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Redundant Words/

& Replacing
& Punctuation
Reductant Words that need to be
Replaced with
Appropriate Words.
 Very Noisy can be replaced by Deafening.
 Very Often can be replaced by Frequently.
 Old Fashioned can be replaced by Archaic.
 Very Painful can be replaced by
 Very Sharp can be replaced by Keen.
 Fast can be replaced by Quick.
 Dry can be replaced by Parched.
 Dirty can be replaced by Squalid.
 Cold can be replaced by Freezing.
 Afraid can be replaced by Terrified.
 Fierce can be replaced by Ferociously
 Very Good can be replaced by Superb.
 Very Ugly can be replaced by Hideous.
 Very Strong can be replaced by Unyielding.
 Hungry can be replaced by Ravenous.
 Valuable can be replaced by Precious.
 Tired can be replaced by Exhausted.
 Wet can be replaced by Soaked.
 Small can be replaced by Tiny.
 Pretty can be replaced by Beautiful.
 At 12 Midnight. At Midnight.
 At 12 Noon. At Noon.
 Biography of her Life. Autobiography.
 Circle around it. Circle.
 Inspire of the fact that. Although.
 Period of four day’s. Four Days.
 Shorter / Longer in Shorter / Longer.

Reductant Phrases length.

 Summaries this Briefly.
that can be  One and the Same.
The Same.
In fact.
Replaced.  In view of the Fact that.
 Repeat Again.  Repeat.
 Revert back.  Revert.
 New Innovations.  Innovations.
 It’s a free gift.  Gift.
 In the event that.  If.
 Each & Every.  Each.
 End Result.  Result.
 A total of 20 things.  20 things.
 At this moment of time.  Right now.
 It should be understood.  Understand.

These Phrases can be Replaced with shorter

words to reduce the
content and make the content presentable.
Thank you!

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