The Strategy of A Modern Airlines

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The Strategy of a Modern

Without Segmentation
Profit and Profitability
Without Modern Strategy
 Total no. of Seats = 300, Average Load Factor = 80%
 Occupied Seats = 80% of 300 = 240
 Price per passenger = $250
 Total Earning/ Revenue = 240*250= $60000
 Fixed Airline Cost = $50000
 Variable Cost = $20 per passenger
 Total Cost/ Expenditure = Fixed + Variable Cost = 50000 + 20*240=
 Total Profit per Flight = Total Earning – Total Expenditure= $(60000-
54800) = $5200
 Profitability= (Profit/Total Cost)*100 = (5200/54800)*100= 9.48%
 Profit per passenger = $5200/240 = $21.66
First class Business class

Economy class
Profit and Profitability
 With Modern Strategy
 Total no. of Seats = 300
 Average Load Factor = 80%
 Occupied Seats= 80% of 300 = 240 (Economy: 144, Business: 72, First class: 24 )
 Price per passenger = $250(Economy), $500(Business), $1000(First class)
 Total Earning/ Revenue = 144*250 + 72*500 + 24*1000 = $96000
 Fixed Airline Cost = $55000
 Variable Cost = $20, $40, $100 per passenger
 Total Cost/ Expenditure = Fixed + Variable Cost = 55000 + 20*144 + 40*72 +
100*24 = $63160
 Total Profit per Flight = Total Earning – Total Expenditure
= $(96000-63160)= $32840
 Profitability= (Profit/Total Cost)*100 = (32840/63160)*100 = 51.99%
 Profit per passenger = $32840/240 = $136.8
 Earning of Economy class = (144*250)$ = $36000
 Earning of Business class = (72*500)$ = $36000
 Earning of First class = (24*1000) = $24000
 Expenditure of Economy class = (30000+2880)$ = 32880$
Business class = (15000+2880+2500)$ = 20380$
First class = (5000+2400+2500)$ = 9900$
 Profit of Economy class = Earning – Expenditure = (36000-32880)$ = 3120$
per passenger = (3120/144)$ =21.66$
Business class = (36000-20380)$ = 15620$
per passenger = (15620/72)$ = 216.94$
First class = (24000-9900)$ = 14100$
per passenger = (14100/24)$ = 587.5$
 Profitability of Economy class = (3120/32880)* 100 = 9.48%
Business class = (15620/20380)*100 = 76.64%
First class = (14100/9900)*100 = 142.42%
Total Profit Profitability Profit per

Without $5,200 9.48% $21.66


With Modern $32,840 51.99% $136.8


$3120 9.48% $21.66

Economy Class

Business Class $15620 76.64% $216.94

First Class $14100 142.42% $587.5O

Break even point
The break-even point (BEP) is the point at which cost or
expenses and revenue are equal.
 BEP without Modern strategy is at 73.06 Occupancy rate
and for 219 seats.
BEP with Modern strategy is at 52.6 Occupancy rate and for
157 seats approximately.
1) List all the benefits of segmentation to all stake
holders of the airlines

After segmentation as per the above example Profit

has been increased to all the stake holders.
Increase in the no. of the passengers.
Brand value and increase in the stake value in the
Luxury, Status: as per the requirement for all the
2) Who all could be the beneficiaries??
Stake holders,
Employees and Employers of Airlines,
Travel agency.
Government in the form of taxes etc.
3) 1) Do u think any segment is subsidizing for any other segment?
If so who to whom? If not; why not? 2) What do you understand
by absolute satisfaction and relative satisfaction? 3) Do you think
there is a possibility that any case may feel relatively dissatisfied
although absolutely satisfied when would that happen? 4) How
would management prevent it?
 1A) None of them subsidizing.
 2A) Absolute satisfaction – by means of service and facilities that are
worthy for the fare to respective passengers
Relative satisfaction – by means of comparison to other class of
passengers in facilities, sophistication, respect and etc.,
4A) Prevention:
 There should be separation between the different class people, such
that no two different class people enter each other.
 People make sure that they enjoy the facilities with the price they have
 Passengers should be segmented according to their level of comfort.
 Respecting all the passengers equally.
4) When can segmentation can go wrong? How to avoid
segmentation from going wrong? What precautions to take?

 Segmentation may go Wrong when

 Improper allocation of seats and facilities to the passengers.
 Not suitable Service to the passengers.
 Price variation is inappropriate to different class passengers.
 Avoid segmentation from going wrong
 Segmenting them according to their Luxury, respect equally to all
 Good service to passengers.
 Reasonable ticket price.
 Precautions to take
 Understand the needs of the passengers in which different class people
enjoys in accordance.
 Price should be proportionate to the benefits.
 Availing them the best services available.
Any doubts?

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