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Prepared by:

Hisham Samir
Rania Hussein Computing
Walid Samir
Emad Eldin Samir
Hazem Gamal

Dr. Mona Kadry

What is cloud computing, in
simple terms?
Cloud computing is the
delivery of on-demand
computing services -- from
applications to storage and
processing power -- typically
over the internet and on a
pay-as-you-go basis.
Top Benefits of cloud Computing

Cost (Lesser Capital)

Cloud computing eliminates the capital
expense of buying hardware and software
and setting up and running on-site
datacenters—the racks of servers, the
round-the-clock electricity for power and
cooling, and the IT experts for managing
the infrastructure. It adds up fast.
No location
Access to anything stored in the
cloud at any point of time and
from any geo location via
internet gives the user 24*7
/365 availability. This enable
employees or users to work from
anywhere , any time.
Global Scale

The benefits of cloud computing services

include the ability to scale elastically. In cloud
speak, that means delivering the right amount
of IT resources—for example, more or less
computing power, storage, bandwidth—right
when they’re needed, and from the right
geographic location
On-site datacenters typically
require a lot of “racking and
stacking”—hardware setup,
software patching, and other time-
consuming IT management chores.
Cloud computing removes the need
for many of these tasks, so IT teams
can spend time on achieving more
important business goals.

The biggest cloud computing services run on

a worldwide network of secure datacenters,
which are regularly upgraded to the latest
generation of fast and efficient computing
hardware. This offers several benefits over a
single corporate datacenter, including
reduced network latency for applications
and greater economies of scale
Cloud computing makes data backup, disaster
recovery, and business continuity easier and less
Reliability expensive because data can be mirrored at
multiple redundant sites on the cloud provider’s
Many cloud providers offer a broad set of policies,
technologies, and controls that strengthen your
security posture overall, helping protect your data,
apps, and infrastructure from potential threats.
Public Cloud

• A public cloud environment is owned by an

outsourced cloud provider and is accessible
to many businesses through the internet on
a pay-per-use model. This deployment
model provides services and infrastructure
to businesses who want to save money on
IT operational costs, but it’s the cloud
provider who is responsible for the creation
and maintenance of the resources.
• Public clouds are ideal for small and
medium sized businesses with a tight
budget requiring a quick and easy platform
in which to deploy IT resources.
Pros of a public
Easy scalability

Public No geographical

Cost effective

Pros & Highly reliable Easy to manage

Cons Cons of a public

Not considered
the safest option
for sensitive data
Private Cloud
• This cloud deployment model is a custom-made
infrastructure owned by a single business. It offers a more
controlled environment in which access to IT resources is
more centralized within the business. This model can be
externally hosted or can be managed in-house. Although
private cloud hosting can be expensive, for larger businesses
it can offer a higher level of security and more autonomy to
customize the storage, networking and compute components
to suit their IT requirements.
• Pros of a private cloud
• Improved level of security
• Greater control over the server
• Customizable
• Cons of a private cloud
• Harder to access data from remote locations
• Requires IT expertise
• For businesses seeking the
Hybrid Cloud benefits of both private and public
cloud deployment models, a
hybrid cloud environment is a
good option. By combining the
two models, a hybrid cloud model
provides a more tailored IT
solution that meets specific
business requirements.
• Pros of a hybrid cloud
• Highly flexible and scalable
• Cost effective
• Enhanced security
• Cons of a hybrid cloud
• Communication in network level
may be conflicted as it’s used in
both private and public clouds.
There are three main service models of cloud
computing –
1- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
Cloud 2- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Services 3- Software as a Service (SaaS).
There are clear differences between the three
and what they can offer a business in terms of
storage and resource pooling, but they can also
interact with each other to form one
comprehensive model of cloud computing.
Cloud Services
• Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is a type of cloud computing
service that offers essential compute, storage, and networking
resources on demand, on a pay-as-you-go basis. IaaS is one of
the four types of cloud services, along with software as a service
(SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and serverless.
• Migrating your organization's infrastructure to an IaaS solution
helps you reduce maintenance of on-premises data centers,
save money on hardware costs, and gain real-time business
insights. IaaS solutions give you the flexibility to scale your IT
What is resources up and down with demand. They also help you
quickly provision new applications and increase the reliability of
IaaS? your underlying infrastructure.
• IaaS lets you bypass the cost and complexity of buying and
managing physical servers and datacenter infrastructure. Each
resource is offered as a separate service component, and you
only pay for a particular resource for as long as you need it. A 
cloud computing service provider like Azure manages the
infrastructure, while you purchase, install, configure, and
manage your own software—including operating systems,
middleware, and applications.
What is PaaS? • Platform as a service (PaaS) is a complete development and
deployment environment in the cloud, with resources that

Platform as a
enable you to deliver everything from simple cloud-based
apps to sophisticated, cloud-enabled enterprise applications.
You purchase the resources you need from a cloud service

provider on a pay-as-you-go basis and access them over a
secure Internet connection.

• Like IaaS, PaaS includes infrastructure—servers, storage, and

networking—but also middleware, development tools,
business intelligence (BI) services, database management
systems, and more. PaaS is designed to support the complete
web application lifecycle: building, testing, deploying,
managing, and updating.

• PaaS allows you to avoid the expense and complexity of

buying and managing software licenses, the underlying
application infrastructure and middleware, container
orchestrators such as Kubernetes, or the development tools
and other resources. You manage the applications and
services you develop, and the cloud service provider typically
manages everything else.
Common PaaS Organizations typically use PaaS for these scenarios:
Development framework. PaaS provides a framework that developers can
build upon to develop or customize cloud-based applications. Similar to the
way you create an Excel macro, PaaS lets developers create applications
using built-in software components. Cloud features such as scalability, high-
availability, and multi-tenant capability are included, reducing the amount
of coding that developers must do.
Analytics or business intelligence. Tools provided as a
service with PaaS allow organizations to analyze and mine
their data, finding insights and patterns and predicting
outcomes to improve forecasting, product design
decisions, investment returns, and other business

Additional services. PaaS providers may offer other

services that enhance applications, such as workflow,
directory, security, and scheduling.
Advantages of PaaS
Cut coding time. PaaS development
By delivering infrastructure as a Add development capabilities
tools can cut the time it takes to
service, PaaS offers the same without adding staff. Platform as a
code new apps with pre-coded
advantages as IaaS. But its additional Service components can give your
application components built into
features—middleware, development development team new capabilities
the platform, such as workflow,
tools, and other business tools—give without your needing to add staff
directory services, security features,
you more advantages: having the required skills.
search, and so on.

Develop for multiple platforms— Use sophisticated tools affordably. A Support geographically distributed
including mobile—more easily. Some pay-as-you-go model makes it development teams. Because the
service providers give you possible for individuals or development environment is
development options for multiple organizations to use sophisticated accessed over the Internet,
platforms, such as computers, development software and business development teams can work
mobile devices, and browsers intelligence and analytics tools that together on projects even when
making cross-platform apps quicker they could not afford to purchase team members are in remote
and easier to develop. outright. locations.

Efficiently manage the application

lifecycle. PaaS provides all of the
capabilities that you need to support
the complete web application
lifecycle: building, testing, deploying,
managing, and updating within the
same integrated environment.
• This cloud computing solution
involves the deployment of software
over the internet to various businesses
who pay via subscription or a pay-per-
SaaS use model. It is a valuable tool for
CRM and for applications that need a
(Software as lot of web or mobile access – such as
mobile sales management software.
a Service) SaaS is managed from a central
location so businesses don’t have to
worry about maintaining it themselves,
and is ideal for short-term projects.
Top benefits of SaaS
Using fully managed services
enables developers to avoid With serverless computing, the
administrative tasks and focus infrastructure dynamically
No infrastructure management on core business logic. With a Dynamic scalability scales up and down within
serverless platform, you simply seconds to match the demands
deploy your code, and it runs of any workload.
with high availability.

Serverless applications reduce

Shifting to serverless
the operations dependencies on
technologies helps organizations
each development cycle,
Faster time to market More efficient use of resources reduce TCO and reallocate
increasing development teams’
resources to accelerate the pace
agility to deliver more
of innovation.
functionality in less time.
Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud-based software offers companies from all sectors a number of benefits, including the ability to use
software from any device either via a native app or a browser. As a result, users can carry their files and
settings over to other devices in a completely seamless manner.

Cloud computing is far more than just accessing files on multiple devices. Thanks to cloud computing
services, users can check their email on any computer and even store files using services such as Dropbox
and Google Drive.6 7 Cloud computing services also make it possible for users to back up their music, files,
and photos, ensuring those files are immediately available in the event of a hard drive crash.

It also offers big businesses huge cost-saving potential. Before the cloud became a viable alternative,
companies were required to purchase, construct, and maintain costly information management technology
and infrastructure. Companies can swap costly server centers and IT departments for fast Internet
connections, where employees interact with the cloud online to complete their tasks.

The cloud structure allows individuals to save storage space on their desktops or laptops. It also lets users
upgrade software more quickly because software companies can offer their products via the web rather
than through more traditional, tangible methods involving discs or flash drives. For example, Adobe
customers can access applications in its Creative Cloud through an Internet-based subscription.8 This
allows users to download new versions and fixes to their programs easily.
• With all of the speed, efficiencies, and innovations that come with cloud computing,
Disadvantages of there are, naturally, risks.

the Cloud • Security has always been a big concern with the cloud especially when it comes to
sensitive medical records and financial information. While regulations force cloud
computing services to shore up their security and compliance measures, it remains
an ongoing issue. Encryption protects vital information, but if that encryption key is
lost, the data disappears.

• Servers maintained by cloud computing companies may fall victim to natural

disasters, internal bugs, and power outages, too. The geographical reach of cloud
computing cuts both ways: A blackout in California could paralyze users in New
York, and a firm in Texas could lose its data if something causes its Maine-based
provider to crash.

• As with any technology, there is a learning curve for both employees and managers.
But with many individuals accessing and manipulating information through a single
portal, inadvertent mistakes can transfer across an entire system.
Top Players
‫صورة مأخوذه من استـــراتيجية الحوســبة الســحابية فــي قطـاع االتصــاالت وتكنولوجيـا المعلومــات لجمهورية مصر العربية‬

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