Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation

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Types of foundation
 Types and choice of foundation :
1) strip fooling.

A strip footing is provided for a load bearing wall.

A strip footing also provided for a row of
columns which are so closely spaced that their
spread fooling overlap (or) nearly touch each
In such case it is more economical to provide a strip
footing than to provide as no. of spread footing
in one. footing also known Continuous footing
2) Spread (or) Isolated footing:
A Spread Footing is provided to support an
individual column A spread footing is Circular,
Square or Rectangular slab of uniform
thickness. Sometimes it is spread (or) hunched
to spread the load over a large area.
 3) Combined footing:
A Combined footing Support two Column when the
two columns are so close each other that their
individual footing would overlap. A Combined
footing is also provided when the property line
So close to one column that a Spread fooling will
be eccentrically loaded when kept entirely with in
property line. By combining it with that of an
interior column the load entirely distributed. A
combined footing may be rectangular (or)
trapezoidal in plan.
 4) strap (or) Cantilever footing:
A strap footing consists of two isolated footing
connected with a structural strap(or) a lever the strop
connects two footing such they behave as one.
 5)Mat(or) raft Foundation
A mat (or) raft foundation is a large slab supporting a no
of Columns and wells under the entire structure(or) a
large part the structure. As mat required when the
allowable Soil pressure is low (or) where the Column
and walls are So close that individual footings would
overlap (or) Nearly touch each other.
Depth of Footing
To perform its function properly, a Suitable depth footing must be laid at a
suitable depth below the ground Surface. the vertical distance between the
ground surface of the base of footing is known as depth of footing (Df)
while fixing the depth of footing the following points should also be
 1) Depth of soil
The footing should be located below the top soil Consisting of organic matter
which eventually decompose. the top soil should be removed over an area
slightly bigger then the footing.
 2) frost depth:
The footing should be carried below the depth of frost penetration. If the
footing is located insufficient depth it would be subjected to the frost
damage due to formation of ice lenses Consequences frost heave. During
summer from the thawing occur from the top downwards and the melted
water entrapped. To prevent frost damage, the footings should be placed
below. The frost depth which may be 1m (or) more.
3) Zone of soil volume change.
Some soils especially clays having high plasticity such as block
Colton soil, undergo Excessive Volume Change such soil
shrink upon drying and swell up of wetting the volume
changes are generally greatest nearly the ground Surface &
decrease with increase depth
4) Adjacent fooling and properly lines:
The footing should be to the existing located that damage is
done to the existing structure. the adjacent structures may be
damaged by Construction of a new fooling due to vibrations
undermining (or) lowering of the Water table. The new
footing may also impose additional load on vibrations
undermining (or) lowering of the Water table. the new
footing may also impose additional load on the existing
footing which may be cause settlement.
5) sloping ground:
If a footing is located adjacent to a sloping
ground, the sloping ground surface should not
encroach(occupies) upon a frustum of bearing
material under, footings having side making an
angle of 30 degrees from the with the
horizontal more over the min. distance from
lower edge of the footing to the sloping ground
Surface should be 90m.
 6) Water table.
The footing should be placed above the ground with table as far
of possible. the presence of ground water within the soil
immediately around footing in undesirable of it reduced the
bearing Capacity of the soil & there are difficulties during
 7) scour depth.

The footing located in streams on water fronts or other location

where they is a possibility of scouring should be placed below
the potential scour depth
 8) Root holes

if there are root holes or Cavities caused by burrowing of

animals, the fooling should be placed below such zone of
weakened soil
9)under ground defects
 The depth of fooling is also affected by the
property of underground defects such of
faults, caves & mines
10)min depth.
 Some time the min. depth of foundation. from

Rankin’s formula

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