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Mevlana Toplum ve

Bilim Merkezi

Deniz Birol GÖKÇE

• Evrenin başlangıcı ~ 14 Milyar yıl önce
• İlk gökadalar ~ 13 Milyar yıl önce
• Yıldız evrimi – H → He, C, N ...
• Güneş Sistemi oluştu ~ 5 Milyar yıl önce

• Mavi Yeşil Algler

3.8 Milyar yıl önce
• Tek hücreliler
700 Milyon yıl öncesine kadar
• Memeliler
200 Milyon yıl önce
• Homo sapienler
500 Bin yıl önce
Bilinen ilk astronom: Cro-Magnon (M.Ö. 33000)
Kemik üzerine kazınmış Ay takvimi
Deri üzerine işlenmiş yıldızlar.
(Cro-Magnon, Yer: Abri Blanchard)
Perseus (Kahraman) Takımyıldızı Orion (Avcı) Takımyıldızı (Mısır)
Percival Lowell
(Mars kanalları,1894)

Dünyalar Savaşı
H.G. Wells 1898
Giuseppi Cocconi & Philip Morrisson

Yıldızlararası Mikrodalga radyo iletişimi 1959

Frank Drake
İlk gezegen sistemlerinden mikrodalga
sinyali taraması 1960
SETI projesi başladı -70lerin başı , SETI Enstitütüsü kuruldu - 1984

Arecibo’dan 25000 bin IY uzaklıktaki

M13’e mesaj gönderildi 1974
Sayılar : 1 - 10

DNA elemntlerinin atom numaraları : H, C, N, O, P

DNA Molekülleri ve Çift Sarmalı


Güneş Sistemi

Arecibo Radyo Teleskobu

Ranger The Ranger project of the 1960s was the first U.S. effort to launch probes directly
toward the Moon. The spacecraft were designed to relay pictures and other data as they 1961
approached the Moon and finally crash-landed into its surface.
Mariner Missions Between 1962 and 1973, NASA designed and built 10 spacecraft named
Mariner to explore the inner solar system – visiting the planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars 1962
for the first time, and returning to Venus and Mars for additional close observations.
Surveyor Surveyor succeeded the Ranger program. Its primary focus was engineering work 1966
in preparation for Apollo, specifically soft landings and lifting off from the moon's surface.
Pioneer 10 & 11 These Pioneer missions traveled through the asteroid belt to observe 1972
Jupiter, Saturn and continue on to the outer solar system.
Viking 1 - 2 Two Viking spacecraft, each composed of an orbiter and a lander, flew to Mars
in the mid 1970's. They measured atmospheric water vapor, did chemical analysis of the 1975
soil, and took photographs of the entire surface.
Pioneer Venus Missions Pioneer Venus consisted of two spacecraft to study Venus: the
Orbiter and the Multiprobe.
Magellan The Magellan mission scientific objectives were to study land forms and tectonics, 1989
impact processes, erosion, deposition, chemical processes, and model the interior of Venus.
Galileo The Galileo mission produced a string of discoveries about asteroids, a fragmented
comet, Jupiter's atmosphere, Jupiter's magnetic environment, and especially about the 1989
geologic diversity of Jupiter's four largest moons. This mission is part of SMD's Outer
Planets Flagship program.
Mars Observer Mars Observer was designed to study the geoscience and climate of Mars.
This mission is part of SMD's Mars Exploration program.
Clementine The Clementine mission was designed to test lightweight miniature sensors
and advanced spacecraft components by exposing them, over a long period of time, to the
difficult environment of outer space. Clementine also completed the complex task of
mapping the moon.
NEAR-Shoemaker As the first spacecraft to orbit and land on an asteroid, the Near Earth
Asteroid Rendezvous Shoemaker mission continues to answer fundamental questions
about the nature and origin of near-Earth objects. This mission is part of SMD's Discovery
Mars Global Surveyor Mars Global Surveyor is returning an unprecedented amount of data
regarding Mars' surface features, atmosphere, and magnetic properties. Scientists are 1996
using the data gathered from this mission both to learn about the Earth by comparing it to
Mars, and to ...
Mars Pathfinder Mars Pathfinder launched December 2, 1996 and arrived on the surface of
Mars on July 4, 1997. The mission was an engineering demonstration of key technologies 1996
and concepts for use in future missions to Mars; it also delivered science instruments ...
Cassini The Cassini Mission is in the midst of a detailed study of Saturn, its rings, its
magnetosphere, its icy satellites, and its moon Titan. Cassini also delivered a probe (called 1997
Huygens, provided by the European Space Agency) to Titan, and ...
Lunar Prospector Lunar Prospector was the third of NASA's Discovery missions. The project
mapped the chemical composition of the lunar surface and the Moon's global magnetic 1998
and gravity fields at a level of detail greater than that achieved by previous missions. This .
Deep Space 1 During its 11-month primary mission, DS1 successfully tested 12 revolutionary
technologies destined for future missions. In 2001, DS-1 returned the best pictures and other scientific 1998
data ever collected at a comet.
Mars Climate Orbiter Mars Climate Orbiter was designed to function as an interplanetary weather 1998
satellite and a communications relay for Mars Polar Lander. This mission is part of the Mars program.
Mars Polar Lander The Mars Polar Lander was to touch down on the southern polar layered terrain and
record local meteorological conditions near the martian south pole. This mission is part of SMD's Mars 1999
Exploration program.
Stardust Stardust is the first U.S. space mission dedicated solely to the exploration of a comet, and the
first robotic mission designed to return extraterrestrial material from outside the orbit of the Moon. 1999
This mission is part of SMD's Discovery Program. ...
Mars Odyssey The 2001 Mars Odyssey is an orbiter carrying science experiments designed to make
global observations of Mars to improve our understanding of the planet's climate and geologic history, 2001
including the search for water and evidence of life-sustaining environments.
Genesis The Genesis mission was designed to collect samples of the charged particles in the solar wind
and return them to Earth laboratories for detailed analysis. This mission is part of SMD's Discovery 2001
CONTOUR The Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) was a mission intended to greatly expand what is
known of comet nuclei and to assess their diversity. This mission is part of SMD's Discovery program.
Hayabusa The Hayabusa (formerly Muses-C) mission is to collect a surface sample of material from the
small asteroid and return the sample to Earth for analysis. 2003
Mars Express (ASPERA-3) Mars Express is exploring the atmosphere and surface of Mars from polar
orbit. The mission's main objective is to search for sub-surface water from orbit and deploy a lander 2003
onto the Martian surface.
Mars Exploration Rover - Spirit Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed in Gusev crater on Mars in January
2004. The rover carries a sophisticated set of instruments that allow it to search for evidence of liquid 2003
water that may have been present in the planet's past. ...
Mars Exploration Rover - Opportunity The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landed at on a flat
plain known as Meridiani Planum on Mars in January 2004. It carries a sophisticated set of 2003
instruments that allow it to search for evidence of liquid water that may have ...
Rosetta The Rosetta Orbiter will study the origin of comets, the relationship between cometary and
interstellar material and its implications with regard to the origin of the Solar System. This mission is 2004
part of SMD's Solar System Exploration Program.
MESSENGER MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) is a
scientific investigation of the planet Mercury, the least explored terrestrial planet. This mission is 2004
part of SMD's Discovery program.
Deep Impact The Deep Impact mission was selected as a Discovery mission in 1999. The spacecraft
was launched aboard a Delta II rocket on January 12, 2005 and left Earth’s orbit toward Comet 2005
Tempel 1. The spacecraft consists of two main sections, ...
Deep Impact Epoxi Extrasolar Planet Observation and Deep Impact Extended Investigation EPOXI is a
follow-on mission to Deep Impact. This mission is part of SMD's Discovery program.
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) will seek to find out about the
history of water on Mars with its science instruments. They will zoom in for extreme close-up 2005
photography of the martian surface to analyze minerals, look for subsurface water, ...
New Horizons The New Horizons Pluto-Kuiper Belt Mission will help us understand worlds at the
edge of our solar system, by making the first reconnaissance of Pluto and Charon. The mission will 2006
then visit one or more Kuiper Belt Objects, in the ...
Phoenix Phoenix seeks to verify the presence of the Martian Holy Grail: water and habitable 2007
Dawn The Dawn mission intends to orbit Vesta and Ceres, two of the largest asteroids in the solar
system. According to current theories, the very different properties of Vesta and Ceres are the result 2007
of the asteroids being formed and evolving ...
Chandrayaan-1 (M3) The Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) is one of two instruments that NASA is
contributing to India's first mission to the Moon, Chandrayaan-1, which is scheduled to be launched 2008
in 2008. This mission is part of SMD's Discovery Program. This mission ...
Voyager 1- 2 (sol) ve Pioneer 10 – 11 (sağ) uydalarının taşıdıkları görsel mesajlar
Voyager 1-2’nin günümüzdeki konumları

Voyager 1-2
Pioneer 10-11’in yörünge ve
Marstan geldiği ileri sürülen bakteri fosili taşıyan göktaşı 1984
Kilometrelerce kalınlıkta buz tabakasının İlkel Dünya atmosferine benzer özellikler
altında bir okyanus brındırdığı düşünülen Gösteren atmosferiyle Titan mikrobik
Europa yaşama ev sahipliği yapabilir mi?
• Prof. Koshland 2002 (Science, 295, 2215-2216):
– Değişim yeteneği / değişime adapte olabilme
– Hücreler ve organlar
– Kimyasal geri dönüşüm
– Yenilenme yeteneği
– Çevresel değişime bireysel olarak adabte olabilme
– Kimyasal dönüşüm
– Üreme
Yaşam İçin Temel Gereksinimler ?

Ağır elementler
Su ?
Radyasyon 0 – 150000 Gy

Basınç 0 – 1000 Atm

Sıcaklık (Hayatta kalma) –250°C - +121°C

(Yaşam) –20°C - +121°C

Tuz – Mineral – Kuraklık ?

Asit (pH) ? pH 0 – 13.7

Yaşanılabilir Bölgeler
• Su, organik moleküller ve amino asitler
• Yılıdızlararası ortamda organik molekül
içeren bulutsular
• Asteroit, gezegen ve aylarda organik
• Ağır elementler
Farklı kütledeki yıldızlar (Sol), ve gökadamızda konuma göre
tahmin edilen yaşanılabilir bölgeler.
• Gökadamızda en az 10 milyon yaşanılabilir gezegen
olmalı (von Bloh et al. 2002, in Lacoste H. ed., Proceedings
of the First European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology, pp.
503-504) (Günümüzde : 400 Güneş sistemi dışında gezegen)

100000 IY

• Evrende yaşam 5 Milyar yıl önce başladı

• 10 – 20 Milyar yıl daha yaşam devam edebilir
Yıldız oluşum hızı

Dünya Benzeri gezegen

N = R*  fp  ne  fl  fi  fc  L
Akıllı , iletişim kurabilen canlı
barındıran gezegen

Gezegenli yıldızlar
• N sayısı Samanyolunda iletişim kurabilecek
medeniyet sayısını verir.

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