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Brazil, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil, is the largest country in

South America and the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas.

Brazil is a federation composed of twenty-six States, one federal district
(which contains the capital city, Brasília) and municipalities.
Motto: "Ordem e Progresso"
"Order and Progress”

National Flag Coat of arms

National Anthem: Hino Nacional Brasileiro

Country Name: Federative Republic of Brazil
Government Type: federal republic
President:Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Capital: Brasilia
Independence: 7 September 1822 (from Portugal)
Legal system: based on Roman codes; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction
Currency: Real 1.00 BRL = 0.588582 USD 1.00 BRL = 26.1389 INR
GDP: $2.013 trillion (2009 est.)
Country comparison to the world: 10
Military expenditures: 1.7% of GDP (2009)
Literacy:total population: 88.6%
male: 88.4%
female: 88.8% (2004 est.)
• Brazil is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country,
both by geographical area and by population.
• It is the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas and the largest
lusophone country in the world.
• Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over
7,491 kilometers (4,655 mi). It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana,
Suriname and the French overseas department of French Guiana on the
northwest by Colombia on the west by Bolivia and Peru on the southwest by
Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay.
• Brazil got the independence from Portugal in 1822.
• Its current Constitution defines Brazil as a Federal Republic. The Federation is
formed by the union of the Federal District, the 26 States, and the 5,564
• The Brazilian economy is the world's eighth largest economy by nominal GDP.
• Brazil is a founding member of the United Nations, the G20, Latin Union, the
Organization of Ibero-American States, Mercosul and the Union of South American
Nations, and is one of the BRIC Countries.
• Brazil is also home to a diversity of wildlife, natural environments, and extensive
natural resources in a variety of protected habitats.
Factors Details
Area: Total: 8,514,877 sq km
Climate: mostly tropical, but temperate in south
Terrain: mostly flat to rolling lowlands in north; some
plains, hills, mountains, and narrow coastal
Elevation extremes: lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m
highest point: Pico da Neblina 2,994 m

Natural resources: bauxite, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel,

phosphates, platinum, tin, uranium,
petroleum, hydropower, timber
Total fertility rate: 2.19 children born/woman (2010 est.)
Religions: Roman Catholic 73.6%, Protestant 15.4%,
Spiritualist 1.3%, Bantu/voodoo 0.3%, other
1.8%, unspecified 0.2%, none 7.4% (2000

Languages: Portuguese (official and most widely spoken

language) German, Italian, Japanese, English,
and a large number of minor Amerindian

Sports Soccer.
• Brazil is the largest national economy in Latin America, the world's eighth largest
economy at market exchange rates and the ninth largest in purchasing power
parity(PPP), according to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
• The Brazilian economy has been predicted to become one of the five largest in the
world in the decades to come, the GDP per capita following and growing. Its
current GDP (PPP) per capita is $10,200.
• It has large and developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service sectors,
as well as a large labor pool.
• Brazil is also a pioneer in the fields of deep water oil research from where 73% of
its reserves are extracted. According to government statistics, Brazil was the first
capitalist country to bring together the ten largest car assembly companies inside
its national territory.
• The service sector is the largest component of GDP at 66.8%, followed by the
industrial sector at 29.7% (2007 est.). Agriculture represents 3.5% of GDP (2008
est.). Brazilian labor force is estimated at 100.77 million of which 10% is occupied
in agriculture, 19% in the industry sector and 71% in the service sector.
Industry in Brazil
•Major industries include iron and steel production, automobile assembly, petroleum processing, chemicals
production, and cement making; technologically based industries have been the most dynamic in recent
years, but have not outpaced traditional industries.
•Over the last decade Brazil's agribusiness and domestic production has increased 47% and 32.3%,
respectively, and the economy as a whole grew 5.4% in 2007.
•Record prices in the country's key commodities such as orange juice and soybeans, in addition to direct
foreign investment upwards of $37B in 2007 have been key drivers of the Brazilian economy.
•Brazil is the world's largest exporter of ethanol and the largest producer of sugar cane.
•Brazil's agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service sectors are among the largest and most developed
in Latin America.
•In 2007, Brazil produced about 12 billion barrels of oil, which is about 1% of world production.
•Brazil has become the 4th largest cosmetics market in the world, but unlike countries like the US and Japan,
Brazil has had double digit growth every year since 2002. In 2007, 60% of L’Oreal’s revenue growth came
from emerging markets, which includes Brazil.
Brazil Exports and Imports
•Brazilian exports and imports fell by about 20% last year. Yet Brazil was able to grow sales of refined fuel oil
to the U.S. by 31.9%.

•Brazil’s overall trade surplus amounted to $22.9 billion for 2009, a 7.7% decrease from the $24.8 million in
positive cash flow from the prior year.

•Exports: $153 billion (2009 est.)country comparison to the world: 26

•Exports - commodities: transport equipment, iron ore, soybeans, footwear, coffee, autos.

•Imports :$127.7 billion (2009 est.)country comparison to the world: 26

•Imports - commodities: machinery, electrical and transport equipment, chemical products, oil, automotive
parts, electronics.
Brazil Exports and Imports
Foreign Trade(2008)
Exports Imports
By Countries By Countries
US 13.9% US 14.8%
Argentina 8.9% China 11.6%
China 8.3% Argentina 7.7%
Netherlands 5.3% Germany 6.9%
By Products By Products
Transport equip. & parts 13.9% Machinery, electrical equip. 26.5%
Metallurgical products 11.2% Oil & derivatives 18.2%
Soybeans, meal & oils 9.4% Chemical products 14.3%
Fuels & energy 2.0% Transport equip. & parts 12.6%
Brazil- India Relations
• There are bilateral relations between Brazil and India.
• Diplomatic relations between India and Brazil were established in 1948. The Indian
Embassy opened in Rio de Janeiro on May 3, 1948, moving to Brasília on August 1,
• In recent years, relations between Brazil and India have grown considerably and co-
operation between the two countries has been extended to such diverse areas as
science and technology, pharmaceuticals and space.
• The two-way trade in 2007 nearly tripled to US$ 3.12 billion from US$ 1.2 billion in
• A group called the Filhos de Gandhi (Sons of Gandhi) participates regularly in the
carnival in Salvador. Private Brazilian organizations occasionally invite Indian cultural
• Brazilian culture is a culture of a very diverse nature.
• In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Italian, German, Spanish, Arab and Japanese
immigrants settled in Brazil and played an important role in its culture, creating a
multicultural and multiethnic society.
• Brazilian cuisine varies greatly by region. This diversity reflects the country's mix of
native and immigrants.

The national dish of Brazil, feijoada, contains Brigadeiro is a candy very popular in
black beans cooked with pork and many other elements. birthday parties in Brazil.
Etiquette and Customs in Brazil

• Meeting Etiquette
. Men shake hands when greeting one another, while maintaining steady eye contact.
. Women generally kiss each other, starting with the left and alternating cheeks.
. Hugging and backslapping are common greetings among Brazilian friends.
. If a woman wishes to shake hands with a man, she should extend her hand first.
• Gift Giving Etiquette
. If invited to a Brazilian's house, bring the hostess flowers or a small gift.
. Orchids are considered a very nice gift, but avoid purple ones.
. Avoid giving anything purple or black as these are mourning colours.
. Handkerchiefs are also associated with funerals, so they do not make good gifts.
. Gifts are opened when received.
• Dining Etiquette
If you are invited to a Brazilian's house:
. Arrive at least 30 minutes late if the invitation is for dinner.
. Arrive up to an hour late for a party or large gathering.
. Brazilians dress with a flair and judge others on their appearance.
. If you did not bring a gift to the hostess, flowers the next day are always appreciated.
Soccer in Brazil
Brazil Soccer is famous all over the world for its brilliant performance and unique
technique of playing the game. It is the most important sport that is played in
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