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L5 Thermal comfort factors and


CE 2050 Course notes 2020

Sunitha K Nayar

Lecture objectives

To correlate human functioning and thermal balance in
the body

To correlate body responses to various extreme
tropical climatic factors

To be able to quantify various comfort factors by
suitable indices

Daily life cycle




How the quality of design is judged?

Indoor climate

Physical and emotional point of view

Criteria of total comfort – related to human senses

Emotional relationships – difficult to theorise

Human thermal comfort - emphasised

Human body – thermal balance

Heat production

Basal metabolism

Muscular metabolism
20% utilised by body
for various activities

Heat produced
80% surplus heat –
to be dissipated

Body’s heat loss

Deep body temperature should be constant

Mechanisms of heat loss from body

Factors affecting each mode of
heat loss
• Convection
• Air movement velocity
• Air temperature
• Skin temperature
• Radiation
• Body temperature
• Surrounding object temperature
• Evaporation
• Humidity
• Moisture available
• Conduction
• Temperature difference between bodies in contact

Thermal balance of the body

Met – Evp CndCnvRad=0

Heat gain due to

•Met = metabolism
•Cnd = conduction
•Cnv = convection
•Rad = radiation
Heat loss due to
•Cnd = conduction
•Cnv = convection
•Rad = radiation
•Evp = evaporation

Thermal balance of the body
• If the sum > 0
• Vasomotor adjustments – all forms of heat loss process is
• Sweating
• If the sum < 0
• Vasomotor adjustments
• Shivering
• Goose bumps
• Acclimatisation
• Long-term, endocrine adjustments
• Change in
• basal metabolic heat production
• increase in the quantity of blood (to produce and
• maintain a constant vaso-dilation)
• increase in sweat rate.

Relationship between climatic
factors and heat loss
• Critical factors
• Air temperature
• Humidity
• Air movement
• Radiation

Calm warm air, moderate
• Air temp. 18 C
• Air vel. < 0.25 m/s
• Humidity – 40 – 60 %
• Heat dissipated by a person engaged in sedentary
• By radiation – 45%
• By convection – 30%
• By evaporation – 25%

Hot air and considerable radiation
• Skin temperature – 31- 34 C
• Air temperature approaches skin temp. - convective
heat loss decreases
• As surface temp. increases – radiative heat gain
occurs instead of loss
• Both Cnv and Rad are +ve –
• evaporation by sweating will happen – air is sufficiently
Most necessary for comfort condition is sufficiently
dry air.
Hot air, high radiation and
appreciable air movement
• Cnv and Rad are positive
• Humidity < 100 % – movement of air will accelerate
• For vapour pressure > 2000 N/m2, every 1 m/s
increase in air velocity will compensate for an
increase of 300 N/m2 vapour pressure
• If humidity = 100% - air movement will cause more
• Almost never possible in natural conditions
• High air temp and high humidity rarely occurs
Saturated still air above body
temperature, high humidity
• Air temp. and surface temp. > skin temp.
• No air movement
• If 100 % RH so Evp = 0, Cnv and Rad will only be +ve
• All elements in heat balance equations are +ve with even
very small metabolic heat
• Body temp rises
• By 2-3 deg C – heat stroke
• At 41 deg C – coma
• At 45 deg C - death
• Could happen inside poorly designed and managed

Subjective variables
• Clothing
• Acclimatisation – full adjustment period – 30 days
• Thermal preference may change – comfort at 18 deg C may change
to 25 deg C
• Age and sex
• Body shape – surface to vol. Ratio – more for thin persons so
can dissipate heat more effectively
• Subcutaneous fat – thermal insulator , needs lower temp. for
• State of health – tolerable ranges may be narrower
• Food and drink
• Skin colour – dark skin increases heat emission in the same
proportion as absorption

Prolonged exposure
• Physiological control mechanisms can maintain life
• Loss of efficiency in work
• Physical strain
• Even comfort factors may become detrimental after
long duration e.g., high velocity wind
• Perfectly comfortable – adverse effect if there is no
change – especially in mechanically controlled

Lecture outcome

To be able to quantify thermal comfort
conditions based on human body’s thermal

Identify the factors affecting thermal comfort
conditions in relation to the climatic factors


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