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Topics to Be Covered
 Information Security
 Components of Information Security
 Threats to Information Security
 Role of HR in Information Security
 Information Security Management for HRIS


Information Security
Information Security

Information security, sometimes

shortened to ”infosec”, is the practice
of protecting information by mitigating
information risks.
It typically involves preventing or at least
reducing the probability of
unauthorized/inappropriate access, use,
disclosure, disruption, deletion/destruction,
corruption, modification, inspection,
recording or devaluation of information.
Components of Information
Components of Information

The HRIS is composed of three components-hardware, software and


The CIA triad of confidentiality, integrity, and availability is at the

heart of information security.

Mechanisms of protection need to be established at physical

(products), personal (people) and organizational levels (procedures).
Components of Information

Figure 16.1:
Components of
Confidentiality is to protect information from accidental
or malicious disclosure.
Integrity is to protect information from accidental or
intentional (malicious) modification
Availability: Is to making sure that information is available to
those who need it and when they need it.
Threats to Information Security
Common Security Threats

• Human Error
• Damage by Disgruntled employees or ex-employees
• Misuse of Computer Systems
• Theft
• Computer Based Fraud
• Viruses, Worms or Trojans
• Hackers
• Natural Disasters
Role of HR in Information Security
Role of HR in Information Security

Information security issues are no longer solely the

domain of IT department and IT managers.

To have effective information security in place, HR

managers need to align information security with
HR objectives.

Having the active involvement of senior

management is crucial in establishing that alignment.
Role of HR in Information Security

With organizations enabling the more

strategically active role of HRM through a
combination of selection, training and pay
practices, they could more effectively handle
people issues in information security
management (ISM)
Researchers suggested following best
practices for handling information in HRIS:
• Adopt a comprehensive information security and privacy
• Store sensitive personal data in secure HRIS and provide
appropriate encryption.
• Build document destruction capabilities into the office
structure and dispose of documents properly.
• Train users on how to securely use and handle the equipment,
data, and software
• Train employees to “log off” personal computers after they
are through using them
Researchers suggested following best
practices for handling information in HRIS:

• Do not allow passwords to be shared. Change passwords

• Run software through virus detection program before using it
on the system
• Make backup copies of data files and programs
• Ensure that backup copies, data files, software, and printouts
are used only by authorized users
Researchers suggested following best
practices for handling information in HRIS:

• Conduct privacy “walk-throughs”, and make spot checks on

proper information handling.

• Ensure that all software and mainframe applications include a

record of the changes and transactions that occur in the
system, including when and who performed the changes.
Researchers suggested following best
practices for handling information in HRIS:
• Select staff carefully with due regard to their honesty and
• Take measures to address the personal problems of
employees, such as gambling or drug addiction, which might
lead them to indulge in information system abuse for financial
• Access to effective grievance procedures, since the motivation
for much information system abuse is retaliation against
Information Security Management
for HRIS
Information Security Programs for HRIS

To mitigate risk, it is recommended that the following control

strategies should be used in designing an HRIS.

 Administrative Control
 Logical Control
 Physical Control
 Security Classification for Information
 Access Control
 Cryptography
 Defense in Depth

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