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The Inca civilization is also famous in

Mesoamerica. The Incas made advanced

scientific ideas considering their
limitation as an old civilization. The
following were scientific ideas and tools
that they developed to help them in
everyday life:
1.Roads paved with stones;
2.Stone building that surmounted earthquakes and
other disasters;
3.Irrigation system and technique for storing water
for their crops to grow in all types of land;
4.Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious
festivals and prepare them for planting season;
5.The first suspension bridge;
6.Quipo, a system knotted ropes to keep records
that only experts can interpret and;
7.Inca textiles since cloth was one of the specially
prized artistic achievements,
Following the Inca, the Aztec civilization has also
made substantial contributions to science and
technology and to the society as a whole. Some of
their contributions are the following:
1. Mandatory education. The Aztec puts value on
education; that is why their children are mandated
to get education regardless of their social class,
gender, or age. It is an early form of universal or
inclusive education.
2. Chocolates. The Aztec in Mexico developed
chocolate during their time. In the Mayan culture,
they use it as currency. The Aztec valued the cacao
beans highly and made it as a part of their tribute
to their gods.
3. Antispasmodic medication. They used a type
of antispasmodic medication that could prevent
muscle spasm and relax muscles, which could help
during surgery.
4. Chinampa. It is a form of Aztec technology for
agriculture farming in which the land was divided
into rectangular areas and surrounded by canals.
5. Aztec calendar. This enabled them to plan their
activities, rituals, and planting season.
6. Inventions of the canoe. A light narrow boat
used for traveling in water systems.

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