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Presented by:

How morphing works ?
Types of morphing
Application of morphing
Benefits of morphing
What is morphing?
The term morphing stands for
metamorphosing and refers to an animation
technique in which one graphical object is
gradually turned into another.

Simply speaking the tween of an object in

between two existing objects is called
What is tweening ?
• Tweening means to insert between other things
or parts, or to estimate values of a function
between two known values.

• Ex:- we can tween a straight line between two

straight lines.

A1 A2 B1

    Find midpoints between A1, A2 and B1, B2 and name

them A3and B3, respectively.
      Join A3 and B3 to form the in between line.

The morph between command is only active when

existing two objects are selected at the same
It performs a linear morph between the two
objects with a specified number of interim steps.

The working of morphing are based on the

algorithms which described below.
Morphing algorithm

• Warp

• Color dissolve

• Mapping
It is the process of rotating,
squeezing ,stretching or shearing
of image pixels so that the
source image matches with the
target image in a sequence.

Ex;-image is warped using a

straight line using warped
Color dissolve
      Before we present the formulation of color dissolve, let
us discuss some basics! A particular color is considered to
be a vector in the orthogonal axes system as shown in the
figure below. The three axes represent the true red, green
and blue colours, commonly known as RGB space.



   Color (r,g,b) denotes a vector from the origin to a
point(r,g,b) in the RGB coordinate space.
 The origin with r=0,g=0,and b=0 is conveniently considered
as black.

 Two color (vectors ) say (r1, g1, b1) and (r2, g2, b2) the
average or midpoint is
{r m , g m , b m}={(r 1+ r 2) / 2 , ( g 1+ g 2 ) / 2, ( b1+ b2 ) / 2}
Mapping :-
The warping and color dissolve process are
combinely known as mapping

It defines transformation which maps every point (x,y)

in the source coordinates to the corresponding point
(x’ ,y’) in the destination coordinates ( or vice versa ,if
invertible) .

(x, y)
( x’, y’)
Types of morphing

• There two types of morphing

• >> Image morphing

• >> view morphing

Image morphing

• Image morphing is the animated

transformation of one digital image
to other.
• In this morphing ,the first image is
gradually distored and is faded out
while as the second image starts
out and is faded in.
What is transformation ?:

Transformation T: ( x, y) -> ( x’ ,y’ ) which defines the

spatial relationship between two images.
( x’ ,y’ ) = T ( x ,y ) = ( x , y) + u( x , y)

. ( X’, Y’ )
(X ,Y )

View Morphing
The morphing which does not cause any distortion
is called view morphing.

View morphing is able to preserves 3D shape.

• cameras are parallel

• scene has no depth .

Application of morphing
Audio morphing

Air craft morphing

Advantages of this technique
 Proposed technique improves the quality of the
frame correction for strong lost rate (5 % and 10

 Morphing audio adds latency .

 Another modelisation are possible and voiced

condition can be controlled to improve restitution
Air craft morphing
To tailor design for different mach
(I) Landing
(II ) Take-off
(III) cruise
What I discussed so far ,these are only the
abstract views of morphing. But in realistic
world, morphing technique is very hard to
implement . So we should aware of the
minimum knowledge regarding morphing.
Because it will help us in future if any
body have an aim to design dynamic
images in more advance form.

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