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Once there was a girl named Lily. She did

not like living in a big family. For her,
living in a big family was a huge
headache. She was never alone and felt
bothered by everyone.
One day, her family had to attend a
wedding in the nearby town. Lily was not
so interested.
“I have lots of work to complete and
tomorrow is my dance practice that I
cannot miss at any cost,” said Lily.
At first, Mom and Dad did not want to
leave Lily alone at home. But since she
insisted a lot her family decided it was
best to leave her alone .
Lily was finally alone at home and wanted to
enjoy the day with his friends. She called up
her friends to come to her house, but no one
was available.

An hour later, her best friend Kath, stopped by

and the two of them decided to go get a pizza.
They got on their bicycles and began
Unfortunately, on the way Lily and Kath
met with an accident.
She fainted, and on waking up, found herself
in the hospital with a fractured leg.

Kath called Lily’s parents. The doctor let Lily

go and she was taken back to her house. Dad
was angry at her for lying. Mom, however,
convinced Dad not to scream at her.
Soon, Lily began to see a different side of her family. Her Dad
bought her magazines, books and games to keep her busy.
Mom cooked for her all of her favorite dishes and made sure
she took her medicines on time.
Her sister gave her messages whenever she was in pain.
While her grandparents told her stories of all the mischief they
had done when they were her age.
Her cousins played games with her
whenever she felt bored and her youngest
brother brought her work from school to
keep her updated. She started feeling
happier in her environment.
Lily felt happy to be a part of the family.
“What would I have done without them?” said Lily.
“They have helped me heal back and I just cannot imagine how I would
have gone through this pain alone.”
“Their support did not let me feel like a handicap, I am so sorry Dad for
lying. But this accident showed me the real meaning of a big, happy
Since that accident, Lily no more complained about living with her
Family love gives us a lesson about respecting and
loving your family no matter what the situation
is. Spend time, be kind and serve one another. Make
no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised and
today is short. 

Make sure to love your family and spend quality time

with them. Because in the end family is what life is
being lived for.

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