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Promoting Hygiene

(Complete Bathing)
1. Students understand English vocabularies and expressions in complete
2. Students are able to perform complete bathing by using English

Nursing 2, September 31, 2021

Equipments/ Tool
1. Washcloth
2. Bath blanket
3. Soap and soap dish
4. Toiletry items
5. Hospital Gown
6. Laundry Bag
7. Disposable Gloves
Task 1: Assessme
Do you......?
• Have painful part of your body when you t
ouch it?
• Have any problem with your skin?
• Have skin allergy reaction to cosmetic prod
• Have your own soap
• Usually use lotion after bath?
• need my assistance for bathing?
Do you have.....( masalah k
ondisi kulit)
•Skin rashes?
•itchy skin?
Other questions
• Is there any family or next of kin
who wants to help you take a bat
• Is it warm enough for your body?
• Is it too hot?
Implementation S
State what you are going to
• I just want to......
• I would like to.........
• I am going to........
• I need to.....
• Let me.....
-Put this towel under your head
-Clean your ( part of the body)
-Lift your( part of the body)
- wash your upper body
-wash your under body
-help you take off your gown
-help you lift up your head
Instruction -lie on your side/lie slideways
• Will you......? -close your eyes
• Would you....? - lie flat on your back
• Please ...?
• Now I want you to......


- Do you usually use any deodorant or powder on
your underarm?
-Do you use any lotion?
-,What kind of deodorant do you use?
-Where do you put/keep your.....(dedorant, soap,
-Can you reach the call button?
• I just want to......
• I would like to.........
• I am going to........
• I need to.....
• Let me.....
-Put this towel under your head
-Clean your ( part of the body)
-Lift your( part of the body)
- wash your upper body
-wash your under body
-help you take off your gown
-help you lift up your head
Exercise 1: Translate these sente
nces into communicative English.
1. Maaf pak, sekarang sudah waktunya mandi.
Excuse me sir, now it is time for shower. Dina
2. Apakah ada bagian tubuh anda yang sakit bila disentuh?
is there any part of your body that is hurt to touch. Jeni
3. Biasanya pakai sabun apa?
What soap do you usually use? Ahmad

4. Boleh saya bantu membuka baju?

Can i help undress you? Yopen

5. Saya mau meletakkan handuk ini dibawah lengan anda.

I want to put this towel under your arm. Dewa
Nurse:Good morning, Mr. Johnson?
Patient: Good morning.
Nurse: How are you today?
Patient: not too well. I am afraid.
Nurse: oh, what's wrong?
Patient: It is hard to move.
Nurse: Ok, it is time.(1)..........I will help you unless you would pr
efer family member to help you.
Patient: yes, my sister. But she is out this morning.
Nurse: no problem. Let me help you. Are you having (2).............
• Patient: No, i dont think so.
• nurse: Do you have (3)......?
• Patient: not really
• Nurse: Where will I find your toiletries?
• Patient: In that drawer.
• Nurse: Ok, let's getbstarted. It's time to get undress

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