.180 cm –  
Ruler #3 9.190 cm
4 Highest
Another example would be measuring the
volume using

Pipet Burette
All marks and ticks of a measuring device, such as

Ruler Weighing Scale Graduated


have an inherent limit of precision that is

determined by the design and construction of the
measuring device.
The more graduated the measuring device is,
the smaller the unit it can read, and the more
precise is the measurement
In Measuring with Precision …
1. Read all of the numbers that the measuring
device can show
2. Estimate the last digit. It is also important
that while estimating, we analyze whether
the measurement is more or less than the
half of the interval.
The Estimated last digit gives us the uncertain
digit of the measurement.
▪ Cutnell, J. & Johnson, K. (2009). Physics, 8th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
▪ Silverio, A.A.(2007). Exploring Life through Science: Physics. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
▪ Brian Lamore. (2012, July 28). IB Physics: Uncertainties and Errors [video file]. YouTube.
▪ Shanecrone.(2013, August 28). Accuracy [video file].YouTube.
▪ Shanecrone.(2013). Precision [video file].YouTube.
▪ Shanecrone.(2015, September 15). Measuring with Precision [video file]. YouTube.

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