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a snake

an owl
a canary
a bee
a bat
an ant
an eagle
a chimpanzee
a tiger
a dolphin
a turtle
a crocodile
a bear
a lizard
a swan
a wolf
Snake – wolf – swan – lizard – bear – crocodile – turtle – dolphin –
tiger– ant – eagle – chimpanzee – bat – bee – canary - owl

reptiles mammals

birds insects
wing - fin

A dolphin doesn’t have wing.

It has fin.
tail - beak

A crocodile…………………………….. .

A crocodile doesn’t have beak.

It has tail.
whiskers - wing

A lion…………………………………. .
It……………………………………… .

A lion doesn’t have wing.

It has whiskers.
horns - feather
A bull

A bull doesn’t have feather.

It has horns.
trunk - fin

An elephant………………………..
It……………………………… .

An elephant doesn’t have fin.

It has trunk.
A whale – horns - tail

A whale doesn’t have horns.

It has tail.
A zebra – trunk - fur

A zebra doesn’t have trunk.

It has fur.
It lives in mountains and forests.
It has big wings.
It can be white, brown or black.
It has a very sharp beak.
It eats mouse, rabbit…..
Which animal is it?
Its hometown is India.
It is light brown.
It has fur.
It is very strong.
It runs very fast.
It has sharp teeth.
Which animal is it?
It is very long.
It doesn’t have feet.
It has very sharp teeth.
It has also very long tongue.
It eats mouse, rabbit etc….
It likes hot weather.
It sleeps in winter.
What is it?
• A dolphin is a mammal.
• It lives in the sea.
• It has got fin.
A crocodile
• A crocodile is a reptile.
• It lives both in water and on land
• It has sharp teeth and long tail.

in the sea: denizde

in water: suda
on land: karada
An ant
• An ant is an insect.
• It lives on land.
• It has got legs.
An eagle
• An eagle is a bird.
• It lives in the mountains and tall trees.
• It has big wings and sharp beak.
A shark
• A shark is a fish.
• It has got fin and sharp teeth.
• It lives in the sea.
A hippo
• A hippo s a mammal.
• It lives both in water and on land.
• It has got big nostrils.
A kangaroo
• A kangaroo is a mammal.
• It lives on land.
• It has pocket and long tail.
– in the mountains: dağlarda
– on land: karada
– in water: suda
– in the sea: denizde
– in tall trees: yüksek ağaçlarda
It lives in the sea
in water
on land
both in water and on land
in tall trees
in the mountains
It eats ………

A zebra eats grass, leaves and other

It is 1 meter tall.
1 meter long.

A giraffe is about 5 meters tall.

A dolphin is 1,5 meters long.
It weighs about ……kg.

A dolphin weighs from 65 kg to 650 kg.

– Are you a big animal?
– Are you a mammal, reptile, bird or insect?
– Where do you live?
– What do you eat?
– How much do you weigh?
– How tall are you?
is → ‘s has → ‘s

A bear’s a mammal.
It’s got fur.
A spider’s an insect.

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