End To End Complete Oracle 10g Grid Control Implementation

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End to End Complete Oracle 10g

Grid Control Implementation

Sakthivel Selvarajan
Senior DBA – Project Delivery & Engineering
Ross Stores Inc.
List of Topics

1. What is Grid Control?

2. Grid Control Architecture
3. Architectural Design Decisions for Implementation
4. Network Configuration Steps
5. Hardware Requirements
6. Software Requirements
7. Grid Control Installation
8. Grid Control Post Installation
9. Agent Installation (Hardware Requirements & Methods)
10. Stopping & Starting Grid Control/Agent Services
11. Configurations from Console
12. Configure Targets (Post Agent Installation)
13. Others ( Backup & Recovery, High Availability & Securing Grid Control)
14. Miscellaneous Tips
1. What is Grid Control?
• Grid Control is an Oracle web application that centralizes management of
enterprise IT infrastructure (Oracle and Non-Oracle technologies).

Some of the Features are:

Administer Database Tier

Monitor ASM (Automatic Storage Management)
View overall system and service status at a glance.
Add alerts, security policies, and thresholds for all component types, and
set rules for alert notification.
Automate tasks at the OS & DB levels using the Job subsystem.
Perform configuration management to collect current configuration,
compare against referenced, saved or live configurations.
Generate easy out-of-box reports for users, managers, and executives.
2. Grid Control Architecture

Grid Control

Grid Control Thin Management

Management JDBC Repository
Server (OMS)


Agent Agent Agent Agent

Managed Targets

Oracle 10g/11g Oracle 8i/9i OS/ Third-Party Oracle 10g

Database Database Application Application
Server Server Server (SOA)
3. Architectural Design Decisions for
• How many Grid Control environments ?
Environments for Production &
Non-Production targets.

• How many regional sites are needed ?

Network bandwidth constraints.

• What Installation Choices Should be made?

New Database/Existing Database (For Repository)
RAC or Non-RAC Database.
Number of OMS hosts.
4. Network configuration steps
• Setup Host Name Resolution
Hosts file or Domain Name System (DNS) or Both
(For OMR, OMS & OMA)

• Fully Qualify Hostname References

Short name + Domain Name (Ex: omssrv.corp.com)
(If not set, ORACLE_HOSTNAME variable can be set <For OMR or OMS host>)

• Use Static IP addresses

• SMTP server accessibility

• Firewall ports need to be opened (If applicable)

Agent Server --> OMS Server (Secure port like "4898")

Agent Server --> OMS Server (Unsecure port like "4890")

OMS Server --> Agent Server (Agent URL port like "3872")

OMS Server --> Agent Server (Database listener port like "1521")
5. Hardware Requirements

• Installation Requirements
Disk Space, Memory, Swap (Varies for different OS &
Options (existing or new DB)) – Refer Oracle Manual.

• Hardware Operating Requirements

Disk Space, Memory, Swap (Varies for different OS, Number of
OMR/OMS hosts & Deployment Size) – Refer Oracle Manual.
<1,000 targets = SMALL
1,000 to 10,000 targets = MEDIUM
>10,000 targets = LARGE
6. Software Requirements

• Verify Certification
• Create OS Group (dba) & Users (oracle)
• Directories setup
create ORACLE_BASE directory
choose directories for OMR/OMS/OMA
(ex: /app/oracle/product/oms10g for OMS)
• Synchronize OS Timestamps/Time Zones
• Make sure required Packages/RPMs are installed
• Make sure kernal Parameters are setup properly
• Set shell limits for the Unix User (Software owner)
7. Grid Control Installation

• Install Grid Control using a New Database

Installer screens:

Specify Installation Type (New DB or Existing DB, etc.)

Specify Installation Location (Parent Directory)
Language Selection
Specify Inventory Directory & Credentials
Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks
Specify Configuration (Repository DB name, Data file location)
Specify Optional Configuration (e-mail, SMTP server, Metalink/Support)
Specify Security Options (Repository DB passwords)
Oracle Configuration manager Registration (Enable OCM)
7. Grid Control Installation (Contd..)
• Install Grid Control using an Existing Database
Pre Setup:

Create ASM Instance

Create & Configure Database

1. spfile.ora parameters changes
2. Enable fine grained access control
3. Make sure DBMS_SHARED_POOL is installed
4. Grant execute permission for DBMS_RANDOM package to DBSNMP

Setup New listener

Installer Screens:

Most are same as previous set of screens from installation using a

new database

Password for SYSMAN user

Specify Repository Database Configuration (Hostname, Port, Tablespace <mgmt/Data> location)

8. Grid Control Post Installation

• Apply Grid Control Patch set (ex:

• Upgrade Opatch utility (OMS Home)
• Apply Grid Control PSU patch (ex:
• Disable SYSMAN access from console (create a new Super Admin
for access)
• Install EMdiag Kit
• Enable GC application auditing
• Modify the DEFAULT Console Timeout (emoms. properties file entry
oracle.sysman.eml.maxinactiveTime (in min))
• Tune OMS Thread Pool Size (emoms.properties entry
em.loader.threadPoolSize (in number))
• Modify data retention policy
9. Agent Installation
Different Methods:

• Agent Deploy (From the console - Push)

• nfsagentInstall (Shared agent home. State & Log files are stored locally)
• agentDownload (Pulls agent installation from the OMS server)
• Agent cloning (Zip/Unzip files, Run agentca)
• Silent Installation (Local installation using response file)
• Interactive Installation (using OUI)


• Make sure an user is setup (like “oracle” or “emagent”) already

• Make sure disk space available (approx 0.5GB for Windows, 2 GB for Unix)
• Agent registration password is needed
• Firewall ports need to be opened if applicable
• Root.sh need to be run from root user
• Fully qualify host name references (If not getting LONG name, set
ORACLE_HOSTNAME environment/command variable)
10. Stopping & Starting Grid Control/Agent
• To Shutdown OMS:

/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oms10g/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall

• To Shutdown Grid control agent:

/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/agent10g/bin/emctl stop agent

• To Startup OMS:

/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oms10/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

• To Startup Grid control agent:

/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/agent10g/bin/emctl start agent

11. Configurations from Console
• Create roles

System privileges



Target Privileges
• None
• Operator
• Full

• Create Grid Control users/administrators

• Create Agent Registration Passwords

• Configure Notifications

Setup Notification Methods

Mail Server Configuration (Outgoing SMTP server, Identify Sender As, Sender’s E-mail address)

Setup Notification Schedules

Create & Subscribe to Notification Rules

12. Configure Targets (Post Agent
• Configure ASM

Make sure password available for “SYS” account of ASM Instance

Make sure password file exists for ASM Instance

ASM Target -> Configure -> Enter “Password” for SYS/”Port” (Listener port number) -> Test
connection -> OK

• Configure Database

Make Sure password available for “DBSNMP” account of target Database

Database Instance -> Configure -> Enter “DBSNMP” password -> Test Connection -> Submit

NOTE: Oracle Pre 10g Databases need additional configurations on the database side.
13. Others ( Backup & Recovery, High
Availability & Securing Grid Control)
• Considerations in designing backups

Grid Control Repository Database

Grid Control Home (OMS) (sysman/recv directory content continually change)

Files located outside of Grid control OMS/Agent Homes (ex: oraInventory, oraInst.loc & oratab files)

Grid Control Agent Home (sysman/emd directory content continually change)

• Considerations on designing High Availability

Add multiple OMS (Oracle Management Services)

Create Repository DB with RAC setup

Setup shared file system loader

• Securing Grid Control

Secure connection between OMS and Agent Connection (emctl secure oms <OMS Home>)

Lock OMS to allow only HTTPS uploaded from Agent to OMS (emctl secure lock <OMS Home>)

Secure Agent (emctl secure agent <Agent Home>)

14. Miscellaneous Tips

• EMCLI (Command line Interface)

• Metrics, Templates & UDM (User Defined Metrics)
• Reports
• Blackout
• Management Packs/Plug ins
• Naming Conventions/Standards

• Book
“Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control
Implementation Guide – Michael New”
• Forum (Oracle)
• My Oracle Support
• OBE (Oracle By Example)

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