Organic Vegetable Care

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Organic Vegetable Care

and Management


Surallah National Agricultural School
Surallah, South Cotabato

1. Perform plant 1. Water management is implemented according

care and to plan.
management 2. Effective control measures are determined on
specific pest and diseases as described under
the “pest, disease and weed management” of
the PNS
3. All missing hills are replanted to maintain the
desired plant population of the area
4. Plant rejuvenation/rationing are maintained
according to PNS.
5. Organic fertilizers are applied in accordance
with fertilization policy of the PNS
Care and Management Practices
Practices required for a vegetable crop growing in the field
include cultivation; irrigation; application of fertilizers; control
of weeds, diseases, and insects; mulching, trellising, pruning
and plant rejuvenation.

Cultivation refers to stirring the soil between rows of vegetable plants. The most
important function of cultivation is weed control and aeration.
Irrigation requirements are determined by both soil and plant
factors. The two types of land irrigation generally suited to
vegetables are surface irrigation and sprinkler irrigation.
Watering is done early in the morning.
Fertilizer Application
Basal Fertilizer- application in soil by digging holes or mixing
in bed before planting (vermicompost)
Foliar Fertilizer- applied into the leaves of the plant (vermitea,
FPJ, FFJ, FAA, Calphos)
Improving Soil Fertility
•Use of organic fertilizer
•Increasing growth of beneficial microorganisms
•Practice intercropping, crop rotation and cover cropping
•Application of green manure
•Practice fallow period
Weed Control
Weed can reduce yield by 40-60% and can be controlled using
cultural, physical, and biological methods. Examples are
Mulching, intercropping, hoeing, pulling, and roguing.
Insect and Disease Control
•Introduction of beneficial microorganisms
•Increase population of natural enemies
•Use parasitoid
•Maintain sanitation in the field
•Plant sacrificial plant
Advantages of Crop Rotation
•Helps disrupt the life cycle, habitat and food supply of many
pests and diseases
•Helps in soil conservation
•Improve soil fertility
•Reduce weeds

Vegetable Rotation Systems

• Leaf-root-legume-fruit
• Root-leaf-fruit-legume
• Legume-fruit-root-leaf
• Fruit-legume-leaf-root
Companion Cropping

Chili – with okra,

eggplant, radish
Cabbage – with onion and
Tomato – with carrot,
cucumber, onion, garlic
Cucumber – with radish,
corn, lettuce
Peanut –with corn, okra
Radish – with cucumber,
tomato, chili
Why Companion Cropping?
Companion planting in gardening and agriculture is the
planting of different crops in proximity for pest control,
pollination, providing habitat for beneficial creatures,
maximizing use of space, and to otherwise increase crop
Mulch – a protective covering, usually of organic matter
such as leaves, straw, placed around plants to prevent
the evaporation of moisture and the growth of weeds.
Trellising is a growth training
technique which saves space, help in
managing pests, facilitate harvesting
and reduce harvest losses.

Pruning is necessary to remove entire branches or prevent

the plant from growing outside its growing area and taking
over other plants' space. It aims to remove diseased and
damaged plant parts, evenly distribute the nutrients and
improve the productivity.
Vegetable Rejuvenation
The productivity of perennial vegetables decline after some
time. Rejuvenation is necessary to make them as productive as

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