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Introduction to Biochemistry

The Biology of Molecules

Professor Dr. R. K. Mahanta, Department of Biochemistry, Jorhat Medical College

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Medical College personally.
Basically Biology


Study of Living Materials

Biology of Molecules


Study of Living Molecules

Study of Living Molecule
Misnomer for Molecularbiology

Biochemistry Represents
only a fraction of
We study
The total Biology of living Molecules
not the fraction of chemistry
involved in Living

Therefore we study
Molecularbiology not Biochemistry
Biochemistry – Molecular biology
• The scientific discipline that study the
molecular behavior under interactive
universal physicochemical forces associated
with formation, maintenance and replication
of living systems and character of molecules
originating in living systems
Definition components
• The scientific discipline that study the
molecular behavior
• Under interactive universal physicochemical
• Associated with formation, maintenance and
replication of living systems
• And character of molecules originating in
living systems
We study Molecules
with life

But What is LIFE?

Let us try to define
Life in the perspective
Life-Living system –Living process
Life is the cumulative chronological outcome of a
thermodynamically open isothermal, dynamic,
non equilibrating physicochemical system
characterized with capacity for precise self
assembly, self regulation and self replication with
maintenance of system enthalpy at the expense
of exponential increase in extra system entropy
modulated by information molecules for system
regulation and transmittable during system
replication and system recombination to increase
system durability
Definition components
• Cumulative chronological outcome
• Thermodynamically open isothermal, dynamic, non
equilibrating physicochemical system
• Capacity for precise self assembly, self regulation and
self replication
• Maintenance of system enthalpy at the expense of
exponential increase in extra system entropy
• Modulated by information molecules for system
• Transmittable during system replication and system
• To increase system durability
The living systems
• The demarcated volume of universe with
characters of life is designated as a living

• The dynamic molecular bilayer that separates

the system from the environment is the
system membrane.
The Living Process and State

• The events going on in a living system is the

living process.
• The dynamic non equilibrating stage of the
system is the living state.
The Events and Participants
• The chemical changes and events in the living
system is metabolism.
• The molecules taking part in system
maintenance are the metabolites
Deviations, Remedies and Outcome

• Deviation of system status towards

equilibrium is disease.
•  Procedures taken to revert back system
deviations towards evolutionally accepted
status is treatment.
•  Irreversible system deviation producing
system equilibrium is death.
Our Targeted Objective

• To procure adequate information over

principles and tools of Molecularbiology to
explore and exploit the fundamentals of Living
System and the Process for improvement of
quality in human health and society.

It is a protein bubble

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