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Egypt under digital age

Dr.Ahmed Radwan
The Egyptian state's experience in digital
 Introduction
 Digital transformation
1. Health
2. Education
3. Supply and Internal Trade
4. Egypt's digital portal
 Suggested ideas

Dr.Ahmed Radwan
Digital Revolution
 The Digital Revolution (also known as the Third
Industrial Revolution) is the shift from mechanical and
analogue electronic technology to digital electronics
which began in the latter half of the 20th century, with
the adoption and proliferation of digital computers and
digital record-keeping, that continues to the present day.
 the term also refers to the sweeping changes brought
about by digital computing and communication
technologies during this period. From analogous to the
Agricultural Revolution and Industrial Revolution, the
Digital Revolution marked the beginning of the
Information Age.

Dr.Ahmed Radwan
The Egyptian state's experience in digital
 Digital Egypt
In line with Egypt’s Vision 2030 and Egypt’s strategy to achieve
digital transformation. Digital Egypt represents a comprehensive
vision and plan and serves To start this transformation into a
digital society and build a strong digital economy, building a
digital Egypt is based on three main axes:

 Digital transformation
 Digital skills and jobs
 Digital creativity

Dr.Ahmed Radwan

 The digital transformation led to the

success of the initiative to end waiting
lists due to the ability to follow up on the
implementation of decisions, explaining:
"We started this system by collecting
decisions from hospitals and patients,
and at the beginning of 2019 we
implemented a system of hospital
automation and linked to decisions."

Dr.Ahmed Radwan
 Providing a working mechanism for the
success of the vaccination process for the
Covid 19 virus according to the priorities
of vaccination and in light of the available
possibilities available from the doses that
are obtained successively easily and
easily, taking into account health
conditions, the elderly, geographical
distribution and non-crowding

Dr.Ahmed Radwan
• The Importance of Digital Transformation in Education
With the increasing penetration of technology into our
lives, there is a growing need to adapt digital
technologies into the educational ecosystem.
• Where there have been significant benefits to digitizing
society, which include: increased convenience, less
reliance on geographic location, greater availability of
information, instant communication even over large
distances or between countries, faster processing times;
Of course, education has also undergone a process of
• Either in the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of
Higher Education.
Supply and Internal Trade
 that the digital transformation system will
be implemented in silos in all stages of
receiving wheat that are supplied to the
silos of the Ministry of Supply and Internal
Trade, explaining that this modern
technology comes within the digital
transformation of the state.
 This system aims to reduce waste in a
strategic and vital commodity, tighten
control and provide hard currency
Egypt's digital portal

 Egypt is transforming from a site to become ready for

government services for Egyptian citizens.
 by Create an account on the general service condition,
as well as some other services, as well as other terms
of service

 There are ways to access the services, you can

search for the required services to search by
properties available on the home page to suggest it
based on your use of the site, you did not find the
required services by the previous methods, use the
services directory and browse by category.

Dr.Ahmed Radwan
Suggested ideas

 Health (uni code)

 Transportation (networking current
 Continuous maintaining current for
current system

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