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1. Control
2. Social Interaction.
3. Motivation
4. Emotional expression
5. Information dissemination
“What do you think about when
you are alone? “
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to;

a. Identify the different types of speech context;

b. differentiate types of speech contexts;
c. reflects on your learning on the types of speech contexts.
Speech Context
- Talks about how a person speak in different
situations. It dictates how should a person
talk to someone on a given situation.
Intrapersonal – conversing with inner self by thinking

Interpersonal – communication with other people

a. Dyad communication
b. Small Group Communication
Public – it is a speaker audience communication that
involves addressing a large audience.

Mass – refers to the use of mass media, including

digital, news and social media.
“The message is made up of your thoughts and feelings. The
channel is your brain, which processes what you are thinking and
feeling. There is feedback in the sense that as you talk to yourself,
you discard certain ideas and replace them with others.”

(Hybels & Weaver, 2012, p 16)

You wonder why a student from the other
class greeted you and conclude that maybe it is
nothing special.
Intrapersonal – conversing with inner self by thinking

Interpersonal – communication with other people

a. Dyad communication
b. Small Group Communication
Public – it is a speaker audience communication that
involves addressing a large audience.

Mass – refers to the use of mass media, including

digital, news and social media.
Solomon and Theiss, 2013

INTER- highlights how interpersonal

communication connects people

PERSONAL- unique qualities as a person matter

during interpersonal communication

You and your colleague have a conversation
about the upcoming event in the University and talk
about the things you plan for that day
Interpersonal Communication

Dyad Communication- communication between two person

- interview
- counselling
- chit-chat
- gossips
- intimate conversation
Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
- a communication occurs among three (3) to
twelve (12) person

- Organization Meeting
- Project Grouping
Intrapersonal – conversing with inner self by thinking

Interpersonal – communication with other people

a. Dyad communication
b. Small Group Communication
Public – it is a speaker audience communication that
involves addressing a large audience.

Mass – refers to the use of mass media, including

digital, news and social media.
You deliver a speech of introduction during a
school event.
Intrapersonal – conversing with inner self by thinking

Interpersonal – communication with other people

a. Dyad communication
b. Small Group Communication
Public – it is a speaker audience communication that
involves addressing a large audience.

Mass – refers to the use of mass media, including

digital, news and social media.

You write a stand about a popular issue in
social media using your Facebook account.
How is communicating with yourself
different from communicating with
your friend, peers or with audience?

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