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Sales & Distribution Management

Graham Manufacturing Company

By :
Divyanshu Mishra
Judging from the approach used, what facts had
Mr. Rennert learned about the prospect ?

Previous to the time of the sales interview recorded

here, Rennert had talked with state engineers and other
officials engaged in planning the new road. He had studied
the technical aspects of the project and the major problems
that would have to be faced in completing the prospect’s
contract. In addition, he had familiarized himself thoroughly
with the various pieces of equipment used by the prospect
on similar contracts in the past.
How important was timing of this interview ?

The importance of the meeting was high provided certain

Factors :
• Mr. Rennert was trying to sell off the truck mounted
power shovel since six months.
• The Shattuck company won the big contract after a long
period of time.
• The power shovel was a tool which was to be used for
the task ahead of the organization.
In opening the interview, did Mr. Rennert have a
good plan to attack ?

Yes, Since Shattuck had limited time, Rennert went to meet him
and aquaint him with the Sjovel he had on offer since he knew
they got a big contract after long and there could be a sale
At what point did the prospect voice objection ?
Which objections if any, were real or excuses ?

The prospect questioned him of why he thinks that his

shovel might be of use to him and digged into other
technicalities of the shovel if they use it.

There were no excuses and Mr. Shuttuck wanted to know

about all the technical aspects and know the product of how
can they use it taking its full advantage in their work.
Q.5.) What Methods were used by Rennert in answering the
objections voiced by the prospect ?

Q.6.) At what point in the interview was it apparent that
Rennert was going to make the sale ?

The moment Shattuck asked for the attachment he should

use for the work they were discussing, it seemed that he
was pretty convinced of the Shovel and being explained
upon, Shattuck agreed with Rennert to place an order.
Analyze the closing technique used in this case ?

The technique used in the case in New Business Selling

which is to find and obtain prospects into customer.
Here, Mr. Rennert was in a process to convert prospect to
client for a period of over 6 months.
Q.8.) Was Rennert Wise to leave Shattuck almost
immediately after getting the order ? Why or hy not ?

No, Mr. Rennert was not wise to leave immediately since he

had a sale closure and Mr. shuttuck was about to be his
Client with whom he could have started a customer relation
driven approach.

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