1 Extension Education

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Extension Education- basic

concepts(CEDU 2810)
Extension Education
Definition and Concepts:
• An education for the betterment of people and for
changing their behavior i.e. knowledge, skill and attitude.
• The dissemination of useful research findings and ideas
among rural people to bring out desirable changes in their
social and cultural behavior
• Extension is an out-of school system of education in
which adults and young people learn by doing. It is a
partnership between government, the land grant colleges
and the people, which provide services and education
designed to meet the needs of the people
• The term extension was first used in the United
States of America in the first decade of this century
extension of knowledge from land grant colleges to the
farmers through the process of informal education. 
• In India, extension work was primarily started by F.L.
Brayne (1920) in Punjab
• community development project in india has been
regarded as a programm for all-round development of
the rural people and extension education as the means
to achieve this objective
Adult Education
• Adult education is the practice of teaching and
educating adults.
• Adult education takes place in the workplace,
through "extension" school or "school of
continuing education“
• A process of bringing desirable or positive
change in the behavior of adults
• The practice is also often referred to as "Training
and Development”
• Basically meant for those adults who could not
learnt formal education during early stages of
their lives.
• It may not be confused with adult literacy
which has very narrow focus (reading, writing
and arithmetic)
Adults learn best?
• Adult learn best when they like and trust the
• When they want to learn and when they have
strong desire to learn
• When they understand what is being taught
• When the lesson is presented in variety of ways
• When they actively take part in learning process
• When they practice until they require the necessary
degree of skill
Continuing Education
• An education which is meant for those who
are already educated
• Also known as additional education or further
• Primary aim is to update the knowledge and
skill to cope with changing circumstances
• It is calamitous need of hour, as drastic
changing are taking place in all sphere of life
• Knowledge and skill already possessed by
professional are rapidly becoming out dated
• C.E is considered as viable means and receive
a great deal of attention
Technical and vocational education
• (also known as vocational education and
training or VET) is an education that prepares
trainees for jobs or careers at various levels
• It is basically skilled oriented education
• It involves the system of education designed to
impart training in different skill
Importance Ext education in L/S sector
• The livestock sector plays an important role in
the rural economy
• the single largest asset in rural economy
• a large variety of livestock are available for
draught power, milk, meat, eggs, wool etc and
thus ensuring additional income to the livestock
• livestock and livelihood have an intimate

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