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Identify the following

sample Illustrations if
it’s Vector or Bitmap.
Tools & Equipment in
At the end of the lesson the student
should be able to:
• List tools and equipment based
on job requirement in
• Identify appropriate tools and
equipment in Illustration, and
• Classify tools and equipment
according to function and task
Unlocking of Difficulties
Tools & Equipment in
Tools & Equipment in
• Manual Tools
• Digital Tools
Manual Tools & Equipment in
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

• an instrument for writing
or drawing, consisting of
a thin stick of graphite or
a similar substance
enclosed in a long thin
piece of wood or fixed in
a metal or plastic case.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
Tools & Equipment in Illustration
Latin Origin of Pencil
• The word pencil comes from
the latin, penicillum , the name
for a small, fine-tipped brush
used for writing, which in turn
is a diminutive form of the
latin word for
brush,  peniculus
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
• Roman used the Ancient
Writing Instrument called
• Stylus is basically a thin metal
rod that was used by the Scribes
to leave a light readable mark
on papyrus, which was a form
of paper used in those times.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
• Graphite was discovered by a
storm knocking down an oak
tree. The area around the oak tree
found a large graphite deposit!
• Then came the widespread use of
graphite after a huge graphite
deposit was discovered in
Borrowdale, England in the 1560s.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
• Using powdered graphite, the
Germans invent a graphite stick
used for writing in 1662.

• Italians add wood to the outside of

the graphite sticks, somewhat
resembling the modern day pencil
in 1699.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
• Nicholas Jacques Conte of
France discovered the
process of mixing graphite
with clay. This mixture was
placed in a kiln fire, which
produced a great writing
material. Then the kiln fire,
strips were cut and placed
into wood.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
• In 1858, Hymen Lipman received the credit for
attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
• In 1890, they Started to
Color the Pencils a Brighter
Color. In China, the color
yellow is associated with
royalty and respect.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
• Nov 2, 1920 Colored Pencils Were Invented by Fabor Company
lcated in Stein, Germany.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Origin of Pencil
• The pencil we use now
is thin and long. We use
it to make lines, it can
shade large areas, make
dots, we use the eraser
on the end and of
course writing and
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Types of
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Types of Pencil
B = Blackness
• These pencils contain darker lines
compared to ‘H’ and ‘F’ however;
they are easily erasable without
any effort being put in. While
some people may use them for
note-taking purposes, they are
excellent for doodling and
sketching, as well.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Types of Pencil
HB = Hard Black
• This pencil falls in the exact
middle of the pencil lead
scale. HB is a significantly
hard pencil, making it a
reasonably hard pencil even
for drawing purposes.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Types of Pencil
F = Fine Point
• This pencil, compared to the others is slightly harder. While it
is certainly easier than a few to keep sharp, it is way too dark
for general and everyday drawing.
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Types of Pencil
H = Hardness
• This is to say that the
higher the value of H a
pencil has, the harder its
lead will be. And the
harder the lead is, the
lightest the pencil will
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Types of Pencil

Soft Pencils create Darker Marks while Hard Pencils creates Lighter Marks
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Activity: Pencil Timeline
Arrange the Puzzle to form a Pictures. Using the Pencil Timeline below,
arrange in chronological order the origin of Pencil from past to present using
the assembled Puzzle.
Pencil Timeline
Tools & Equipment in Illustration

Direction: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it’s not correct
1. HB is a significantly hard pencil, making it a reasonably hard pencil
even for drawing purposes.
2. Hard Pencils create Darker Marks while Soft Pencils creates Lighter
3. The meaning of “F” is Focal Point.
4. “B” pencil are easily erasable without any effort being put in.
5. 9H pencil is Darker than 8B pencil
Tools & Equipment in Illustration
Values Integration
Guide Questions:
1. What are the other hand
tools in Illustration?
2. What is the function of this
hand tool in Illustration?
3. What are the different types
of eraser?
Thank you for
Maila B. Solian
TLE Teacher

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