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History Of Zika Virus
• This virus was first isolated in April 1947 from the serum of a captive rhesus monkey
in Zika forest near Entebbe(Uganda) during a survelliance for jungle yellow fever.
• The other isolation of it was found in 1948 in the mosquito species Aedes africanus
which was caught on a tree platform in the Zika forest.
• Where as the first human case were noted in 1952 by detecting neutralizing antibodies
to Zika virus in sera of individuals from Uganda and also united republic of Tanza
• In 1964 the first proof that Zika virus causes human diseases, when a researchers in
Uganda fell ill during his experiment with Zika strains from mosquitoes.
Sturcture And Genome of Zika virus
• Zika virus belongs to a group of virus called the Flaviviruses.
• Zika virus is an icosahedral, enveloped , single stranded positive sense RNA virus with non –
segmented genome.
• Virus structure is 40 nm in diameter , with a lipid enveloped coated with dense projections that
consist of a membrane and envelope glycoproteins and a dense inner core.
• The Zika virus RNA is 10,617 – nucleotide long.
• This virus genome encodes for a polyprotein with three structursl proteins, capsid, membrane ,
envelope and seven non – structural proteins(NS1, NS2A,NS2B,NS3, NS4A,NS4B And NS5.
• This virus rely on human and the vector/carrier for their reproduction and spreading the
Replication in Zika
• Zika virus carries specific proteins on its outer envelope that interact with receptor protein on
human cells.
• When the viral proteins bind to cell receptors, and takes up the viral particle inside the cell,
the RNA genome of the virus is released into the cytoplasm ,there the RNA molecule is
translated by enzymes in the cell to make a long protein , which is chopped up into a number
of smaller proteins .
• Some of these proteins are the structural components needed to make the new virus. The viral
proteins and copies of the RNA genome assemble at the surface of the endoplasmic
reticulum ,the new viral particles bud off into the interior of the ER , taking a small patch of
ER membrane alongwith them .
• This membrane will form the viral envelope, and then these viral particle
travel through other essentially replication mechanism of the cell and are
released out of the cell as viral particles .
Mode of Infection
• The mode of infection is by a female Aedes aegypti when this species
bites a human the virus present in it is transferred.
• Another mode of infection includes Mother-foetal transmission by
transplacental process and during the delivery by infected mother to
• Sexual transmission, blood transfusion aqnd organ transplantation also
pose a potential risk of infection.
• Mild fever
• Skin rashes
• Joint pain (arthralgia)
• Conjunctivitis
• Headache
• Neurological and autoimmune complications.
• Myalgia (muscle pain)
• Microcephaly
Host and virus interaction
• Zika virus is found in the female mosquito of species Aedes aegypti.
• It is present in the salivary gland of the mosquito which is transmitted
from vector mosquito to the human host where the anti coagulants
contained in its saliva facilitate feeding.
• After this transmission the virus captures the cells replication mechanism
in order to reproduce by lytic or lysogenic pathway.
Methods to control the virus
• Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants
• Stay in places with air conditioning and window and door screen to keep
mosquitoes outside
• Take steps to control mosquitoes inside and outside your home
• Treat your clothing and gear with permethrin or buy pre-treated items
• Use environmental protection agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents.
• Get plenty of rest.
• Drink fluids to prevent dehydration.
• Medicine such as acetaminophen should be taken to reduce pain.
• Do not take aspirin or other non-steroidal anti – inflammatory drugs.
• Elimination and control of mosquitoes.
• Prevention of mosquito bites.
• Public awareness about zika.
Biotechnological significance
• Zika virus is used to treat aggressive brain cancer.
• This virus rarely causes serious problem in adults but leads to birth defect
especially microcephaly.
• As this virus has the ability to cross from blood into the brain, so
researchers want to see if it could be used to treat glioblastoma
• So far use of this virus have given an encouraging result in order to find a
vaccine of zika virus

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