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• I can’t think of anything else to say but …
• Well let me think me a bit
• take a keen interest in something /ˈɪn.trəst/ (verb phrase): thích
• have a liking for something
• Sth is (not) my cups of tea
• I am a big fan of/ keen on sth
• Go-to-choice (n): sự lựa chọn số 1
• Have you ever given others books as gifts? Contain
• Textbook, guide
• Concentrate on reading; elegant, sophistication
• express
Kinds/ Genres of books
Person of book

Protagonist/ goody
Antagonist/ villain/ Avid reader
Hero/ heroine baddy/ anti-hero
Describe the story
• Revolve around/ depict the adventure of a trio
• Tailor/ weave a world of magic
• exhilarating storyline/ vivid illustration/ distinctive characteristic
• spark something
• Unrequited love: tình đơn phương
• Obsession: ám ảnh , be obsessed with
• enchanting and captivating, filled with conspiracies and plot twists
• appealing by adding to the sensation of reality within fantasy.
• personify something as somebody /pəˈsɒn.ɪ.faɪ/ (verb): nhân hóa
• come into the spotlight /ˈspɒt.laɪt/ (verb phrase): là tâm điểm của sự chú ý
• To send shiver down one’s spine: làm ai rùng mình
• Touching, sentimental
• keep me on my toes at every turn
• fill somebody with curiosity : khiến ai tò mò
• live up to one’s expectation : đạt đến mong đợi
• glamour (noun): sự hào nhoáng
• I have a mixed feeling about it. I feel like I was on a roller coaster of
Convey meanings/ messages
• appreciate the moral lessons of the book
• Be thought-provoking/ food for thought
• World-building
• Motivational tool/ lasting impact
• made me reflect on my personal beliefs, enjoy the life
• the morality of the greater good, brought
• digest something
• Motherhood (n) /ˈmʌð.ɚ.hʊd/:  tình mẫu tử
• Family bonding (n) /ˈfæm.əl.i ˈbɑːn.dɪŋ/: sự gắn kết trong gia đình
• personify something /pəˈsɒn.ɪ.faɪ/ (verb): hiện thân của …
Benefits of reading
• vital life skills: opens the door to all aspects of education in life
• part and parcel of  = important part
• keep abreast of current affairs = keep up date, become a better version of me
• gain insights into something/ boost skills/ absorb knowledge
• let you travel without moving your feet
• build up your soul / A room without books is like a body without a soul
• a book is a dream that you hold in your hands
• to find words for what we already knows
• this is why we read, and why in moments of darkness we return to books
• Describe a book you have recently read
• What kind of book it is
• What it is about
• What sort of people would enjoy it
• And explain why you liked it.
• Describe your favourite book
• You should say:
• What its name is
• What its author is
• What it’s about
• Why you like it
• Describe a book you find useful
• You should say:
• What its name is
• What its author is
• What it’s about
• Why you think it is useful
• Describe a kind of book you like.
• You should say:
• What kind of books you like
• What these book are about
• What effect have books brought on you
• and explain why you like this kind of book the most.
• Describe a book that you enjoyed reading because
you had to think a lot.
• You should say:
• What this book was
• Why you decided to read it
• What reading this book made you think about
• And explain why you enjoyed reading this book
• Cốt truyện, cảm xúc, và ý nghĩa.
• Describe about a story which you like a lot or someone told you
• You should say:
•  Who told you this story?
• When did you hear it?
• What was the story about?
• Why you liked this story?or Why you found it memorable
Part 3
1. Do you think it’s important that children read regularly?
2. Do you think children who read a lot will be more successful? Adapt knowledge in
the book to practice, patience
3. Do parents read stories to their children before bedtime in your country? Fairy tale
4. Do you think people now read less as compared to those in the past? Earn a living
5. Who do you think read more? young people or old people? They cherish a peaceful
and tranquil lifestyle.
6. Do people prefer reading a book or watching a film based on that book? Visual
illustration, lack valuable details from books, can’t convey all messages
7. What kind of books are considered good reads in your opinion?
8. Why do some stories idealize their main character?
• Describe a story or novel you have (recently) read that you
found to be particularly interesting.
You should say:
• what the plot of the story or novel was
• who wrote it
• why you read it
• how much time it took to read it
And explain why you thought it was interesting.

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