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Geometric Form Measurement:

Straightness, Flatness, Roundness
- Straight edge, use of level beam
comparator, autocollimator testing
of flatness of surface plate
A line is said to be straight, if the variation of the distance of its
points from two planes perpendicular to each other and parallel to
the general direction of line; remains within specific tolerance limits.
The reference planes are so chosen that their intersection is parallel
to the straight line joining two points suitably located on the line to
be tested and two points being close to ends of length to be
Measurement of Straightness [Wedge
• Slip gauges are inserted at 0.01 mm distance
and should be exactly 0.01 mm

Autocollimator Method and Spirit Level Methods of Straightness
Measurements are taken at equidistance points of the
surface ie AB,BC etc
Straightness measurement
• Flatness is defined as the minimum distance between two planes, which
covers all irregularities of surface under examination.
• In Fig. measured points may be used to determine 'best fit' plane.
• Then two planes of reference, which are parallel to 'best fit' plane are
established, which just contain all measured points on surface.
• Flatness is defined as the distance 'D' between these two reference
Flatness Measurement of Surface Plate
• Carry straight test on lines AB,BC,AC etc[on all 8 lines]
• Ends of lines AB,AD & BD are converted to 0 ie heights of
points A,B,D are 0
• Height of I is determined wrt arbitrary plane ABD=000
• With A as 0 and correcting I on AC ,we can make I coincide
with I on BD, hence all points on AC are corrected.
• Now C is fixed relative to the arbitrary plane ABD
and points B & D are set at 0 and points on BC
and DC are corrected
• Fit in lines HG and EF
• Now all the heights of the points on the surface
relative to the arbitrary plane ABD are known
• Flatness is determined by the minimum
separation of a pair of parallel planes which will
contain all the points on the surface
Auto Collimator
h =2  f  α
where, f = focal length of the lens,
α=angle of tilt of mirror (Reflecting surface).

• m

For α=0 Targeted

& reflected wires

L.C. upto 0.5 sec

• Roundness is a condition of surface of revolution, such as a
cylinder, cone or sphere, where all points on surface
intersected by any plane (a) perpendicular to a common axis
(cylinder, cone) or
• (b) passing through a common centre (sphere) are
equidistant from the axis.
A] Intrinsic datum systems
Reference point is on the job itself
Less accurate compared to external datum system
B] Extrinsic Datum method

External reference is a member of checking instrument

Accurate ,Expensive & difficult method
Magnification Required


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