Lets Get (C) Loud: Mladen Knežić

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Mladen Knežić
• What are current business problems
• How do we solve them

PS: sorry, only 2 pics, a bunch of slides and a lot of talking 

The pipeline

According to Robert Greiner

Past vs. present
• Slow development and delivery
• Lot of manual work
• Lot of leftover servers
• Long time to learn everything from development to deployment
• Very hard to experiment with new technology
• Self service
• Fast paced, automated
• Low resource overhead
• Easy maintenance
• If something goes down, replace it with another one
• Easy to manage instances
• What backup ?
Microservices development
• Multitude of microservices
• Lots of configuration, artifacts, servers
• Needs monitoring, log aggregation, automation
• Needs versioning scheme
What is OpenShift
OpenShift is a computer software product from Red Hat for
container-based software deployment and management. In
concrete terms it is a supported distribution of Kubernetes using
Docker containers and DevOps tools for accelerated application
source: Wikipedia
• Solving business problems:
• Fast deployments
• Reuse common components
• Automation
• Continuous
• Integration
• Delivery
• Improved development pipeline
• CI with Jenkins & OpenShift
• Offload build nodes to cloud (no need for special VMs)
• Different docker images for nodes
• Maven & Java
• Android
• NPM etc.
• Playground for development of next projects
• On demand environments for current projects
• Ansible
• Setup in 1hr
Out of the box
• Instantaneously
• Admin UI
• Log collection, search, management with EFK
• Runtime metrics
• "Geographically” bound applications
• By region
• By purpose (production/dev)
• Clustering / HA
• I need a new project
• Gimme server
• Setup web server, app server, db, connections, etc
• It would take time, but now….
• No forms, no requests, done in a second
• Need a new technology ? Put it in docker image and run
• No big bang, no plan ahead for months
• Rolling deployment, no downtime
• Easy to handle, automated, …
• A/B testing
• Easy move from development to production
• Remembers history of builds, images, deployments -
• Automated maintenance
• Problematic everywhere
• I just need a few GB of storage
• Use shared disk/system
• App storage offloaded to shared storage server (will help with
no space left on device error ;-)
• Isolation by default
• Isolation by project namespace
• Isolation by nodes (separated by production/dev,
country/region, etc.)
New environment
• Export
• Create new project
• Import
• Autoscaling
• Works with performance monitoring (metrics)
• Scales up when needed, scales down when not
• It’s automated
Developer benefits
• Development env same as prod
• Easy to build & deploy
• Easy access to running apps
Ops benefits
• Simple to add new service/project
• Runs docker images, no custom app setup
• Easy access to running apps
• Handles versioning of resources
• No more storage/logs problem
• Simple app promotion from dev to test to prod
• Offload work to automated processes
• Developers should focus on development, not running the
• Developers can focus on development
• Ops should focus on improving the system, not running it
• Ops can focus on improving the system
Projects delivery
• Developer checks-in GIT source
• Automatically built
• Automatically deployed to development/staging
• Kick-in the test
• Approve image
• Deliver either image, either pull app out of image or pull app
from repository from which image was built
If everthing is automated...
… developer can focus on solving business demands
• which change ever faster and faster
• which gives us money for all the other things
• which gives us happiness

QED (lat. quod erat demonstrandum, eng. thus it has been demonstrated)

Thank You 

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