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Lesson II :

Compare and Contrast Various

21st Century Genres from the
Genres/ Periods
 The desire for self-expression resulted to the production of
literature. It is a writer’s expression of his mind, heart,
emotions, thoughts, and ideas.
 Literature is written works like poetry, novels, journals
of famous authors and usually published. ‘Genre’ literally
means ‘type”, so literary genre means types of literary
Four (4) major literary genres :
 A. Poetry
Poetry is one of the earliest genres of literature. It was either recited or sang back
to prehistoric times to call for help from a deity, narrate a hero’s life and victories,
tell about the love story of their rulers, or describe someone who inspires them.
Elements of poetry:
 Rhyme – it is the identical rhyme if the last words or sounds match each other.
 Meter – it is also called the rhythm in poetry. It is the pattern of beats (foot)
(stressed and unstressed syllables in a line). It is also called foot.
 Imagery and Symbolism
 The beauty of poetry is on the carefully chosen
words that rhyme and the lines and stanzas
with uniform rhythm. Poetry must also employ
figurative language to creatively express
emotions, feeling and ideas.
Commonly used literary devices in poetry:
Metaphor Simile Onomatopoeia
Direct comparison of two Two unlike things compared to Words that imitate a sound
unlike things. each other using “like” or “as”.    

    Ex. The gushing of wind

Ex. He is a strong lion. Ex. He is strong like a lion. and gnashing of teeth
Alliteration Assonance Repetition
The repetition of the same The resemblance of a sound in  
initial sound of the words. words or syllable. A word, a phrase, or a
    sentence repeated to
Ex. Be brave, be   emphasize its importance in  

boundless the entire text.

Ex. Who knows how hollows
Beauty is a bouquet of snore.  
blue baby’s breath Ex. Not yet Rizal,
Not yet….
Commonly used literary devices in poetry:

Synedoche Personification Hyperbole

A part is made to represent the whole or vice- Giving human attributes to an object or It exaggerates the meaning of a
versa animal  sentence.
Ex. Ex. The wind spoke of hope and Ex. I am so thirsty that I could drink
Boots on the ground—refers to soldiers. redemption. an ocean.
•New wheels—refers to a new car.
•Ask for her hand—refers to asking a woman to
•Suits—can refer to businesspeople.
•Plastic—can refer to credit cards.
•The White House—can refer to statements made
by individuals within the United States

It is the use of symbols to convey ideas. A symbol represents various ideas or things at one time. Like darkness or color
black may symbolize death, uncertainty, failure, or an end. A white rose may mean purity, freshness, new beginning, or
Example : The cold wind blew my heartaches away
(the cold wind can mean inspiring words, new ideas, new hope)
Four (4) major literary genres :
 B. Fiction
Fiction is a story of make believe. It is a story made by the author’s creative
imagination. It has various sub-genres like mystery, fantasy, suspense, historical
fiction science fiction, realistic fiction and folklore (myths, fables, legends).
To understand fiction and to write a good fictional story, you must be able to
identify and understand its elements that comprise the texts’ contents and message
the story wanted to impart to its readers.
Basic elements of a fiction story
 Plot - is the way an author creates and organizes a chain of events in a narrative.
In short, plot is the foundation of a story
 Setting – it includes the time or period and place where the event happened.
Basic elements of a fiction story
 Characters - are the persons/ animals/ or any inanimate object that functions as the
protagonist, antagonist and other minor entities that perform the actions, speak dialogue
and moving the story along a plot line.

 Conflict - creates tension in the story and it involves the struggle of between two opposing forces/
characters, usually the protagonist and the antagonist.
Two types of conflict :
1. Internal conflict - is a psychological conflict which arises when the character experiences
two opposite emotions
2. External conflict is the struggle of a protagonist against outside forces that hamper his/ her
progress and hinders him/her to achieve his/ her goal.
Fiction follows the Freytag’s Pyramid to create an
interesting and detailed narrative.
Elements of short story according to Freytag
1. Exposition tells about the background of the story. The information can be about
the setting, characters’ back stories, or historical contexts.
2. Inciting incident is an event that hooks the viewer into the story and sets everything else that
happens into motion. 
3. Rising action is the part of the story after the characters and setting are introduced and events in
the story begin to reveal probable conflicts that the protagonist must resolve. It also involves events that
lead to the climax of the story.
4. Complication is a situation or detail of a character that complicates the main thread of a plot. A
complication builds up and develops the primary or central conflict in a literary work.
5. Climax is the highest point of tension in the story. It is usually the most interesting part.
6. Reversal or Peripeteia in Greek is the turning point in a story after which the plot moves steadily
to its denouement.
7. Falling action is the part of a story after the climax and before the very end.
8. Resolution or denouement is the final outcome of the story and it is where other secrets are revealed,
if there is any.
Four (4) major literary genres :
C. Non- fiction: Memoir
 Nonfiction is a literary genre that tells about stories that actually
happen in real life. The sub genres of literary nonfiction are
biography, memoir, autobiography, journals, diaries, periodicals and
references. These works of literary nonfiction have character,
setting, plot, conflict, figurative language, and theme just like
literary fiction, fiction and thriller or suspense. To interpret fiction,
we must analyze and interpret using the elements of fiction.
Four (4) major literary genres :
D. Drama
A drama is a composition in verse or prose presenting a story in pantomime or
A script may only come to existence once it is performed before an audience. Its
basic elements include the literary element (script), technical element (scenery set,
make-up, costume, lights, and sound) performance element (acting, character
analysis, character motivation…)
A script is a written text of a play. It is consist of the dialogues or words that will be
spoken by the actors and the stage directions which give instructions about the
position and movement of the actors and other aspects of the set.
The technical element of a play is complicated. It includes scenery set, make-up,
costume, lights, and sound.
Four (4) major literary genres :

D. Drama
A scenery set can be chair, a house or a forest and other properties used to identify the location
and period of the dramatic production. Make-up is used in drama to aid the actors in taking the
appropriate appearance of the character they play. Costumes are clothes, garments or attires
worn by actors on stage to aid dramatic actions and interpretations. There various types of lights
used on stage. It provides not only visibility of the actors but also creates and enhance the mood
and atmosphere. Sound can be produced by actors or by props, musical instruments, and
recorded music and effects that can help engage the audience and bring them into another time.
Performance element includes acting, character analysis and character motivation. Acting is the
enactment of an actor or actress who portrays a character, character analysis is evaluating the
character’s traits, his/ her role in the story, and the conflicts they experience, character
motivation is the element that drives the character to achieve his goal.

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